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NBC National Heads-Up thread - Contains Spoilers NBC National Heads-Up thread - Contains Spoilers

04-21-2013 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by UCBananaboy
Best part was Matusow raise/calling AQo w/ ~ 18 BBs and Hellmuth criticizing him for the call.
Mike the mouth's interview on the 2+2 podcast after he won was classic and worth listening to.
NBC National Heads-Up thread - Contains Spoilers Quote
04-22-2013 , 12:02 AM
*Spoilers I guess*

Sweet jesus that final was so painful to watch. Hellmuth just came off as his whiney arrogant self. And Mike....Mike...oh my god the man comes off as an 8 year old trapped in a grown man's body. If I didn't know better I would have thought the man was mentally handicapped. He was insane.

And not in a good way. I understand this was a dream final for people that were watching poker in the poker boom days, but these two were terrible to watch. I would have rather had anyone else paired up in the finals. Both of them just whined and acted like children the whole time. These two didn't do anything good to make poker players look more like professionals and less like degenerates.

And Mike calling that hand as a 4:1 dog because he was "GOING FOR THE WIN! ITS MY TIME!" Was hilarious.
NBC National Heads-Up thread - Contains Spoilers Quote
04-22-2013 , 01:40 AM
Just watched the episode that features Hellmuth and Doc Sands at the main table. Doc Sands played so well throughout the first half of the match, then gets coolered when his 99 run into Hellmuth's QQ AIPF. Then they both get it in with KQ and Hellmuth runner runners a flush. Talk about run bad, **** me.
NBC National Heads-Up thread - Contains Spoilers Quote
04-22-2013 , 02:44 AM
Jeeze just saw Cates muck the winning wheel. That hurts. Good thing it didn't cost him the match.
NBC National Heads-Up thread - Contains Spoilers Quote
04-22-2013 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by bayoudonk
Mike the mouth's interview on the 2+2 podcast after he won was classic and worth listening to.
NBC National Heads-Up thread - Contains Spoilers Quote
04-23-2013 , 03:36 AM
Seiver and Marchese are autistic. Thoughts??
NBC National Heads-Up thread - Contains Spoilers Quote
04-23-2013 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by uscjustallin
Seiver and Marchese are autistic. Thoughts??
If we're going by what was shown of this tournament, then I think a case could be made that most of the field was somewhere on the autism spectrum...

Jungleman in particular is my fave autistic savant. Loved Nejad's "That was creepy" to his "Do you like it when it hurts?"
NBC National Heads-Up thread - Contains Spoilers Quote
04-23-2013 , 10:41 AM
Watch the final

Part 1

Part 2

NBC National Heads-Up thread - Contains Spoilers Quote
04-23-2013 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by JEP714
Sweet jesus that final was so painful to watch. Hellmuth just came off as his whiney arrogant self. And Mike....Mike...oh my god the man comes off as an 8 year old trapped in a grown man's body. If I didn't know better I would have thought the man was mentally handicapped. He was insane.

And not in a good way. I understand this was a dream final for people that were watching poker in the poker boom days, but these two were terrible to watch. I would have rather had anyone else paired up in the finals. Both of them just whined and acted like children the whole time. These two didn't do anything good to make poker players look more like professionals and less like degenerates.
I partially agree with this. This was not a good representation of poker to the un-educated viewer. For people who know better, know that these two are long time friends and this type of banter has been part of their match-ups...especially in cash games.

NBC mentioned it a couple times, but I think if they played up the friendship angle a little more during the player profiles, it might not have looked so awkward/annoying to the casual viewer.
NBC National Heads-Up thread - Contains Spoilers Quote
04-23-2013 , 11:16 AM
Continually bragging that because Mike and Phil reached the final of a 64 person private tourney, they have somehow proven that they can compete with the younger generation is beyond absurd.... and Mike's play in the final hand with his flush draw proves it.

The next time I win a 50 person private invite-only sit n go I'm going to tell everyone it proves that Phil Ivey can't compete with me.

I agree that Phil acted as his usual demeaning self - and Mike tried to act like an unstable ******* and achieved that goal as well.
NBC National Heads-Up thread - Contains Spoilers Quote
04-27-2013 , 04:51 PM
yeah watching the final (and the tournament in general) was pathetic. made poker players look like f%$#kin clowns
NBC National Heads-Up thread - Contains Spoilers Quote
04-28-2013 , 04:58 AM
the worst match 4 me was liv - baumann. What a nightmare...
NBC National Heads-Up thread - Contains Spoilers Quote
04-28-2013 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by VENIXXX
the worst match 4 me was liv - baumann. What a nightmare...
I dreamed of both of them it wuz nooo nightmare
NBC National Heads-Up thread - Contains Spoilers Quote
04-28-2013 , 09:33 PM
I gotta say the final match was good for poker. Why? Because the people involved were interesting, had personalities and had some GAMBOL (the final hand) in them! The poker boom is over, but if you were going to try to attract new players, this is the kind of stuff you want to show them. Two people with entertaining personalities battling it out, with lots at stake, both financially and personally (see Mi atusow at the end interview) and creative play. Matusow I think admitted to having bi-polar depression and you can see the crazy mood swings as he's flying high as a kite one minute and then down in the dumps the next minute. He also has the history of jail time, drugs and his entertaining personality. Of course he's not a life role model in any way, but he does capture people's interest and attention. Hellmuth is a longtime winner with a personality that works on TV as well.

If you want to attract new people to poker this is the way to do it and not with Random Internet Pro #32 and Random Internet Pro #108. Example: The guy that Hellmuth played heads up gave some story about how his moped wouldn't start after he was stopped by the cops for riding on the highway. Zzz, that's basically all I remember about him. I mean I get why internet people don't have personalities because when you're 20 tabling you only have time to sit there and make quick decisions but when those guys transition to live TV it doesn't make for a compelling broadcast. And televised TV should be used as a marketing tool for poker because it's probably the best marketing tool they got.
NBC National Heads-Up thread - Contains Spoilers Quote
04-28-2013 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by EddieOB
Continually bragging that because Mike and Phil reached the final of a 64 person private tourney, they have somehow proven that they can compete with the younger generation is beyond absurd.... and Mike's play in the final hand with his flush draw proves it.

The next time I win a 50 person private invite-only sit n go I'm going to tell everyone it proves that Phil Ivey can't compete with me.

I agree that Phil acted as his usual demeaning self - and Mike tried to act like an unstable ******* and achieved that goal as well.
They managed to simultaneously make themselves look dumb and disprove their own point by showing they don't understand variance at all.
NBC National Heads-Up thread - Contains Spoilers Quote
04-28-2013 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
I gotta say the final match was good for poker. Why? Because the people involved were interesting, had personalities and had some GAMBOL (the final hand) in them! The poker boom is over, but if you were going to try to attract new players, this is the kind of stuff you want to show them. Two people with entertaining personalities battling it out, with lots at stake, both financially and personally (see Mi atusow at the end interview) and creative play. Matusow I think admitted to having bi-polar depression and you can see the crazy mood swings as he's flying high as a kite one minute and then down in the dumps the next minute. He also has the history of jail time, drugs and his entertaining personality. Of course he's not a life role model in any way, but he does capture people's interest and attention. Hellmuth is a longtime winner with a personality that works on TV as well.

If you want to attract new people to poker this is the way to do it and not with Random Internet Pro #32 and Random Internet Pro #108. Example: The guy that Hellmuth played heads up gave some story about how his moped wouldn't start after he was stopped by the cops for riding on the highway. Zzz, that's basically all I remember about him. I mean I get why internet people don't have personalities because when you're 20 tabling you only have time to sit there and make quick decisions but when those guys transition to live TV it doesn't make for a compelling broadcast. And televised TV should be used as a marketing tool for poker because it's probably the best marketing tool they got.

Hey man, Joe serock is gonna start a massive stoner poker boom.
NBC National Heads-Up thread - Contains Spoilers Quote
04-29-2013 , 04:53 PM
Was flipping around last night and watched a few minutes of Seiver and Matusow. I'm not very familiar with this Seiver guy but he came off as a giant douchebag on television. Matusow may have rubbed off some douchery onto him during the match.
NBC National Heads-Up thread - Contains Spoilers Quote
04-29-2013 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by rakeme
Was flipping around last night and watched a few minutes of Seiver and Matusow. I'm not very familiar with this Seiver guy but he came off as a giant douchebag on television. Matusow may have rubbed off some douchery onto him during the match.
For those who saw the Matusow vs. Seiver NBC Heads Up Semifinal on TV, I was in the blue shirt filming this part of the match. I shot it vertically from my smart phone to appear I was only taking pictures. Sure a silly moment between these two.

NBC National Heads-Up thread - Contains Spoilers Quote
