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New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox?

01-28-2010 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by faarcyde
i am no LA apologist but you guys are making something out of nothing.
I certainly isn't nothing. IT'S A HO-DOWN!
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 02:27 PM
from one of Ho's students:

"I also fell for his Camp Macau intensive poker course where he was going to make us work on poker from morning to evening. I went to meet him in personal and to start up PLO coaching with him to Macau, but all i got from him is a PLO preflop chart and internet connection where i could play poker. No coaching at all. I was wondering how come i cant beat PLO with 15/4 style. I also met two great guys in Macau during my stay and they were getting comparable services to mine. Very disappointing."

guy's a real deal, he has PLO preflop chart!
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by imozyslow
it may not be the most egregious thing he has done, but it certainly isnt "nothing". Im sure LD will elaborate. He should just stop blogging.
with no prior knowledge of his past how could LA come to any other conclusion than he is a poor poker player? i talk to people all day who aren't great at poker and the possibility that one of them being a scammer or a thief doesn't cross my mind because the two things have no relation to each other. he has stated before he has no executive control over at Stox so really the most you can accuse him of is not mentioning something may be amiss to stox management.
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by bronx bomber
This is Scrote Brown. I am Dustys ball washer/caddy. He asked me to come on here and try and deflect attention away from him by posting on 2+2. I said no and he fired me. Enjoy your dirty balls Dusty.

(Totally made up BTW)
I lol'd until I read that it was totally made up.
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by faarcyde
with no prior knowledge of his past how could LA come to any other conclusion than he is a poor poker player? i talk to people all day who aren't great at poker and the possibility that one of them being a scammer or a thief doesn't cross my mind because the two things have no relation to each other. he has stated before he has no executive control over at Stox so really the most you can accuse him of is not mentioning something may be amiss to stox management.
this guy made vids for Stox and did private coaching. LA was a lead pro for Stox. he just ignores it entirely rather than let someone at Stox know who could have taken him off their roster which would have prevented this. rather, with no knowledge of what was going on Stox keeps him on and advertises him(apparently cause i never personally saw it) as a 1m+ winner online and allows him to coach ppl. i mean cmon, u can clearly see that when a coaching site promotes someone it implies they are a good winning player that should be trusted in the poker community.
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by faarcyde
i am no LA apologist but you guys are making something out of nothing.
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by wood_wall
who cares who cares seriously WHO CARES?

just think if the people suffering in Haiti right now had to only be worried about whether or not a "pro" was qaulified to be making instructional videos on how to be a better gambler.
seriously. what gives w/ these ****tards talking poker on a poker forum?
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by wood_wall
who cares, who cares, seriously WHO THE F CARES?

just think if the people suffering in Haiti right now had to only be worried about whether or not a "pro" was qaulified to be making instructional videos on how to be a better gambler.
Please stop posting.
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 02:49 PM
btw I think this is about the 5th thread about leatherass in the last 2 years thats tried to tarnish his image.

the only thing these threads end up doing is giving him more publicity. Without these threads, I would have no idea about stoxpoker, I would have no idea about his golf instructional website, I would have no idea about his new book, and I would have no idea about him leaving stoxpoker and starting his own site.

and i'm pretty sure I speak for the majority. so the only thing leatherass is saying right now is, "keep on hatin' and fillin' my pockets."
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by wood_wall
who cares, who cares, seriously WHO THE F CARES?

just think if the people suffering in Haiti right now had to only be worried about whether or not a "pro" was qaulified to be making instructional videos on how to be a better gambler.
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 02:53 PM
surfwax/scott - Isn't it possible for Dusty to write for himself on his blog or something? If he feels his blog post is being misinterpreted then he can clarify that on his own right there on the blog for everyone to see.
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by wood_wall
who cares, who cares, seriously WHO THE F CARES?

just think if the people suffering in Haiti right now had to only be worried about whether or not a "pro" was qaulified to be making instructional videos on how to be a better gambler.
i havent seen any of ur other 130 posts luckily. but after only 131 posts everyone who reads this one instantly knows how ****ing stupid u are.
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by faarcyde
with no prior knowledge of his past how could LA come to any other conclusion than he is a poor poker player? i talk to people all day who aren't great at poker and the possibility that one of them being a scammer or a thief doesn't cross my mind because the two things have no relation to each other. he has stated before he has no executive control over at Stox so really the most you can accuse him of is not mentioning something may be amiss to stox management.
if hes a poor poker player, how can he let him be a coach on the site? and make videos. A poor poker player charging pple alot of money upfront for coaching is a scam.
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by bronx bomber
This is Scrote Brown. I am Dustys ball washer/caddy. He asked me to come on here and try and deflect attention away from him by posting on 2+2. I said no and he fired me. Enjoy your dirty balls Dusty.

(Totally made up BTW)
lol nh
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by kurosh
Haha, that Jason Ho thing is pretty funny. It's a weird phenomenon in the poker world. There aren't any solid public results to go by and variance is so huge that the self-promoters are seen as the best players.

Really agree with this post.
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 03:39 PM
Were Jason Ho "code7654321" or something like that?

His blogs at StoxPoker were quite psychotic!
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 03:43 PM
Jason Ho trainwreck
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by faarcyde
i am no LA apologist but you guys are making something out of nothing.
+1 Way to many 2+2es love to jump on the hate bandwagon. Get a life people.
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 04:22 PM
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by kurosh
...hugely winning player.
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 05:13 PM
Because of all the people at Stox Poker, the person who choose to highlight in blame is Leathe Ass, simply because he didn't understand how Ho could be such a huge winner.

What if Ho was 100% legit, and leatherass ran around telling every one he wasn't on the Up and Up. You'd be here making a thread about Leatherass calling him out with out proof.

Why isn't your post targested to all the people who profited from marketing Ho's videos/coaching without doing the proper research on his integrity. why aren't you making a thread about them.

And, +1 about ho's videos being unwatchable.
It is essentially him narrating lines he took while pulling hands up in hand replayer. Anyone can pluck hands out of database when the villain stacked off extremely light, or folded getting stupid odds, and make themselves look like a genius.
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 05:24 PM
the jason ho story is doomed to repeat itself as long as there are people willing to drop five figures on coaching. the coaching industry is such a joke. and i recognize there are some amazing coaches doing amazing work for a decent price, its just that anyone can hang up their shingle and get a couple references and claim that they are doing just that.

so many players that seek coaching are just so star struck by their coaches that they don't think critically about the advice they are given or if their coach is really who they say they are in the first place.
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by The Three Alls
Because of all the people at Stox Poker, the person who choose to highlight in blame is Leathe Ass, simply because he didn't understand how Ho could be such a huge winner.

What if Ho was 100% legit, and leatherass ran around telling every one he wasn't on the Up and Up. You'd be here making a thread about Leatherass calling him out with out proof.
if i talk strategy w/ someone for an hour i will know if they suck at poker or not. pretty easy to figure out. also i never said he should have posted his suspicions publicly. he was with the same company as this guy, it would have been very easy for him to contact the right people w/ his concerns. how can u even try to defend this point?

Why isn't your post targested to all the people who profited from marketing Ho's videos/coaching without doing the proper research on his integrity. why aren't you making a thread about them.
well i mean there is kinda already a thread w/ that in it. there was a thread posted in NVG already that got moved to the coaching forum where the head of Stox replied several times. seems silly to drag them into a new thread when they are already in that one.
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by demon102
+1 Way to many 2+2es love to jump on the hate bandwagon. Get a life people.
I have to agree, it seems like events turn into a lynch party, way too easily.
I suppose its the herd instinct.
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
01-28-2010 , 06:33 PM
Why would anyone subscribe to stoxpoker when there is bluefirepoker, cardrunners, and leggo?

LA seems like a douchebag
New Leatherass blog: Suspected a Stox coach of scamming, DID NOTHING./Jason Ho a toolbox? Quote
