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NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!)

12-14-2014 , 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by Killablind
If you don't see him at the Hilton, you'll find him at the Darling.
Those guys run recruitment drives in the town where I live. Is it good?
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-15-2014 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by Killablind
If you want to meet Victor Saumont (aka Tapis_Volant), the director of Nosebleed, he is currently at Pragues, making a coverage for PokerStars France.
If you don't know how he looks like:

If you don't see him at the Hilton, you'll find him at the Darling.
Ahah, that's right, I'm in Prague for the EPT. Not so often at the Darling !!
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-15-2014 , 04:28 AM
Besides a couple of arrogant French guys berating Gus and others, good film making on the part of director/camera/editor Victor Saumont. However, this film had potential to be better.

Last edited by H3llPhilmuth; 12-15-2014 at 04:39 AM.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-15-2014 , 04:54 AM
People have some very high standard in this thread about berating , i d be surprised if 90% of people on their high horse wouldnt be way worse than what was seen in the video.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-15-2014 , 05:31 AM
Originally Posted by chinagambler
like the one Ike allegedly has for PLO
please elaborate.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-15-2014 , 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by anonymous28
And yes, humiliating Gus Hansen in front of whole poker community isn't very noble. Especially when he was so honest and humble to admit his failure in front of the camera, and to praise them.

I might be the only one here but from this documentary I tend to have more respect for Gus than for them. Afterall they're in their twenties, and they played 2 brains against one vs him, odds were definitely not in his favor.

Taking the money should have been enough.

And same for Ivey who would have probably not genuinely complimented alex, had he known his words would be misused and published, damaging his reputation.
+1 to this.

Thought the documentary was extremely well done and became fans of alex and seb, but the way they portrayed gus seemed kind of malicious and unnecessary.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-15-2014 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by SleightOfJam
but the way they portrayed gus seemed kind of malicious and unnecessary.
There might be a cultural difference here. I'm french, but don't like overgeneralizing so I'm only speaking in my name (and not in the name of all the french).
As far as I can remember, they only say Gus is a fish. They don't say he's stupid, or anything like that. They only say his level is too low for these stakes and that he is one of their favorite player to play against because they think they have a big edge (and this seems to be corroborated by the facts).

Now my perception is that it would not be any more "classy" or "nice" at all for them to say that Gus matches their level if they think the opposite. On the contrary, them saying anything else would sound totally fake and even dishonest, as a way to keep him at the tables. In fact, what others have described as "candor" sounds much classier to me than what a lot of players actually do, which is to publicly praise a player while they think so low about them and mock them in private.

But as I said, that might just be a cultural difference. For instance, for many french people, waiters in the US often sound fake and hypocritical, while french waiters are often seen by american people as rude, because they don't smile as much and won't ask you how you are doing. It may just be something similar.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-15-2014 , 11:12 AM
Ok but, does the interviewer at any point ask them explicitly about Gus's skill level? Because it's one thing to answer honestly when asked, and if that's the case I agree with everything you said. But if they just kept talking about how terrible he was unprovoked that isn't a "cultural thing" that's more of a DBAG thing.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-15-2014 , 07:58 PM
ThankQ, for doc. And stitles. enjoyed. I have massive french mancrush for Alex's Lunar hair... damn its jus too soo fab and ecliptic.. Such unorganisedment but well planned and sturctured. Also, I'm snap mimicking his beard line too tomo.

I dont have much else to add, the "teamplay" notion is pretty similar to the 2M2MM scene against Viffer where its like 4:1... and similar 2p2 comments were made back then but its not like they are living together and playing like this 24/7 etc. It is what it is.

Also, regarding the player bashing, etc.. I get the feeling they are just easy going happy to say it like it is people, and that's what made the doc an enjoyable watch. There's most likely much worse going on in the poker world.

Good luck to them and much to them for having a flipping exit strategy. Well played, hope they are successful in future endeavors. Would have been a better ending for the documentary to end with detailing what they plan to do after Poker.. would have been a much better ending then.. whiffing on the bracelet hunt. But maybe they hadnt planned to shutup shop bac then.

P.S The "Merci Papa"... bit was my favorite part.

Last edited by TopPair2Pair; 12-15-2014 at 08:04 PM.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-15-2014 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by SleightOfJam
+1 to this.

Thought the documentary was extremely well done and became fans of alex and seb, but the way they portrayed gus seemed kind of malicious and unnecessary.
+1 Documentary was great but really surprised to see them mocking the fish in their games.

I would never ridicule any of the fish I play against but if I were going to it certainly wouldn't be on camera, and especially not in this scenario where they would be likely to hear about it.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-15-2014 , 08:12 PM
I think the point is, the documentary is aimed at grinders, you are brought in to their world via the supposed "berating".

Would this doc aim to attrack fish to mix games and include similar comments? No.

Will this doc attract grinders to mix games? Yes. 2b) Do grinders care about not berating the fish? Depends on if it kills their action or not.

Last edited by TopPair2Pair; 12-15-2014 at 08:14 PM. Reason: .
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-16-2014 , 12:51 AM
jfc how many more dolts are gonna complain about getting their fee fees hurt over the gus comments
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-16-2014 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
jfc how many more dolts are gonna complain about getting their fee fees hurt over the gus comments
That's not even remotely the point here.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-16-2014 , 01:11 AM
no, the point is that nobody gives a **** how bad a bunch of nvg'ers got their panties rustled over some gus bashing, if seb and alex were concerned that it'd hurt their bottom line then they would have just kept it to themselves, but they didnt, so just have ur cry in private and get the fk over it
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-16-2014 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
no, the point is that nobody gives a **** how bad a bunch of nvg'ers got their panties rustled over some gus bashing, if seb and alex were concerned that it'd hurt their bottom line then they would have just kept it to themselves, but they didnt, so just have ur cry and get the fk over it
Are you dense?

Forgetting that it's childish,pretentious and douchey it's also not in your best interest to publicly embarrass the rec players in your game. Doesn't matter that it's Gus and he's well known/probably doesn't care.

If you owned a restaurant would you harass your regulars? Nobodies getting their panties rustled over anything just pointing out this behaviour is pure douchebaggery and -EV because well, it is.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-16-2014 , 01:32 AM
except that gus isn't a "rec player" and this is nosebleed poker where ego is a huge factor in the games, your analogies to restaurants and micro nl are teh suck
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-16-2014 , 01:34 AM
but seriously w/e man, don't let it stop you from thinking you know something that two of the best players in the world don't (lol)
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-16-2014 , 01:55 AM
When did I make an analogy to microstakes poker or claim to know more than 2 of the best players in the world?

Forgetting that it's in bad taste, I would think it's pretty common sense not to publicly humiliate or attack people that you make your living off of. There's zero benefit to behaving that way. I'm sorry if you can't grasp that and 'herp but sebz and alex did it so itz okai rite??!'
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-16-2014 , 01:57 AM
they're levels above you man, just get over it
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-16-2014 , 02:02 AM
Again I'm not sure why you think I think I'm above them or need to 'get over' the fact that I'm not.

Regardless, getting way too off topic.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-20-2014 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by insyder19
In 2m2m, whitelime, who was my coach, was not allowed to comment on my play during the hands. However, that doesn't mean I was not having a huge edge against other players during those coaching sessions because even after the hand has played out he was able to give me thoughts on my opponents play and share what tendencies he picked up on. At that time sweating through teamviewer or even taking control over someones computer through software and big poker houses were not a big issue.
During 2m2mm there was also one player playing while logged in as another player, something his opponents wouldn't have known about. Pretty disgusting imho:
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-20-2014 , 03:41 PM
Yeah these 2 guys are absolute beasts (and i don't say that only bc they are french ) but they just crush and don't give in the stupid "regs" hypocrisy about "berating fish", "hating other regs "that whine and criticize fishes' bad plays when they are tilted" and stuff".
They simply take the monies with their edge not by using scummy seat scripts or being "nice" with the fishes where as those regs (the ones that say they care about fish) absolutely don't care about these fishes (they could be ruining their family they wouldn't care more) yet they are being "nice" to them while whining on forums and begging rooms to do actions "that are good for the game" (ie good for their bottom line by bringing fishes to the game) .

These guys are just the elitest of elites players, simply winning by pure talent and hard work, they know they are extremely good and they don't give false modesty bullchits and don't absolutely owe anything to anyone (i know Seb was sponsored by Stars in the past but not anymore) since they're playing their own monies. (and so are not those famous sponsored pros that would be broke for a decade if not for the room that gives them buy ins.)

EDIT : i'm not for "berating" fishes but i'm even less for giving the fake/hypocrite "nice to the fish", it's like you're taking their monies and you're even implying that they are completely stupid (in addition to being bad at poker, not like it's a terrible thing you can't live with ) because you think they won't even notice that you don't even (as a reg behaving that way) give a fack about them having fun when in fact they are completely targeted by regs and are simply interesting to them for their monies.
I'd rather see a guy with a big ego say "this guy is fish" (with the possibility this guy could see/hear it) than a guy be nice/ talk in a cool/kind way to the fish while using a seat script to insta bumhunt him/ and insta quit when the guy gets busted ...
A bumhunter giving lessons of "moral" and behaviour to other regs is a LOL joke.

Last edited by I'mAFrenchDonkey; 12-20-2014 at 03:54 PM.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-20-2014 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by Piconzaz
There might be a cultural difference here. I'm french, but don't like overgeneralizing so I'm only speaking in my name (and not in the name of all the french).
As far as I can remember, they only say Gus is a fish. They don't say he's stupid, or anything like that. They only say his level is too low for these stakes and that he is one of their favorite player to play against because they think they have a big edge (and this seems to be corroborated by the facts).

Now my perception is that it would not be any more "classy" or "nice" at all for them to say that Gus matches their level if they think the opposite. On the contrary, them saying anything else would sound totally fake and even dishonest, as a way to keep him at the tables. In fact, what others have described as "candor" sounds much classier to me than what a lot of players actually do, which is to publicly praise a player while they think so low about them and mock them in private.

But as I said, that might just be a cultural difference. For instance, for many french people, waiters in the US often sound fake and hypocritical, while french waiters are often seen by american people as rude, because they don't smile as much and won't ask you how you are doing. It may just be something similar.

Especially the second paragraph.
I guess some people could take it for "arrogance" but it's better to be "arrogant" (and i absolutely don't think they are arrogant, their level is just extremely high and they have an accurate evaluation of their skill by knowing they re extremely good) than to be a complete hypocrite that thinks "Fish is so stupid - and not only bad at poker - im sure he thinks that i really think he is good, and he can't even imagine that i'm being nice to him only to take him more monies".
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-20-2014 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by anonymous28
Thanks for the documentary.

I wish both alex and sebastien have same success in their conversion back to real life from poker world.

From the start they were already gifted having special personalities, but now after few years and few billions of clicks, they fit even less among normal people with their lifestyle.

May they find a better purpose than "spewing it a bit more on wine" with the money they have won, and hopefully find good relations with the right people to understand them and balance them where they're weak.

I hope to see another such documentary in 10 years showing they've successed outside poker life, and i expect it to be a even harder challenge for them.
Originally Posted by anonymous28
And yes, humiliating Gus Hansen in front of whole poker community isn't very noble. Especially when he was so honest and humble to admit his failure in front of the camera, and to praise them.

I might be the only one here but from this documentary I tend to have more respect for Gus than for them. Afterall they're in their twenties, and they played 2 brains against one vs him, odds were definitely not in his favor.

Taking the money should have been enough.

And same for Ivey who would have probably not genuinely complimented alex, had he known his words would be misused and published, damaging his reputation.

I 100% agree with u daniel.
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
12-23-2014 , 06:05 AM
great documentary
anyone know what is that sick tune starting at 15:50?
NOSEBLEED [french documentary on Alex Luneau et Seb Sabic] (English subtitled version too!) Quote
