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Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread)

02-25-2023 , 12:57 PM
you can get very accurate measurements if you use body fat calipers correctly

Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-25-2023 , 03:46 PM
A caliper will show people who are 9% bodyfat to be 1% bodyfat though. It's all wonky and relative. What people think a certain % is, is far from what it actually is. People also have different levels of visceral bodyfat, so someone can look much leaner than the next person but have more actual fat in their body etc etc.. And don't get me started on women who can be shredded to the bone but 15% bodyfat. It's all a mess, and dexascan is as good as it gets to find the actual levels of fat I guess
Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-25-2023 , 04:10 PM
when they invented body fat calipers, how did they calibrate them? how do we know what a guy's true body fat is?

nm, chatgpt:

To calibrate body fat calipers, manufacturers typically use reference methods that have been validated for accuracy and precision. The most commonly used reference methods are dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), hydrostatic weighing, and air displacement plethysmography (ADP). These methods are considered the gold standard for measuring body fat percentage.

Manufacturers use these reference methods to measure the body fat percentage of a sample population and compare the results with the measurements obtained using their calipers. By comparing the results, they can determine the accuracy and precision of their calipers and make any necessary adjustments.

It's important to note that even reference methods have limitations and sources of error, so the accuracy of any body fat measurement method, including calipers, may not be 100% perfect. Nonetheless, calibration against reference methods helps to ensure that the calipers provide consistent and accurate results to the best of their abilities.
Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-25-2023 , 04:46 PM
You have a valid point, there is no *real* bodyfat %. Since we are living organisms it's always changing by a miniscule amount. And different levels of visceral fat will make *total bodyfat* read differently even when two people look exactly alike physically because one may hold multiple lbs of fat internally around the organs which isn't visible upon outside inspection.

If you measure with a dexascan it will show the exact amount of bodyfat you have in you, but the bodyfat percentage will change as your lean mass changes, so if you're bloated and holding water it will read a lower bodyfat% than if you are dehydrated and so on - while looks wise it will actually be the reverse (you LOOK leaner when dehydrated but the bf% reading from a dexa will show HIGHER bodyfat%).

So yea it's all a mess. Sorry for derail.
Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-25-2023 , 05:12 PM
Good on Doug for drawing attention to the bet despite "losing" imo. Not hard to keep fit in your early 20's when test is high but making a big change in your 30's is a legitimate effort.
Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-25-2023 , 05:44 PM
where does the mark Taras get his money?

already down a buy-in today
Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-25-2023 , 06:00 PM
Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-25-2023 , 06:00 PM
lol at Nik Airball shuffling his chips literally on Jungle's cards after Nik min-bet $400 into $20k, Jungle raises to like $11k, then Nik makes it ~$55k HU on the river

and then calls clock after ~2 mins

this **** is spicy


edit: lol Jungle just folded and Nik Airball shows the bluff and then tells Jungle "you're my bitch, don't raise my $400 bets.... Jungle is a fish"

and they are seated right next to each other
Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-25-2023 , 06:01 PM
Your my bitch from airball. lol
Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-25-2023 , 06:02 PM
That's a.... creative fold by Jungle
Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-25-2023 , 06:04 PM
Dirty Dan knocking over Airballs stacks of chips lol
Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-25-2023 , 06:06 PM
The Lodge poker streams >>>>>>>>>>>>> HLC poker streams
Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-25-2023 , 06:06 PM
is Jungle Busto?

Nik Airball is like Pokers version of Richie Incognito lol
Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-25-2023 , 06:35 PM
Dan getting bludgeoned.
Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-25-2023 , 07:18 PM
Airball 5bets to 135k with A2o and wins. lol
Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-25-2023 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by SalmoTrutta
Good on Doug for drawing attention to the bet despite "losing" imo. Not hard to keep fit in your early 20's when test is high but making a big change in your 30's is a legitimate effort.
if you arent someone whos been fit your whole life, and specifically been out of shape for a lot of it it's insanely hard to get in really good shape without using TRT/Peptides/Steroids/PEDs.
Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-25-2023 , 08:03 PM
airball is starting to grow on me! he is pissing of people left and right
Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-25-2023 , 09:37 PM
Really loving the lodge stream! I could name a bunch of reasons why I have made the switch from HCL to the lodge but I’m watching jungle on tilt atm lol
Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-25-2023 , 09:45 PM
Lodge stepping up there game,loving the action and hopefully we get more these high stakes games
Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-25-2023 , 10:52 PM
taras is making this stream near unwatchable, which is impressive considering how great it is otherwise.
Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-26-2023 , 01:01 AM
Doug is a nut with his flips to see if he calls on 200k pots, and wins every time. lol
Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-26-2023 , 02:57 AM
Where does Taras get his money?

Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-26-2023 , 03:06 AM
I love that like an hour in Jungle says like "Why am I not on the YT thumbnail"
And Doug is like are you serious?
They go back and forth about whether he's serious
(He seems like it)
And he's now in the thumbnail LOL
Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-26-2023 , 03:16 AM
I understand that Airball is an INSANE try hard, like biggest I've ever seen, so he's playing up the bad boy gimmick. But, it's like creepy how he's stone face calling jungle a b-tch, you're my b-tch, I own you! You're so bad... you're embarrassing seriously, you're a little b-tch.

3 minutes later LOLOLOLOLOLOLO Jungle that's hilarious! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Jungle... Jungle, hey Jungle
Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
02-26-2023 , 04:24 AM
Why is Ben Lamb even playing? He's looked miserable the entire time.
Neeme, Owen and Polk buy stakes in "The Lodge" poker room, Austin TX (Lodge containment thread) Quote
