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*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** *** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m ***

04-20-2012 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by wsmp
Overexaggerating, not trolling. But seriously this has been told a million times and IF/WHEN you'll be able to cash out, it's NOT your money you're cashing out. They're gone since long. At best only a somewhat decent % still exists and currently seized by whatever.

And people like you are gonna go apenuts mad when/if you'll only be able to cash out % of roll each month or something similair.

Mad at the people who gave you their money. When they never had to.

That's what I AM mad at. People are showing ZERO thankfulness to what GBT are close to doing to the poker community.

But whatever, people are always gonna be selfish bastards so why do I even bother trying to explain
Firstly, I didn't have any money on Full Tilt so I'm not going to go "apenuts" whatever happens.

Secondly, I'm not mad at anyone. It's just crazy to accuse someone who said maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to play on the new Full Tilt of being on the same level as Bitar, et al.

Thirdly, do you really think Tapie's doing this out of the goodness of his heart and for the good of the poker community?
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-20-2012 , 09:13 AM
Heres the thing. I simply wont trust FTP unless they pay me back first. If I can't grind on the funds they owe me, I will DEFINITELY NOT deposit there. I don't even care if it beats pokerstars back in to the US (which I doubt will happen for either).

All you donkeys that wanna deposit on a site that robbed you before... you will have nobody to blame but yourself when you get robbed a second time.

I think we all should boycott whatever new FTP comes out unless they offer to pay everyone back in full, UP FRONT. YEAH, I know its over 400 million, but guess what, that is like 1 year of what they will make if they do it, so EFF it, I want all my money back NOW. If they dont have the money to do that, then smh.

No Effin WAY I EVER DEPOSIT UNLESS I GET ALL MY MONEY BACK FIRST. At that point I will give them another shot and I really hope that all other serious grinders who got robbed feel the same way. I refuse to be a victim of FULL-PONZI POKER part 2.

"Ruin my life once shame on you, ruin it twice shame on me."
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-20-2012 , 09:15 AM
do u think that FTP will get broke if u dont deposit? nobody asking/pursue to deposit when they re-open. u are free to go with your money.
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-20-2012 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by BOOOOM!!!!
Heres the thing. I simply wont trust FTP unless they pay me back first. If I can't grind on the funds they owe me, I will DEFINITELY NOT deposit there. I don't even care if it beats pokerstars back in to the US (which I doubt will happen for either).

All you donkeys that wanna deposit on a site that robbed you before... you will have nobody to blame but yourself when you get robbed a second time.

I think we all should boycott whatever new FTP comes out unless they offer to pay everyone back in full, UP FRONT. YEAH, I know its over 400 million, but guess what, that is like 1 year of what they will make if they do it, so EFF it, I want all my money back NOW. If they dont have the money to do that, then smh.

No Effin WAY I EVER DEPOSIT UNLESS I GET ALL MY MONEY BACK FIRST. At that point I will give them another shot and I really hope that all other serious grinders who got robbed feel the same way. I refuse to be a victim of FULL-PONZI POKER part 2.

"Ruin my life once shame on you, ruin it twice shame on me."
Way to bust a CAPS LOCK in Tapies ass bro. Am sure he will read your post and send the cheque straight away if not sooner!

Is misé Tompakee®
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-20-2012 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by tompakee
Way to bust a CAPS LOCK in Tapies ass bro. Am sure he will read your post and send the cheque straight away if not sooner!

Is misé Tompakee®
I guess it sounds like Im upset with Tapie, by no means. If he is going to get us our money back, taking a huge investment risk, then I applaud his heart and ambition. He will be my hero, and yes I think he will make a huge profit from this. Cheers, if that's the case.

I'm upset by the fact that it seems 1/2 the people on this thread seem to have no problem depositing money before they get compensation. It seems absurdly dumb, to be blunt. No offense, but people need to think.

Maybe I'm not up to date here, but does anyone actually know who really stole our money? Is it not possible that there are people behind the scenes that are running the show whose names have not come to surface yet, maybe some very smart con artists who somehow stayed out of the limelight? Most of us dont know the whole truth, call me a conspiracy nut. Without compensation, How do we know that this is not just another scam?

Last edited by BOOOOM!!!!; 04-20-2012 at 09:41 AM.
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-20-2012 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by BOOOOM!!!!
I guess it sounds like Im upset with Tapie, by no means.

Im upset with the fact that it seems 1/2 the people on this thread seem to have no problem depositing money before they get compensation. It seems absurdly dumb, to be blunt. No offense, but people need to think.

First of all, and maybe I'm not up to date here, but does anyone actually know who really stole our money? Is it not possible that there are people behind the scenes that are running the show whose names have not come to surface yet, maybe some very smart con artists who somehow stayed out of the limelight? Nobody actually knows if that is true or not, call me a conspiracy nut. All Im saying is that it makes zero sense to deposit money on a site that robbed you, I dont really care WHO takes over, if they dont suck it up and pay us all back, I think its just really stupid to deposit money there.
You sir are a conspiracy nut!

Is misé Tompakee®

Keep up the good work
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-20-2012 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by AnMhi
IF GBT pay back every player who is owed money, then yes it is great for the community.

However, do not confuse GBT as some white knights coming in to save the day. IF they pay back, it will be part of a long term strategy to re-establish themselves as the second biggest online poker room and ultimately make it a hugely profitable company again; They don't care about an individual who has x amount stuck on the site; they only care about making as much money as possible.

I am not criticizing them for that; simple capitalism at work.
That if, is ofcourse very important as you said. And yes, ofcourse they're in this to make money but that doesn't change the fact that they are using their money to pay us players back. I don't really see what difference it'd make if they're white knights or money hungry capitalist. Action is still the same.

Originally Posted by stormblower
Firstly, I didn't have any money on Full Tilt so I'm not going to go "apenuts" whatever happens.

Secondly, I'm not mad at anyone. It's just crazy to accuse someone who said maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to play on the new Full Tilt of being on the same level as Bitar, et al.

Thirdly, do you really think Tapie's doing this out of the goodness of his heart and for the good of the poker community?
Firstly, good for you.

Secondly, Bitar etc ran away with our money. Now some wants to do the same to GBT. And still calls it 'their' money. Just lol. Atleast leave something and play a bit and pay some rake as a thanks. The least pretty much everyone can do, right?

Thirdly, if you think about it, does it matter? I know he's in it for the money but it doesn't matter in any way at all.
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-20-2012 , 10:39 AM
Good work Tompakee!! Man seems to actually know what he's talking about!!

This is again good news, things ARE moving in the right direction. While its still a long way from all being sorted out, things are clearly moving along nicely behind the scenes.

As for the posters doubting if people will go back, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???! Why wouldnt you??? They will obviously be doing all they can to promote the site when it re opens, whether its a rakeback or monthly bonus structure along with a huge deposit bonus, rake races, SnG/MTT leaderboards. If you see huge traffic and hella soft games why on earth would you not go back???!!

Im not saying deposit $20k or anything, but the more good players i hear saying they will never go back wants me to play there even more!!!
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-20-2012 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by Capt36feet
my cross post FT discussion thread.

I have news on the New Full Tilt Limited company (now renamed to GCubed Limited) in Ireland.

The information comes from the Companies Memorandum and Articles of Association.

It is rather long, it will take me some time to go through it. Many of the clauses are generic (and quite funny). There might not be much information in it.

On first glance the document says:
1. The purpose of the company is to design, develop, licence, sell, trade, purchase, or otherwise deal in computer software and hardware

2. The share capital of 1 million euro is divided into 1 million, 1 euro ordinary shares

3. There have been 2 shares taken of 1 euro each. Both are allotted to the lawyer issuing the articles. This doesn't mean much. It is just the initial share allocation to establish the company.
Tapie is most likely backed by Wynn. Once they pass all the laws here to legalize online poker, Tapie and ftp 2 will lease out the software to the states.
Wynn will profit and have gov contract via Tapie and FTP2. Tapie is and has always been a broker. He most likely runs the french casino monopoly for the live casino cartel as well. Behind Wynn is Milken. Gov or states will not profit. When was last time you saw the states or gov do anything for you, it is all for corporate interests. Part of deal is probably to drop all proceedings against Bitar/Lederer.
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-20-2012 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by wsmp
Secondly, Bitar etc ran away with our money. Now some wants to do the same to GBT. And still calls it 'their' money. Just lol. Atleast leave something and play a bit and pay some rake as a thanks. The least pretty much everyone can do, right?
Withdrawing your own money that you're owed is not remotely comparable to what Bitar did.

Originally Posted by wsmp
Thirdly, if you think about it, does it matter? I know he's in it for the money but it doesn't matter in any way at all.
Precisely, his motive doesn't matter at all. Therefore, don't play there just out of some misguided sense of loyalty. If you weigh up the pros and cons and decide the pros outweigh the cons then fair enough.
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-20-2012 , 12:07 PM
i have money on ftp and I would definitely play there again. I played numerous poker sites but Idk ftp seemed the best IMO. I loved the poker academy, take two, midnight madness, mini-ftops, etc. Looking forward to upcoming updates.
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-20-2012 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by stormblower
Withdrawing your own money that you're owed is not remotely comparable to what Bitar did.
All I'm saying is that instawithdrawing is a real scumbag attitude unless the withdrawer really need the money right there and then. Say thanks by playing some.

Tilts me when ppl say "omg how can anyone ever play there again imma withdraw my monies bout tree fiddy instatntly and go play on lierstars"
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-20-2012 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by wsmp
All I'm saying is that instawithdrawing is a real scumbag attitude unless the withdrawer really need the money right there and then. Say thanks by playing some.

Tilts me when ppl say "omg how can anyone ever play there again imma withdraw my monies bout tree fiddy instatntly and go play on lierstars"
By lierstars you mean paidout2weeksafterblackfridaystars?
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-20-2012 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by wsmp
All I'm saying is that instawithdrawing is a real scumbag attitude unless the withdrawer really need the money right there and then. Say thanks by playing some.
Yeah, instawithdrawing money you've not been able to get for over 12 months and were scared had gone forever is really scummy... I find it incredible you can turn this situation around so that players are the villains.

Originally Posted by wsmp
Tilts me when ppl say "omg how can anyone ever play there again imma withdraw my monies bout tree fiddy instatntly and go play on lierstars"
People say that because as far as we know many of the same staff who must have either been a) aware of what was going on or b) incompetent enough not to know are still there.
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-21-2012 , 05:26 PM
If everyone's BR are returned 100%, would you guys consider staying on FTP2 or moving to other sites, namely Stars?
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-21-2012 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by dillchips
If everyone's BR are returned 100%, would you guys consider staying on FTP2 or moving to other sites, namely Stars?
If Tapie was the owner, or AGCC the licencing agency, I wouldn't play there at first. If it looked stable after 6+ months, I might consider trying it out if they had some freeroll tournaments and the microstakes were unusually juicy. With Tapie or the AGCC involved, I'd never put a significant portion of my poker roll there.

(Doesn't mean I think everybody should take this approach.)
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-21-2012 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by stormblower
Yeah, instawithdrawing money you've not been able to get for over 12 months and were scared had gone forever is really scummy... I find it incredible you can turn this situation around so that players are the villains.

Clear enough?
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-21-2012 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by wsmp

Clear enough?
Clear enough?
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-22-2012 , 02:17 PM
hey guys-

can someone dig up the phone numbers for any of the new FTP company(s)? i want to call up and inquire after my balance.
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-22-2012 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by sauce123
hey guys-

can someone dig up the phone numbers for any of the new FTP company(s)? i want to call up and inquire after my balance.
Pocket Kings has a phone number on their website.

Good luck with that......
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-22-2012 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by wsmp

Clear enough?
And the price Tapie has to pay to take over the company is that he must replace that money. That doesn't make the players who receive it scumbags.

Clear enough?
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-22-2012 , 05:46 PM
Any1 else find it kinda pathetic they are putting up a whole 1M euros when they need like a hundred times that....
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-22-2012 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by Genetikfreak
Any1 else find it kinda pathetic they are putting up a whole 1M euros when they need like a hundred times that....
I don't think you understand what's going on. This 1m has nothing to do with player funds. They would be held by another company in another bank account.
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-22-2012 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Genetikfreak
Any1 else find it kinda pathetic they are putting up a whole 1M euros when they need like a hundred times that....
What I find kinda pathetic is that people think they (GBT) have actually put up 1M euros. (I tried to get mods to change the misleading thread title.)

WRT GCubed Ltd., they have actually put up two euros, plus the cost of incorporation. The 1M is authorized share capital. Only 2 of the authorized million has been taken up.
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
04-22-2012 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by stormblower
And the price Tapie has to pay to take over the company is that he must replace that money. That doesn't make the players who receive it scumbags.

Clear enough?
I never said they were.

If you cash out everything w/o playing you're saying **** off to the people who gave you money they doesn't owe you. That's what I think, and that's what I'm saying.
*** New Full Tilt Limited/GCubed: Tapie Funds New Irish Company with €1m *** Quote
