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05-19-2013 , 02:11 AM
I signed up for the $9/month. The only videos I have found run 2 minutes and then tell me I need to be a premier member to see the whole video. Does the $9 subscription allow me to watch any videos completely?If so, where are they?
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05-19-2013 , 03:33 AM
Only the videos made by the essential pros.
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05-19-2013 , 05:18 AM
Originally Posted by dc_publius
I always get a little chuckle when people ask if they can put the video on their Iphone so they can watch it on the Subway or whatever. They're probably the clueless majority that turns into small losers/breakeven players thanks to training sites - which in my opinion is much worse than being a big loser.
r u so dumb u need a notepad and complete silence to think/evaluate content. some ppl can actually ride a train and watch a video simoulatenously. it takes a 50+ iq tho so not in ur future.
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05-19-2013 , 05:38 AM
$9 Feels like a like a great deal for the site. Its only $9 not really that big a risk to try it out. I feel like I have to at least check out this site. I mean only $9? Rei breaks down in a way that makes sense as how the videos work.

Last edited by kevmode; 05-19-2013 at 05:38 AM. Reason: Rei nice post
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05-19-2013 , 09:07 AM
Joined and paid the $100 for the month and honestly think its way too much for the service they provide.
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05-19-2013 , 10:01 AM
The less people Phil is teaching poker too the better imo.
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05-19-2013 , 10:06 AM
it's super hard to make a good nlhe vid these days w/o doing one of these 2 things
1. giving off good, specific reads on your opponents
2. showing in-depth, but understandable analytics/simulations on GTO poker - the type of stuff sauce and ike do to perfect their HU play

both of these don't happen because people are generally unwilling to give off that kind of information, but they also don't happen because (1) is bad etiquette and (2) is much more difficult to make a video of.
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05-19-2013 , 03:29 PM
if you can't listen to someone objectively smart and consider their ideas after, then there's really no point in joining a training site. i'd listen to galfond talk about pretty much anything and apply it to poker and life.
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05-19-2013 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by Tuma
if you can't listen to someone objectively smart and consider their ideas after, then there's really no point in joining a training site. i'd listen to galfond talk about pretty much anything and apply it to poker and life.
Yeah, but there's only so many hours in a day/in your life.

What's more beneficial to you, a) as a poker player and b) as a person. Passively listening to a Phil Galfond video (and paying $100 for the privelege) or studying mathematics?
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05-19-2013 , 06:36 PM
LOL @ listening blindly to what Galfond says and applying it to life.

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05-19-2013 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Rei Ayanami
I think this logic is rooted in a misunderstanding of how training videos work. To have value, they don't need to teach us how to beat specific players. Critical viewers can generalize strategies targeted at individual opponents into ones that can be used against a variety of others.

And I suspect Phil Galfond—if he does in fact watch videos—doesn't watch them in the sort of passive, virtual-pupil way I imagine most people do. Even if you're crushing MSNL+, watching videos isn't exactly pointless*:

1. you can use them as a springboard for your own thoughts and analysis;

2. there's value in keeping abreast with how the games are evolving and how MSNL+ regs think, even if they are worse than you, because a good % of innovations are ones that trickle upwards—they're niche adjustments and strategies in the chaotic mess of different approaches that snowball into standardness when people realize they are best;

3. you can watch them not as a student, but as a critic and a curator, strengthening the mental processes that help you identify holes in your own strategies by doing so in others', and identifying the spots mentioned in #2 where the game is evolving in more optimized ways and tweaking your own game plan accordingly.

Sure, a lot of that isn't unique to videos, and I'm sure he gets all of that stuff by playing and self-analysis, too. But there are enough reasons watching vids arguably isn't a waste of time for even a player of PG's caliber that I don't doubt his sincerity.

*There's a big difference between unnecessary, which I agree with you watching vids is for them, and pointless.
I've read quite a lot of your posts and I think you know what you're talking about.
New Phil Galfond training site Quote
05-19-2013 , 07:27 PM
10 bucks for 1 video from Phil each month is OK in my book...tried the site for one month if Phil contributed more on site's forum would be perfect value...
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05-19-2013 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by ralph cifaretto
Yeah, but there's only so many hours in a day/in your life.

What's more beneficial to you, a) as a poker player and b) as a person. Passively listening to a Phil Galfond video (and paying $100 for the privelege) or studying mathematics?
I don't see how learning a set of rules with no application could benefit me much at this point in my life. In fact I know it can't - because I kicked ass in school my entire life, and especially math! Do you know what I got from it? A hatred for being told how to think. Which is a great thing!

That's why Phil is great. He doesn't offer rules. Maybe a myriad of suggestions, but nothing restrictive, nothing forceful, and definitely nothing like my years learning math. It's sort of why reading books can be good - you can learn something. Because it's presented as fact? Probably not. But you learn in thinking, Phil is a deep thinker, and I can appreciate the depth he provides for all of his thoughts.

Honestly though, I'd rather go to the beach than either option. But this is just me. Not everyone appreciates the beach, especially if it's within walking distance.
New Phil Galfond training site Quote
05-19-2013 , 09:20 PM
I dnt get ppl moaning at $100 a month if Phil plays 100\200 ur givin him a sb a month to get insight into how he plays and thinks about situations along with some of the worlds best in all formats and if anyone moans bout the essential package for ten dollars a month I may b forced to poke them in the eye great value!
New Phil Galfond training site Quote
05-19-2013 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by vinivici9586
it's super hard to make a good nlhe vid these days w/o doing one of these 2 things
1. giving off good, specific reads on your opponents
2. showing in-depth, but understandable analytics/simulations on GTO poker - the type of stuff sauce and ike do to perfect their HU play

both of these don't happen because people are generally unwilling to give off that kind of information, but they also don't happen because (1) is bad etiquette and (2) is much more difficult to make a video of.
this is so true and the more i think the more i feel my game is missing something, i remember when i played against KANU7 at 2K NL some years ago he was so solid i couldnt find any way to exploit him

how do you achieve that ? FWIW ive seen most of the NLHE videos from galfond on bluefire and never i saw him touch this subject...

PS: i sent you a pm just in case you dont get back on this thread
PS2: wow im checking all your threads right now, there is some gold nuggets! im glad ive found you
New Phil Galfond training site Quote
05-20-2013 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by Zakari
this is so true and the more i think the more i feel my game is missing something, i remember when i played against KANU7 at 2K NL some years ago he was so solid i couldnt find any way to exploit him

how do you achieve that ? FWIW ive seen most of the NLHE videos from galfond on bluefire and never i saw him touch this subject...

PS: i sent you a pm just in case you dont get back on this thread
PS2: wow im checking all your threads right now, there is some gold nuggets! im glad ive found you
what a load of ****!!!

you don't play (/have never been a reg) at 2kNL.

the reason i know this is due to my learning of poker, and my watching/thinking about the use of training videos. just because phil never TALKED about gto in any of his bluefire nlhe videos, well there's a lot more going on in training vids than the players' conscious commentary. but that's obvious.

in addition, kanu was solid!!?? what does that mean? are you saying his frequencies were completely balanced in every spot (/he was the human equivalent of a gto bot)? did you know playing gto isnt the most +ev strategy versus you?
New Phil Galfond training site Quote
05-20-2013 , 06:09 AM
It may have been mentioned in this thread already, so please forgive me....but did he already pawn his gaudy palatial 2mm + New York condo with that ridiculous slide ?
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05-20-2013 , 07:07 AM
Originally Posted by Side of Mayo
It may have been mentioned in this thread already, so please forgive me....but did he already pawn his gaudy palatial 2mm + New York condo with that ridiculous slide ?
He sold it a while back, I think?
New Phil Galfond training site Quote
05-20-2013 , 07:25 AM
Originally Posted by ralph cifaretto
what a load of ****!!!

you don't play (/have never been a reg) at 2kNL.

the reason i know this is due to my learning of poker, and my watching/thinking about the use of training videos. just because phil never TALKED about gto in any of his bluefire nlhe videos, well there's a lot more going on in training vids than the players' conscious commentary. but that's obvious.

in addition, kanu was solid!!?? what does that mean? are you saying his frequencies were completely balanced in every spot (/he was the human equivalent of a gto bot)? did you know playing gto isnt the most +ev strategy versus you?
you sir at v bad at hand reading, i used to play 5kNL hu regularly some years ago
New Phil Galfond training site Quote
05-20-2013 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by Zakari
you sir at v bad at hand reading, i used to play 5kNL hu regularly some years ago
there's nothing stopping you being a 5kNL reg, in the same way there's no reason why Guy L can't consider himself a 500/1k reg.

however from your original post it would seem as if your thought processes are limited about poker (and is the basis as to why i doubt you are an advanced player).

you say kanu7 was solid lets say 2.5 years ago. yet if you asked kanu how good he was then compared to now, i would assume he would say he was a FAR better player now than then.

in addition, you said you've seen most of galfond's bfp nl vids and he never touched upon gto play in his vids. like i'm saying, just because he never explicitly talked about gto in his vids there's a lot more going on in his vids than what he's talking about (but of course if you were an advanced player you'd know that)

it's like thinking in a novel the only important component is the narrator's opinion.
New Phil Galfond training site Quote
05-20-2013 , 07:55 AM
That's all true but english isn't my mother language so when you guys talk about game theory and especially this :

2. showing in-depth, but understandable analytics/simulations on GTO poker - the type of stuff sauce and ike do to perfect their HU play

that makes me wonder if i am not missing something, would you guys mind elaborating on this subject? it's all very cloudy to me. What is game theory of poker in nlhe exactly ?

My style was always about hand reading and exploiting opponents the best, but against some of the best regulars, it wasnt really possible. Ie: against Kanu7 i was always struggling, I remember I was trying to balancing my ranges the best i could, trying to figure out if at anytime he was adapting and be on the lookout for a shift in his range but that's all on the intuitive level, not really on the mathematical level....

And what about this min raising button debate, ike and kanu do it but galfond dont. From my perspective its just a way to exploit an opponent who folds too much on the bb, is there something else?

Last edited by Zakari; 05-20-2013 at 08:13 AM.
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05-20-2013 , 08:38 AM
GTO - Game Theory Optimal is playing poker in a set way that does not allow your opponent to gain and edge by exploiting your play. It's an unbeatable strategy, but not the most +ev verses any given opponent.

Since poker as we know it isn't a solved game, actually playing GTO is impossible as of today. When people talk of playing GTO they mean they are devising strategy that they envision are at or close to what GTO would dictate.
New Phil Galfond training site Quote
05-20-2013 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by Zakari
2. showing in-depth, but understandable analytics/simulations on GTO poker - the type of stuff sauce and ike do to perfect their HU play

that makes me wonder if i am not missing something, would you guys mind elaborating on this subject? it's all very cloudy to me. What is game theory of poker in nlhe exactly ?

My style was always about hand reading and exploiting opponents the best, but against some of the best regulars, it wasnt really possible. Ie: against Kanu7 i was always struggling, I remember I was trying to balancing my ranges the best i could, trying to figure out if at anytime he was adapting and be on the lookout for a shift in his range but that's all on the intuitive level, not really on the mathematical level....

And what about this min raising button debate, ike and kanu do it but galfond dont. From my perspective its just a way to exploit an opponent who folds too much on the bb, is there something else?
are you wilhasha?

i cant really describe it well but game theory in poker is derived from the study of game theory in maths (???).

an example is the prisoners dilemma where 2 prisoners have been complicit in a crime and are being interrogated in separate rooms. the guards give the 2 prisoners a range of choices as to what action they should take with varying consequences which both prisoners know. however each final result is dependent upon what choice the other prisoner makes. again, each prisoner knows this fact and so has to take the action which gives him/them the best result. well what they think will, there's no way of knowing as the other prisoner and his choice is not told to you until after the 'game' is over.

and in poker the same applies. with imperfect information (no knowledge of your opponents holecards), you have to make/try to make the best possible decisions, with varying pay-offs, and they are all dependent on your opponents' strategies and holecards, which you have no access to.

so you can only make decisions based on 1 thing in poker, the maths behind the game. (oh yeah, and using psychology as well lol )

but that's pretty much what game theory is as it pertains to poker. and related concepts you'll hear on forums/videos, balance, gto, exploitiative play, mixed strategies etc. they are all related to game theory in some way.

i think that min-raising on the button in HU is to do with the reason you mention as well as setting up beneficial pot/stack sizes on later streets.
New Phil Galfond training site Quote
05-20-2013 , 12:08 PM
I feel like the $10/month sub is pretty good value. However when looking at the elite videos I'm not really sure I can justify 10 times the investment as a microstakes player anyway, not sure they would be helpful either.
New Phil Galfond training site Quote
05-20-2013 , 05:57 PM
Thanks Ralph for your reply.

I've been reading about GTO through pieces that ike and sauce let through their interview and im beginning to arrive at a better understanding. I still have trouble about some stuff though:

When sauce play GTO poker, how is that different concretly from exploiting an opponent ? Isnt the best GTO strategy dependant of your opponent strategy? Maybe there is a strategy you have that give you an EV=0 against an unknown and good opponent but as soon as you develop reads against him and know more about his tendency such as %vpip in the bb, %fold to 3bet, %call to 3bet you need to shift to another GTO strategy that would give you a beter EV against him.

Or are GTO players always playing the same like bots from limit games?

In this interview

Ike talks about the guessing game feel players play when they have to make a call river, but surely gto players must also play this guessing game when they have to choose the best gto strategy...

Anyway it's still very cloudy, I'm not sure im a feel player but im sure im not a gto player either lol

PS: to stay on topic, can you cancel your runitonce membership at any point or if you register for the 99$/month plan you have to pay the 1K fully?
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