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New "tell-all" book about high stakes Hollywood poker makes Tobey Maguire sound like a shark New "tell-all" book about high stakes Hollywood poker makes Tobey Maguire sound like a shark

05-16-2014 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by JamesD816
Isn't it common knowledge he a was a known decent but VERY tight player in a game of pretty weak high stakes recreational players? Some would say he was even nitty. I heard a bunch of times if he wasn't TM he wouldn't ever get invites.
Pretty sure none of the people playing would get in invites if they were not who they were.
New "tell-all" book about high stakes Hollywood poker makes Tobey Maguire sound like a shark Quote
05-16-2014 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by I'mAFrenchDonkey
This argument is the truth but it's so ridiculous to use it.
He is just invited to these games because he is an actor/celebrity probably not because he behaves in a good/friendly manner.

I mean probably almost educated player on 2+2 could do the same, they wouldn't just get invited.
Game selection is quite ridiculous : yeah yeah it's not hard to "game select" when you're "friends" (because you can take their money) with rich whales that can't play ...

Apart from that, i have never seen him play so maybe he is (really) good.
But to be fair he probably hasn't done anything that people at MS/HS on these forums couldn't do ...
He worked his whole life to be successful in something which then gave him a huge advantage in game selection. If someone wants to excel at poker it is good advice for them to excel at something else. Being a movie star isn't the only way to influence and gain access.

It is certainly a better route than multi table grinding in your easy chair hoping for the world to give you a break.
New "tell-all" book about high stakes Hollywood poker makes Tobey Maguire sound like a shark Quote
05-16-2014 , 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by I'mAFrenchDonkey
This argument is the truth but it's so ridiculous to use it. He is just invited to these games because he is an actor/celebrity probably not because he behaves in a good/friendly manner.

I mean probably almost educated player on 2+2 could do the same, they wouldn't just get invited. Game selection is quite ridiculous : yeah yeah it's not hard to "game select" when you're "friends" (because you can take their money) with rich whales that can't play ...
Being friends with whales is one thing - I work with plenty of whales day in / day out. Getting them to sit down more than once at a poker table is very difficult, even those that LIKE poker.

Originally Posted by I'mAFrenchDonkey
Apart from that, i have never seen him play so maybe he is (really) good.
But to be fair he probably hasn't done anything that people at MS/HS on these forums couldn't do ...
Well that's pretty much self-evident. Before the boom, you didn't just show up at a game at your preferred stakes (online or offline) take a seat and away you go. Accessing the game was a huge part of the effort. You learned to play a variety of games and you learned to be nice.

In pure poker game terms Toby is probably nowhere near the top of the game, but that doesn't make his success any less admirable.
New "tell-all" book about high stakes Hollywood poker makes Tobey Maguire sound like a shark Quote
05-16-2014 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by JamesD816
I heard a bunch of times if he wasn't TM he wouldn't ever get invites.
That reminds me of the Jimmy Carr joke.

Originally Posted by Jimmy Carr
People always say to me "she's only going out with you because you are famous"...

Er.... but I am famous.
New "tell-all" book about high stakes Hollywood poker makes Tobey Maguire sound like a shark Quote
05-17-2014 , 11:36 PM
Where can I get a radio-active spider so that I can have Spidey-senses at the tables.
New "tell-all" book about high stakes Hollywood poker makes Tobey Maguire sound like a shark Quote
06-22-2020 , 04:54 AM
Resurrecting old thread since Houston Curtis wrote his version of the Hollywood poker game story:

In it he mentions multiple times how he cheats at poker games by setting up the deck!
New "tell-all" book about high stakes Hollywood poker makes Tobey Maguire sound like a shark Quote
06-22-2020 , 11:57 AM
I haven't listened to it, but Houston Curtis was just on the Cardplayer Poker Stories podcast.
New "tell-all" book about high stakes Hollywood poker makes Tobey Maguire sound like a shark Quote
06-22-2020 , 12:30 PM
I watched him play in the charity tourney on ACR he was trash though I did lose my last longer prop bets betting against him.
New "tell-all" book about high stakes Hollywood poker makes Tobey Maguire sound like a shark Quote
