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My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money

04-05-2015 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by likes
Whether the police ought to be doing this is also not a terribly difficult question. Nobody ought to have a gripe with the police for enforcing existing laws.

Finally, if you can't figure out how to run a home poker game without running afoul of the law, you're probably not thinking hard enough.

There is a gripe in the way police have been conducting business and that is part of the enforcement so I would say that people have a right to gripe. I have a gripe where officers have beaten or killed many people causing giant lawsuits. I believe it should come out of the cops salary and not the tax payers. Why should the people be punished for the cops action? Part of the problem is the cops have too much leeway in their so called investigations. I mean the no knock policy is questionable. I mean the investigation can be short and a no knock warrant will be granted.
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by nascent
Well, with all due respect-
you say that raked games are illegal, I say that they are not illegal.

Let me give you an illustration of why I say this:

Have you ever heard of anyone getting arrested for the crime of abortion? Of course not. But abortion IS a law. However, a higher authority overruled the law in Row vs. Wade. So is abortion against the law, or not? I would say that abortion is not against (mens) law. (obviously God's law is a different argument)

In the same way, the Supreme Court has ruled in every single state that every crime must have the element of standing (or subject matter jurisdiction) for a crime to have been committed. A victim must suffer a harm in the form of a net tangible loss for a crime to have been committed.

My question for anyone that thinks raked poker games are illegal- which victim suffered a net tangible loss, and what was that loss?
The bible says that raked poker games are illegal.

My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
Fwiw, the Department of Justice has severely curtailed their asset forfeiture rules. This will change things significantly for a lot of the problem (and it is a problem) but law enforcement can still operate under state law, which I assume differ by state. Hopefully the various states make changes if they have onerous laws.
You pointed out one of the two problems with this. State laws are pretty ruthless in a lot of states and the confiscations will continue.

The other problem is that Eric Holder isn't going to be the AG much longer. His likely successor, Loretta Lynch, is wildly in favor of asset forfeiture and will undo Holder's action. Lynch recently announced that her office seized over $904 million in asset forfeitures – in 2013 alone.

Her stance on asset forfeitures is one of the main things holding up her nomination, but a few people recently caved and it looks like she's be the next AG.
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by numberonedonk
Because I'm bored at the moment I'll reply.
Stop with the whole thieves, stealing bull ****. They took they money because a crime took place and they have a legal right to take any money that is involved in a crime for evidence or whatever other reasons. You don't have to agree with it but it is the law. These same "thieves" are the same people you would be calling when actual thieves show up and take the money.
I strongly disagree with everything in the above quote. First of all, I believe they took the money because they wanted to steal it. I also don't believe that police (or anyone else for that matter) are legally permitted to steal.
Said another way- the police are not above the law.

Well you are certainly entitled to your opinion but opinions don't trump laws. Yes it is there to protect people because these games get robbed all the time so they have the laws to protect the people from playing in them. If you weren't already aware the government does many things that make you wonder but the fact is that the government is operating within the law while you and your friends weren't. Again if you would stop being so biased and actually try to understand you may understand but you're just mad and blinded by rage so you won't even try to understand.
So the police robbed a poker game to protect the players from someone else robbing it? Based on that logic, why don't the police rob private homes as private homes are often robbed?
In your judgment if the police robbed private homes would they be 'operating within the law'?

You're probably correct but we aren't talking about stealing because they didn't steal anything. They had the legal right to confiscate that money, people were given paper work in regards to the money that was taken. Stealing would be when 4 people come in with masks, put everyone on the floor, and take the money with out giving paperwork.
In my opinion, the police did steal. To make the argument that they weren't stealing based upon the fact that they didn't have masks is extremely bizarre to me. Since when are masks and lack of the paperwork the barometers of whether or not theft occurred?
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
this is just like if a cop stopped you for jaywalking and took all the cash out of your pockets while he was at it. sure you're "committing a crime" but come the **** on what service are the police providing with these actions?
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by venice10
If we're going to nit it out, the people of the Commonwealth of MA suffered a tangible loss due to revenues lost from taxing the rake. The commonwealth is supposed to get 5% of the gross rake by law. Has the host been sending that after every session? Didn't think so.

And before you go off on another tangent asking for what other activity requires organizations send a portion of the gross revenues to the commonwealth, don't forget your sales tax. You think businesses don't have to pay that?

As for the cash, they could do a simple calculation of: "So the game has been running for 5 years. It runs 3-4 times a week and about 6 hours each time. So assuming a rake of $3 per hand and 30 hands an hour, that means you owe over $24,000 if you want to make a big deal about this. We'll just keep this cash we have until everything is paid up."
Nope. Assuming what you say could be proven (even though we both know it couldn't), the commonwealth would have to call every single person that resides in the state as a witness AND they would all need to have 1st hand knowledge that what you are saying is true.
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by SandmanNess
So wait, the police are immoral here, or the law and the system? They aren't the same thing. If theres a law that says you cant run an underground game with rake and if you do, all money will get seized, the police that are there to enforce it are the immoral ones?
All three are immoral: the police, the law, and the system. Sure, the police are just doing their jobs. I guarantee you that half or more of them who showed up for the raid don't agree with it, and that's not what they signed up for when they became police officers. But if they refuse to take part in the raid they will lose their jobs. However, they still have a responsibility to their own convictions. This is why I couldn't be a police officer, because I'd be forced to do things that I disagree with on principle.

We all know the law prohibits the home poker game (in my state it doesn't even have to be raked. If any bet or pot is more than $10, then it's illegal). But sometimes laws are immoral, and this is one of those times. There are other ridiculous laws on the books that police departments choose not to enforce. In many states, it's illegal for a man and woman to cohabitate if they are not married. But no police force enforces that ridiculous law nowadays.

So yes, I'm outraged. I know this happens, and it's standard, and it's the law, but I'm outraged that there is a law that bans people from making their own decisions about what to do with their own time and money. Especially when there are other actual real crimes that the police should be spending their time on.

It's immoral through and through.

Last edited by killer beez; 04-05-2015 at 06:42 PM.
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by GrimeRat420
Nah theyre different. One is illegal therefore immoral, one is legal and moral
"Legal" and "moral" are not synonymous. ... except for lemmings.

Last edited by killer beez; 04-05-2015 at 06:44 PM.
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 07:21 PM
The commonwealth would have to call every single person that resides in the state as a witness AND they would all need to have 1st hand knowledge that what you are saying is true.
El oh el. And the court doesn't have jurisdiction anyway because they display a flag with fringe on it, and that makes them legally an admiralty court, right?

Seriously OP, just stop pretending that you know anything about the law. If you don't like the law, work to get it changed, but stop covering your ears and thinking that yelling "la la la la I can't hear you" makes it go away.
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
El oh el. And the court doesn't have jurisdiction anyway because they display a flag with fringe on it, and that makes them legally an admiralty court, right?

Seriously OP, just stop pretending that you know anything about the law. If you don't like the law, work to get it changed, but stop covering your ears and thinking that yelling "la la la la I can't hear you" makes it go away.
It's pretty common sense that the truth cannot be established without witnesses. I'm pretty sure this isn't a revolutionary opinion, either.
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by nascent
It's pretty common sense that the truth cannot be established without witnesses. I'm pretty sure this isn't a revolutionary opinion, either.

Even with witnesses you might not establish truth. But if everyone was truthful justice would be easier wouldn't it?
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 08:59 PM
Has anyone beside OP confirmed that this actually happened? Usually when these things happen there will be some media coverage but I couldn't find any.

At this point I really feel that OP is just trolling because he's all alone on Easter and has no one to talk to.
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by killer beez
"Legal" and "moral" are not synonymous. ... except for lemmings.
Yeh I was being fecetious lol to us that premise may be obvious but not everyone itt agrees.
Let the government laws decide morality for us, they certainly know whats best! /s
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by numberonedonk
Has anyone beside OP confirmed that this actually happened? Usually when these things happen there will be some media coverage but I couldn't find any.

At this point I really feel that OP is just trolling because he's all alone on Easter and has no one to talk to.
I don't troll and I don't appreciate the accusation.
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by nascent
I don't troll and I don't appreciate the accusation.
So you're just really really stupid? I was trying to give you the benefit in that no way you're as stupid as you seem but if you aren't trolling then.......
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by nascent
I strongly disagree with everything in the above quote. First of all, I believe they took the money because they wanted to steal it. I also don't believe that police (or anyone else for that matter) are legally permitted to steal.
Said another way- the police are not above the law.

This money that they took is a lot of time used for perks and stuff for the police department. It sucks and getting the money back is a pain. In some areas it will be returned after 30 days. Other times you need a lawyer and then you end up losing some of your money to pay the lawyer.

That law that bans commercial poker games is not there to protect players.(Once you take rake that is considered a commercial game. That is a gambling establishment without a license.) That law is there to protect tax interest. Not anything else and to stop people from profiting from gambling. The state does not like competition.
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by nascent
I don't troll and I don't appreciate the accusation.
No, actually you do and you are.

I'm sorry but from reading this thread it is obvious to me that you're just not a very smart person despite your frantic attempts to claim otherwise. Please stop. This topic and your pseudo intellectual legal ramblings are dull and laborious.
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by Randomly Banned.
No, actually you do and you are.

I'm sorry but from reading this thread it is obvious to me that you're just not a very smart person despite your frantic attempts to claim otherwise. Please stop. This topic and your pseudo intellectual legal ramblings are dull and laborious.
I'm just not a very smart person, huh?
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 09:38 PM
I actually don't think OP is trolling. I think he's just outrageously dumb.
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by jmurjeff
This money that they took is a lot of time used for perks and stuff for the police department. It sucks and getting the money back is a pain. In some areas it will be returned after 30 days. Other times you need a lawyer and then you end up losing some of your money to pay the lawyer.

That law that bans commercial poker games is not there to protect players.(Once you take rake that is considered a commercial game. That is a gambling establishment without a license.) That law is there to protect tax interest. Not anything else and to stop people from profiting from gambling. The state does not like competition.
Exactly. There is no public interest whatsoever, so the raid was done entirely on pretense. The way of the world? Yes, but that does not make it right.
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by nascent
Exactly. There is no public interest whatsoever, so the raid was done entirely on pretense. The way of the world? Yes, but that does not make it right.
Well you stated there was rake taken right? If that is true then the bolded cannot be true. The law may not be right and the actions the cops took may not be right. However, they saw a big pot and they took it down sorta speak. Guess the cops like poker too.
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by dalerobk2
I actually don't think OP is trolling. I think he's just outrageously dumb.

Conclusion I came to as well and decided to stop getting him to see the obvious
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 10:09 PM
nascent, you have no idea WTF you're talking about. Watching you try to argue this is painful beyond the reach of over the counter medication.
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by moki
nascent, you have no idea WTF you're talking about. Watching you try to argue this is painful beyond the reach of over the counter medication.
Theft: it's ok when the police do it, but not ok for anyone else to do it.
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
04-05-2015 , 10:17 PM
Even referring to it as a "home game" in the thread title is outrageously dumb.
My home game raided by police, 1 arrest, police took all money Quote
