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New Poker Player Lobbyist Group New Poker Player Lobbyist Group

09-19-2011 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by Prospace
The actions on BF were were banking fraud and money laundering.
...and violating state anti-gambling laws in NY and other states where they operated.
New Poker Player Lobbyist Group Quote
09-19-2011 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by permafrost
...and violating state anti-gambling laws in NY and other states where they operated.
You can get charged with many things it doesn't mean they won't drop them right before trial. They use overkill to intimidate for force large settlement.
New Poker Player Lobbyist Group Quote
09-19-2011 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by Prospace
Are you saying they never had a salary or never received a check? Maybe we can ask Greg Raymer if they are receiving compensation in any form.
In this post Greg Raymer said:

"I would like to make it clear that I have been paid nothing by FPUSA, nor by Caesars, MGM, or anybody else in exchange for my involvement on the Board of Advisors. There is also no promise of future payments, endorsement deals, or anything else of even marginal value. The only promise involving money is that if I travel or otherwise spend money on behalf of FPUSA, that I will be reimbursed. So, no matter what, I will break even financially with respect to my involvement here. Zero profit potential."
New Poker Player Lobbyist Group Quote
09-19-2011 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by RollWave
In this post Greg Raymer said:

"I would like to make it clear that I have been paid nothing by FPUSA, nor by Caesars, MGM, or anybody else in exchange for my involvement on the Board of Advisors. There is also no promise of future payments, endorsement deals, or anything else of even marginal value. The only promise involving money is that if I travel or otherwise spend money on behalf of FPUSA, that I will be reimbursed. So, no matter what, I will break even financially with respect to my involvement here. Zero profit potential."
Thanks for looking that up. It seems Raymer is not getting paid (and I believe Raymer). The problem is the lack of honesty from Tom Ridge :

Originally Posted by Prospace

4. Marcellus Shale Coalition

The industry-run group that was formed by most of the big players in the industry in 2009. It is the most-quoted source for the industry in Pennsylvania and demonstrated its considerable resources last year by hiring former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge and his firms for $900,000 to provide "strategic advice." It has tried to present a moderating image of the industry, promoting best practices in the field and advocating for a reasonable severance tax in the state.

In a comedic interview with Steven Colbert he states that ""I'm not a lobbyist . . . I'm a consultant with the industry,"

Yet he is in fact a registered lobbyist:

At times people will ask me for proof and not conjecture and that will not be possible. This time I proved it but since these individuals are politically tied and corrupt it simply won't be possible to do every time: Here is why : The Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call reported that Ridge, who formed a strategic consulting company after leaving government, signed a $500,000 lobbying contract with Albania in 2006 but didn't file required documents about the deal until this month.

Ridge isn't a registered lobbyist and said he didnt disclose the relationship until his lawyer advised him to do so, although his work on behalf of Albania had been previously reported.

Under federal law, anyone acting as an agent for a foreign government to lobby must register with the Justice Department within 10 days of the agreement and file regular reports on work performed and monies recieved.

Ridge, a former Pennsylvania governor, represented Albania from October 2006 through the end of August 2007 on issues ranging from homeland security to NATO membership, the story by Roll Call's Anna Palmer says.
New Poker Player Lobbyist Group Quote
09-19-2011 , 05:40 PM
good idea op. THIS IS A REAL MOVEMENT if it takes off, nothing to do with the masquerade that is the PPA and unFAIR play USA. you have restored some faith toward mind****ed american.

dont listen to all those whining americans ( bitches imo ) scared to go against their almighty Government that is so sacred and all benevolent to all those good US citizens. Pepole need to wake the **** up if they don't want to wake up in corporate slavery 10 years from now ( who am i kidding its already like that ).

if I was an american id send you money instead of all those clown at the PPA or the unfair play USA or even wannabe US president that take our interest so close to their heart.
New Poker Player Lobbyist Group Quote
09-19-2011 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Prospace
You can get charged with many things it doesn't mean they won't drop them right before trial. They use overkill to intimidate for force large settlement.
Poker sites were clearly in violation of New York state law. Poker sites were also clearly allowed to offer online poker to New York state residents via the WTO/GATS.
New Poker Player Lobbyist Group Quote
09-19-2011 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Prospace
Thanks for looking that up. It seems Raymer is not getting paid (and I believe Raymer). The problem is the lack of honesty from Tom Ridge :
If you believe in global warming and aliens, don't tell people about the aliens and they will be more likely to listen to your reasoning on global warming.

I mention this analogy because for you, due to the Raymer quote, I think you should drop the 'Ridge is in Caesar's pocket' conspiracy theory altogether so it doesn't lower your credibility on other areas.

If you had something current and contextual, that would be different.
New Poker Player Lobbyist Group Quote
09-19-2011 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by RollWave
If you believe in global warming and aliens, don't tell people about the aliens and they will be more likely to listen to your reasoning on global warming.

I mention this analogy because for you, due to the Raymer quote, I think you should drop the 'Ridge is in Caesar's pocket' conspiracy theory altogether so it doesn't lower your credibility on other areas.

If you had something current and contextual, that would be different.
Are you kidding me? He is an adviser to Fair Play USA and he's on their website. Fair Play USA was coming on here posing as grassroots movement and later admitted to being funded by Caesars. This was July not 20 years ago. Link:
Ridge has history of not disclosing himself as lobbyist or donations he's received.
Under federal law, anyone acting as an agent for a foreign government to lobby must register with the Justice Department within 10 days of the agreement and file regular reports on work performed and monies received.
Anything that is the truth looks like a conspiracy theory because the way the real world works is contrary to what you have been brainwashed to believe. I'm not here to candy coat the truth.

Raymer didn't say all the advisers are working for free. He just said he is.
New Poker Player Lobbyist Group Quote
09-19-2011 , 10:27 PM
Since you are just repeating old events and not mentioning any wrongdoing within the current context of ridge's involvement with fairplay usa I will take that as confirmation that you are merely speculating at ridge profiting from his role on the fpusa board of advisors.
New Poker Player Lobbyist Group Quote
09-19-2011 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by RollWave
Since you are just repeating old events and not mentioning any wrongdoing within the current context of ridge's involvement with fairplay usa I will take that as confirmation that you are merely speculating at ridge profiting from his role on the fpusa board of advisors.
He has lied about contributions in the past.

He also lied to the American people using propaganda to scare them to elect Bush for another 4 years. Then profited on his lies by selling books to these same people :

I'm telling you what he's doing currently. He's getting paid by a corrupt company to use his influence to have his friends he left behind at homeland security shut down online poker sites like Doyles Room. Then receive his legal clean laundered bribe via Fair Play USA.
New Poker Player Lobbyist Group Quote
09-20-2011 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by Prospace
Fair Play USA was coming on here posing as grassroots movement and later admitted to being funded by Caesars.
Actually they stated in the 12th post of the thread where their funding came from. They never tried to hide this.
New Poker Player Lobbyist Group Quote
09-20-2011 , 03:51 AM
Originally Posted by gman339
Actually they stated in the 12th post of the thread where their funding came from. They never tried to hide this.
By stating on their website that they are "Grassroots" is deceptive.

During Obama healthcare campaign I researched so called "grassroots" movements and traced them to PR firms like these.
New Poker Player Lobbyist Group Quote
09-20-2011 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by Prospace
By stating on their website that they are "Grassroots" is deceptive.

During Obama healthcare campaign I researched so called "grassroots" movements and traced them to PR firms like these.
In their industry, "grassroots" has a specific definition which differs than what us commonfolk use. They use these definitions:

Grassroots: A PR/marketing lobbying organization which gets general public to support their goals and to participate in public lobbying statements such as petitions and email campaigns when requested by the organization, usually formed to forward the principles of the agenda of a specific industry group. May or may not also do direct lobbying of politicians.

Astroturf: A PR/marketing lobbying organization which pretends to be a Grassroots organization as above, but actually only does direct lobbying of politicians, to forward the agenda of a specific industry group.

Of course, all us commonfolk consider both of those to be astroturfs, but there is a significant difference between them. FairPlayUSA is a good example of Grassroots as above; Poker Voters of America is a good example of Astroturf as above.
New Poker Player Lobbyist Group Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by RollWave
Since you are just repeating old events and not mentioning any wrongdoing within the current context of ridge's involvement with fairplay usa I will take that as confirmation that you are merely speculating at ridge profiting from his role on the fpusa board of advisors.
HI Ceasar disinfo agent, can you go spread lies somewhere else?
New Poker Player Lobbyist Group Quote
09-20-2011 , 08:38 AM
IMO you constantly talking about not a cutting a check, non profit etc is suspicious to me, we heard you the first 50 times you said it. And that fact you plan on starting a huge movement, but wish to keep your self anonymous is odd. I'm predicting scam, you heard it first.
New Poker Player Lobbyist Group Quote
09-20-2011 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by Prospace
He has lied about contributions in the past.

I'm speculating on what he's doing currently.
its more clear when you put it this way. thank you for the clarification.

-Tom Ridge has been deceitful in the past.
-Greg Raymer claims he is not being paid by Caesars.

Question: Is Tom Ridge getting paid by Caesars?

Prospace speculates that the answer is yes. My guess is that the answer is no. There is no direct evidence either way, any opinions on the matter are just that, opinions, guesses, conjecture, etc.
New Poker Player Lobbyist Group Quote
09-20-2011 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by Prospace


Then profited on his lies by selling books to these same people :

New Poker Player Lobbyist Group Quote
09-20-2011 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by RollWave
its more clear when you put it this way. thank you for the clarification.

-Tom Ridge has been deceitful in the past.
-Greg Raymer claims he is not being paid by Caesars.

Question: Is Tom Ridge getting paid by Caesars?

Prospace speculates that the answer is yes. My guess is that the answer is no. There is no direct evidence either way, any opinions on the matter are just that, opinions, guesses, conjecture, etc.
Rollwave, I totally understand what you are saying. I'm not going to change my wording on this matter because it would be ridiculous to think he is doing it for free. I would have to draw the assumption that he is getting paid. I said I believe Raymer because he has proven himself to be good representative for poker in the past. Ridge on the other hand has lied repeatedly and broken laws.
New Poker Player Lobbyist Group Quote
09-20-2011 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by sba9630
sorry must have copied wrong link. Here is a link:

He claims that's why he resigned yet he still did it. Proving himself to be a propaganda minister rather than a having a well rounded moral compass.
New Poker Player Lobbyist Group Quote
09-20-2011 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by RU18LOL
IMO you constantly talking about not a cutting a check, non profit etc is suspicious to me, we heard you the first 50 times you said it. And that fact you plan on starting a huge movement, but wish to keep your self anonymous is odd. I'm predicting scam, you heard it first.
I've stated several times in last two days that I'm using my own money. I'm remaining anon because of government entities that I'm working against. Another reason is that a relative I have is a high position job. I have other reasons I can tell Noah or Kevmath in PM they are only ones I trust. Or I can tell owner of this site who I am. If needed I can send copy of ID and pic to Noah.
New Poker Player Lobbyist Group Quote
09-20-2011 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by PokerXanadu
In their industry, "grassroots" has a specific definition which differs than what us commonfolk use. They use these definitions:

Grassroots: A PR/marketing lobbying organization which gets general public to support their goals and to participate in public lobbying statements such as petitions and email campaigns when requested by the organization, usually formed to forward the principles of the agenda of a specific industry group. May or may not also do direct lobbying of politicians.

Astroturf: A PR/marketing lobbying organization which pretends to be a Grassroots organization as above, but actually only does direct lobbying of politicians, to forward the agenda of a specific industry group.

Of course, all us commonfolk consider both of those to be astroturfs, but there is a significant difference between them. FairPlayUSA is a good example of Grassroots as above; Poker Voters of America is a good example of Astroturf as above.
Thanks for this post! Considered doing one like it last night but was beat. good clarification. I do want to add that grassroots movements use shills on Facebook to promote agendas using group think tactics. Healthcare agenda and Facebook is good example of that.
New Poker Player Lobbyist Group Quote
10-26-2011 , 07:11 PM

Someone posted this with new thread and it was locked. I agree with locking it it should have been posted here.

I'm still around. I've been downsizing my poker sites and not ready to form group. It will be called Bad Beat on Corruption and will not be a lobbyist group. In fact it will be an advocacy group that is Anti Lobbyist. Lobbyist are corrupt and is basically a form of bribery. I want nothing to do with it. I will be all about offensives not defense. I will file complaints with Inspector General about the corruption in the DOJ and the use of them to stifle competition. Simultaneously I will file private anti trust lawsuit VS Caesars/Wynn and the NFL.

From Vamoose :
Casinos carried out a hit IMO
They don't need to assassinate when they use the government to do their dirty work. Those were the good old days, not they just buy former heads of Homeland Security.
New Poker Player Lobbyist Group Quote
