Originally Posted by Clevername69
If OP was genuine about paying his victims back. Then he would be working multiple jobs and would only leave himself enough money to survive on bare essentials (Rent/food/electricity). Like others have said, $20/week is a mockery and will take 300 years to pay everyone back at that rate.
I disagree. $20 per week will add up, over time. And it's manageable. And it shows it's coming from other things, not more gambling, not trying to make it all back with one big score. So it will take him years to pay people back, but what are his other options? I doubt Wall St is hiring with his background and experience (although actually they are bigger scammers than he, but that's for another thread)...
The proof will be in the pudding. Will he continue to pay, as he is promising? But I'm not sure what else you guys want from him. He made a terrible mistake, and now he seems to be trying to make it right, the best way he can. What else can he do? What does going to jail solve? It's certainly not going to get people their money back faster, that's for sure...
Good luck to you, OP. Hope you are serious about your new outlook on life. You screwed up in a big way, but we all make mistakes. It's what we do about them that matters.