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My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter

04-20-2011 , 11:55 AM
I think our best bet is Harry Reid adding online poker legalization to the back of another bill again and getting it to pass. Basically this is how UIGEA passed, Bill Frist slipped it onto the back of the port security bill and the rest was history.

Word is Reid tried to get this done in Dec because Harrahs wanted it and they were big campaign contributors to him. Supposedly he made a promise to get this done for them. It didn't work the first time. Not sure if this is still on his agenda to push for for Harrahs atm or not.

But I think the PPA needs to target a few powerful Congressmen and spend heavily. I don't like the idea of trying to spread the money around too much, unless we have enough to spread around. Giving a little to many might not go far, but get guys like Reid and give them hundreds of thousands, so they will make it a priority to try to attach it at every possible opportunity I think will work. I think as PPA members we need to identify who is best to target and spend like crazy in this session of congress. Not sure where our coffers are at now, but Id like to see a couple million spent on not more than say 5-6 politicians who can get this added on to a Bill for us. I really think if the PPA has the money and spends it right this year that we can get legalization in this next congressional session. We were close to getting it last year with Harry Reid, if rep.Kyle didn't block it.
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-20-2011 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
Them being non-commital and saying they will consider the views is WAY better than them saying they will always be opposed to it and will never allow it to happen. They aren't going to write back with their own personal thoughts just for you. some of these responses are a good thing....whether you guys realize it or not.
I want to agree with you, but it gives these testicular-challenged policiticans way more credit than they deserve.

They all flip-flop and hedge on issues until they get the polling data back from their campaign staffs. It will obv be unfavorable in the majority for this issue, and IMO, nothing will get done at the Federal level (without big corporate sponsorship driving it). Maybe the state level, a la NV and the Scott Matusow speculation, will it become legal.

In short, maybe if pols actually read these letters (or at least the sane, rational ones) and responded to EACH issue with their own thoughts, instead of carefully worded flip-flop responses written by their PR spokesman staffs, we wouldn't have so much of the frustrating BS legislative process in Congress today.

Unless I gave them the $2364 limit of what I could give to pols in campaign contributions. Maybe then if I put that in my letter, I'd get a personalized response.
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-20-2011 , 12:02 PM
While its true that these letter writing campaigns are a good idea to help it pass if it goes before congress, first we need someone to bring it before the house. The incentive for someone to bring it before the house will likely have to be more then people writing letters to them. A huge campaign contribution will likely do it.

Also it is very unlikely that someone will bring this before the house as its own Bill. Both because it will be harder to pass that way and second cause its a politically dangerous issue to visibly go out on a limb for.

Probably the best bet for it to get legalized would be to have it added to a back of another Bill anyways like Reid tried and like Frist did to screw us.

Once again keep up the letter writing, but then we need to give enough to a few players to get them to add it to some Bills.
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-20-2011 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Bluffzorz
Isn't that a flawed argument? because online poker also supports families, individuals and even makes some people rich (Ivey, Antonius, Durrrrr). As well as gives tax money to the government in some cases.

I could also go drink alcohol and die from drinking too much. Doesn't mean everyone will do that.
Of course it's a nonsense argument. We need to keep hammering that point home, as well as show the voting public that we are just regular folks like them enjoying a regular hobby, as harmless as any other.

I keep thinking of the things I do that cost more in time or money than poker, and the answer turns out to be just about everything. The myth of the degen needs to die. We are your brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, bosses and employees, your public servants and your voters. We are a broad and deep cross section of America. We don't gamble ourselves into poverty any more than people watch live sports or pay-per-view themselves into poverty. The vast majority of us get more enjoyment for less money through playing poker than going out to eat or going to the movies would provide.

It's crazy that I can pay $45 to watch two grown men pound each other in the boxing ring for an hour but I can't spend $2 or $5 or $10, which will have NO material affect on me, for an hour of fun in a sit and go poker tournament.
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-20-2011 , 12:18 PM
Im not sure enough people realize what I stated above. Basically letter writing campaigns are great, there have been many many threads over the last few days about them. But like I said, no congressman including Reid will bring this forward as a Bill by itself, so we don't really need to worry about it going to a separate vote. If it gets attached to the back of another good bill its unlikely most congressman will try to stop it either, unless they are like rep Kyl who is a far right conservative. So it just becomes a numbers games. How many times are congressman willing to add it to bills, how often are conservatives willing to hold up Bills that have it attached. Unless representatives like Kyl make it there passion to block this, and then we could be in trouble, if guys like Reid keep throwing it in, eventually it should pass. We need to make sure that guys like Reid keep adding it to Bills. Letter writing wont get that done, the PPA giving guys big money to do so will.

Another possible tactic to go along with spending enough to get people to add it to Bills, is to donate heavily to campaigns of people running against Representatives who try to block this and let those reps know will will do so. However they can raise a lot from religious groups by advertising that they are blocking online gambling, so it becomes a money war. We need to outspend the religious groups in those races.

Basically enough money spent correctly should get online poker legalized.

Last edited by WhatsEV?; 04-20-2011 at 12:43 PM.
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-20-2011 , 12:20 PM
so many of these politicians will give you this false hope. "oh ya Harry Reid put a bill through, but it didn't pass."

Well it didn't pass cause you didn't vote for it dumbass,

I emailed my state senators, awaiting response.
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-20-2011 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by Bluffzorz
so many of these politicians will give you this false hope. "oh ya Harry Reid put a bill through, but it didn't pass."

Well it didn't pass cause you didn't vote for it dumbass,

I emailed my state senators, awaiting response.
Actually this is not true. They never had a chance to vote on it. Reid tried to add it to the back of another Bill in Dec. But had to take it off when Rep John Kyl vowed to block any bill which included Reids provision to legalize poker.None of the democrats would have blocked this attempt and few of the Republicans. If it weren't for a few Reps like John Kyl who raise money from religous groups who back him to oppose these things then it probably would have passed.
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-20-2011 , 12:42 PM
On a side note John Kyl will be retiring from congress in 2012. Or so he announced. Not sure if he will continue to oppose legalization of online poker before than or not. However once he's out of the house then it wont matter. So unless someone new steps up to make opposing online poker there pet project, it should get legalized by no later than 2012.
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-21-2011 , 06:16 PM
Dear Mr. McManigal,

Thank you for sharing your concerns regarding prohibitions on internet gambling and exemptions for certain types of gambling. I appreciate your interest in the issues facing our country and state, and I am glad for the opportunity to respond to your inquiry. By contacting me on issues of importance to you, I am better able to represent Utah in Congress.

The Interstate Wire Act of 1961 outlawed most forms of interstate gambling, but recent technological advances, such as the internet, have allowed illicit offshore "virtual casinos" to flourish. Many virtual casinos have introduced features like proxy gambling, gambling for credit, or claims of gambling in a virtual offshore locale to induce bettors to believe that these organizations have overcome legal prohibitions. In fact, they have not.

In 2006, Congress enacted legislation that prohibits businesses from accepting checks, credit cards, electronic transfers, and similar financial exchanges in connection with illegal internet gambling. This provision exempts intra-state and intra-tribal Internet gambling operations that feature age and location verification requirements imposed as a matter of law. I voted in favor of this legislation.

I recognize that some believe poker and other "games of skill" should be exempt from federal legislation banning internet gambling. However, I disagree. I oppose efforts to undo prohibitions on gambling. As Congress works to address the problem of illegal internet gambling, I will continue to protect the best interests of concerned Utahns.

Again, thank you for sharing your concerns with me. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact my office.

Jim Matheson
Member of Congress
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-21-2011 , 06:18 PM
Time to vote in the other direction imo.
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-21-2011 , 06:18 PM

as long as those people run big corporations or are elected officials
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-21-2011 , 06:21 PM
i stopped reading at "Utah" i know what the rest says
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-21-2011 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by _neff_
i stopped reading at "Utah" i know what the rest says
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-21-2011 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by McManigal
Dear Mr. McManigal,

Thank you for sharing your concerns regarding prohibitions on internet gambling and exemptions for certain types of gambling. I appreciate your interest in the issues facing our country and state, and I am glad for the opportunity to respond to your inquiry. By contacting me on issues of importance to you, I am better able to represent Utah in Congress.

The Interstate Wire Act of 1961 outlawed most forms of interstate gambling, but recent technological advances, such as the internet, have allowed illicit offshore "virtual casinos" to flourish. Many virtual casinos have introduced features like proxy gambling, gambling for credit, or claims of gambling in a virtual offshore locale to induce bettors to believe that these organizations have overcome legal prohibitions. In fact, they have not.

In 2006, Congress enacted legislation that prohibits businesses from accepting checks, credit cards, electronic transfers, and similar financial exchanges in connection with illegal internet gambling. This provision exempts intra-state and intra-tribal Internet gambling operations that feature age and location verification requirements imposed as a matter of law. I voted in favor of this legislation.

I recognize that some believe poker and other "games of skill" should be exempt from federal legislation banning internet gambling. However, I disagree. I oppose efforts to undo prohibitions on gambling. As Congress works to address the problem of illegal internet gambling, I will continue to protect the best interests of concerned Utahns.

Again, thank you for sharing your concerns with me. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact my office.

Jim Matheson
Member of Congress
Eagerly awaiting the shutdown of Yahoo for their real money hearts games.
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-21-2011 , 06:28 PM
Wish I had saved it, but I have an old email from my congresswoman here in California (madam Feinstein) stating that she DOES NOT support interenet gambling under any circumstances.

If you are in California, LETS GIVE HER THE BOOT!!!
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-21-2011 , 06:28 PM
The best part about that response from the Senator?

My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-21-2011 , 06:38 PM
Utah Congressmen will never vote for it, big surprise huh?

Thank you for sharing your concerns regarding prohibitions on internet gambling and exemptions for certain types of gambling. I appreciate your interest in the issues facing our country and state, and I am glad for the opportunity to respond to your inquiry. By contacting me on issues of importance to you, I am better able to represent Utah in Congress.

The Interstate Wire Act of 1961 outlawed most forms of interstate gambling, but recent technological advances, such as the internet, have allowed illicit offshore "virtual casinos" to flourish. Many virtual casinos have introduced features like proxy gambling, gambling for credit, or claims of gambling in a virtual offshore locale to induce bettors to believe that these organizations have overcome legal prohibitions. In fact, they have not.

In 2006, Congress enacted legislation that prohibits businesses from accepting checks, credit cards, electronic transfers, and similar financial exchanges in connection with illegal internet gambling. This provision exempts intra-state and intra-tribal Internet gambling operations that feature age and location verification requirements imposed as a matter of law. I voted in favor of this legislation.

I recognize that some believe poker and other "games of skill" should be exempt from federal legislation banning internet gambling. However, I disagree. I oppose efforts to undo prohibitions on gambling. As Congress works to address the problem of illegal internet gambling, I will continue to protect the best interests of concerned Utahns.

Again, thank you for sharing your concerns with me. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact my office.

Jim Matheson - Utah Congressman
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-21-2011 , 06:41 PM
It seems to me that it's just another POS politician blowing smoke...
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-21-2011 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by Go Get It
Time to vote in the other direction imo.
yeah he's probably terrified of losing the Utah online poker vote
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-21-2011 , 06:45 PM
We need to put Larry Flint on the case.
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-21-2011 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Dima2000123
How dare they give us canned responses to canned letters?
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-21-2011 , 07:00 PM
Does he say "game of skill" because he doesn't believe that is true? Who would have guessed a politician from Utah doesn't understand the maths.
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-21-2011 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by _neff_
yeah he's probably terrified of losing the Utah online poker vote
Can't hurt to try.
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-21-2011 , 07:14 PM
someone start a new thread or post in this thread the letter u sent. will get more people to send it imo. lots of people that are too lazy to write out a letter but would copy/paste and email it if it were written for them.
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
04-21-2011 , 07:43 PM
Dear Mr. Douglas:

Thank you for expressing your views on Internet gambling.

The Internet has become a major portal of communication in today’s world. It transmits all kinds of information and serves as a common form of communication between all citizens; this has transferred to the realm of gambling as well.

Americans bet more than $6 billion a year online. Online gambling opponents argue that because it is largely unregulated, online gambling tempts children and offers an opportunity for criminals to launder money. Regulating the industry is a problem in that most online gambling operations are based overseas and out of reach of US regulation.

On September 30, 2006, Congress passed and sent to President Bush the SAFE Port Act, which included the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act.

This legislation makes it illegal for Americans to use financial instruments, such as checks and credit cards, to play online poker, place bets, and engage in other forms of gambling. However, the title exempts intrastate and intratribal Internet gambling operations that feature age and location verification requirements imposed as a matter of law.

Currently, bills have been introduced in the Senate and the House of Representatives to repeal or alter the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act. Should these bills be brought before up for a vote, I will keep your views in mind. Thank you again for getting in touch with me.


Sherrod Brown
United States Senator
My Senator replied to my PPA emailed letter Quote
