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My PM Exchange With Brandon Tonight My PM Exchange With Brandon Tonight

01-19-2008 , 03:16 AM
It started when I posted the following regarding the radio interview:

"Personally, I thought it was pretty anti climatic. We were led to believe that there would be shocking new revelations about her. Instead it just uh, basically, repeated what was said here. I'm pretty sure Brandon reached more people by posting here.

Meanwhile I think I should tell you that Brandi herself pretty much told me a lot of the same things Brandon revealed. Didn't particularly shock me at the time. Or cause me not to want to help her. To me it just said she trusted me and that she was trying to turn over a new leaf. It seemed like plus EV to believe her. Then again, I rent my furniture."

Brandon PMed me:

Thanks for making light of the situation. You are not at all the person I thought you were. Im glad you can take such pleasure in a terrible situation such as this. Everything I ever said was truthful and honest. When the next "victim" is revealed, I hope all the traffic it garners fattens your wallet. Very responsible to condone this behavior.

I replied:

"You are too sensitive. Why do you call this a terrible situation? A similar thing happened to me. Twice. The money isn't relevant is it? Or is it terrible because you still worry about Brandi?

If you look at this through other people's eyes you might actually feel better.

PS Did you in fact decide to hold things back? "


"I really dont think I am being too sensitive. Yes EVERYTHING I OWNED WAS EITHER SOLD OR DESTROYED. Because I ended a relationship? Does that seem logical? No the money isnt relevant. Understand, many things were lost that money cant replace. My grandfather who is dying of cancer gave me a purple heart he received for service in World War II. Is that funny? Can I replace that? Regardless of what she ever told you, I treated her with understanding and compassion. I never treated her like a prostitute or a whore. Do I worry about her? Even after all she has done and even more disturbing things being brought to my attention, yes, in some sick way I worry about what lies ahead for her. She has never had the skills or mental capacity to take care of herself, have pride in herself, or understand any other way than to subject herself and her body to abuse. To me that also is terrible and tragic. Nobody has to tell me, I know what the eventual outcome will be. There is no other alternative. Yes, there are MANY things I have held back. I tried for a few days to resolve this privately with her before posting what I did. I will make sure if and when I "reveal" anything that needs to eventually come out, I will do it by way of another medium other than this one."


"You made a much better case in this message to me than you did on your posts or your radio show. You have permission to post our exchange tonight in its entirety. Here or elsewhere."

"If you care to, feel free. People already consider my motives for speaking out as being bitter and self serving."
01-19-2008 , 03:21 AM
01-19-2008 , 03:22 AM
01-19-2008 , 03:24 AM
ok now we know
01-19-2008 , 03:28 AM
Why you remove my post David? It is the truth.
01-19-2008 , 03:29 AM
read it before it gets deleted baby
01-19-2008 , 03:30 AM
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is there anything new in this thread?

01-19-2008 , 03:31 AM
All I said was that I am sick of hearing about Brandi. If people choose to get involved with her then I have no sympathy for them!
01-19-2008 , 03:41 AM
I did not delete any posts. Could someone tell me what Jenn Fox replied "yes" to.
01-19-2008 , 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
I did not delete any posts. Could someone tell me what Jenn Fox replied "yes" to.
I'm guessing it would've been to my first post that was removed within about 5seconds of me posting it. I assumed it was you, sorry.
01-19-2008 , 03:46 AM
Taking his Purple Heart was very uncool.
01-19-2008 , 03:47 AM
Could you tell me the question she answered? Without the stuff that made someone delete it.
01-19-2008 , 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Could you tell me the question she answered? Without the stuff that made someone delete it.
Pretty much said that I am sick of these Brandi threads and I have no sympathy for anyone who gets involved with her. She is dirt imo.
01-19-2008 , 03:51 AM
I don't see why it was removed Nick. David did you actually expect to post that and receive nothing but positive comments towards you?
01-19-2008 , 03:53 AM
i was not responding to any post. (i didnt see any)

yes was just a statement. it makes me sad to admit that brandon is telling the truth. i was mistaken. that is all.
01-19-2008 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
My grandfather who is dying of cancer gave me a purple heart he received for service in World War II. Is that funny? Can I replace that?

I really hope this hooker gets what's coming to her.

Hopefully the cops and the DA will be sympathetic to this and put the screws to this ****
01-19-2008 , 04:15 AM
like sand through the hourglass....
01-19-2008 , 04:18 AM
Originally Posted by JennFox
i was not responding to any post. (i didnt see any)

yes was just a statement. it makes me sad to admit that brandon is telling the truth. i was mistaken. that is all.
so how did your convo with brandi go
01-19-2008 , 04:20 AM
i'd just like to state again



[x] thread delivers
01-19-2008 , 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by JennFox
i was not responding to any post. (i didnt see any)

yes was just a statement. it makes me sad to admit that brandon is telling the truth. i was mistaken. that is all.
after all the crap you gave everyone here for bashing her?

As for the OP, David made it sound like he was giving Brandon grief for doing an interview with Micon, like he was jealous or something. Seems weird
01-19-2008 , 05:51 AM
Nice. Posting private messages sent to you in a public forum.

Utter class, but I'd expect nothing less from someone who tries to diddle girls less than half his age.
01-19-2008 , 05:54 AM
Hot Damn I think Brandi is single again !! WOOP WOOP.
01-19-2008 , 05:57 AM
Originally Posted by banzi
Nice. Posting private messages sent to you in a public forum.
Reading comprehension ftw
01-19-2008 , 06:00 AM
Originally Posted by madmonk
Reading comprehension ftw
Yup, because no matter what was implied, he still posted a private message in a public forum for traffic and views. A person of integrity would've not opened that up to the masses.

It's an opinion. I'm allowed to have one.
01-19-2008 , 06:03 AM
Uh... so he asked to post it...
