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My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr

02-03-2010 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by C-Unit
i cant get these to work in universal replayer.

Thanks for trying, they are taken from Holdem Manager as anyone who plays on ipoker will know their hh's are in 1 xml file and are a bitch to read.

Maybe I'll just replay them in HM and record it, and post on youtube?
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-03-2010 , 04:36 PM
Ok I have manually read through SnG 6 as I figured that'd be the most likely one to be suspicious.

The first thing I have to say is that I think it's RIDICULOUS to offer a jackpot of this size for winning 6 6-max sngs in a row. I'm sure that has happened a number of times to people who mass multi table grind one table sngs. This alone makes me think that shady poker sites would look for ways to get out of this payment.

I'm no celebrity, just a winning low-midstakes MTT player. Take what you want from that.

I assume Player 2 is the problem in this SnG. This player has spazzed off a decent portion of his chipstack to you in the first hand by betting 2 streets (flop and river) on AQQxA with 99. He then spazzes off the rest of his stack to you a few hands later jamming AKhh on a J987 rainbow turn into your J9.

If iPoker could find a strong link between the two of you (if this is the other BdBeat player for example) then they are gonna jump all over this, especially as it's in the 6th sng. I mean it just looks like a really bad player, in hand 1 he's made a pitiful preflop raise and then cbetting where he clearly shouldn't be and then trying to rep Aces full on the river. Hand 2 is a pure bluffshove on the turn. But like I said if they can link you to him it's going to be enough for them.

The last hand where you win is also a little iffy, in that your opponent who has previously been playing correctly, i.e. shoving or folding (although the HU has been very short, there is no dynamic as such), elects to flat OOP with a trash hand that you dominate and then open overbet shove the flop with bottom pair bd flush draw. It does kinda look suspicious that he's shoving here with effectively 2 outs.

Like I said originally I think this bonus is ridiculous, and being a 6max (turbo?) sng there is nowhere near enough play to confidently say someone is colluding. People spaz out to me way way worse than the examples above in stars 12 180 turbos over and over again all day long. If you are innocent you're going to say these are spaz outs which they easily could be. If you are the big poker site trying to get out of a 160k payment you're going to say that these player gifted their chips to you on purpose so that you could win.

Tough one to prove either way.
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-03-2010 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by C-Unit
Ok I have manually read through SnG 6 as I figured that'd be the most likely one to be suspicious.

The first thing I have to say is that I think it's RIDICULOUS to offer a jackpot of this size for winning 6 6-max sngs in a row. I'm sure that has happened a number of times to people who mass multi table grind one table sngs. This alone makes me think that shady poker sites would look for ways to get out of this payment.

I'm no celebrity, just a winning low-midstakes MTT player. Take what you want from that.

I assume Player 2 is the problem in this SnG. This player has spazzed off a decent portion of his chipstack to you in the first hand by betting 2 streets (flop and river) on AQQxA with 99. He then spazzes off the rest of his stack to you a few hands later jamming AKhh on a J987 rainbow turn into your J9.

If iPoker could find a strong link between the two of you (if this is the other BdBeat player for example) then they are gonna jump all over this, especially as it's in the 6th sng. I mean it just looks like a really bad player, in hand 1 he's made a pitiful preflop raise and then cbetting where he clearly shouldn't be and then trying to rep Aces full on the river. Hand 2 is a pure bluffshove on the turn. But like I said if they can link you to him it's going to be enough for them.

The last hand where you win is also a little iffy, in that your opponent who has previously been playing correctly, i.e. shoving or folding (although the HU has been very short, there is no dynamic as such), elects to flat OOP with a trash hand that you dominate and then open overbet shove the flop with bottom pair bd flush draw. It does kinda look suspicious that he's shoving here with effectively 2 outs.

Like I said originally I think this bonus is ridiculous, and being a 6max (turbo?) sng there is nowhere near enough play to confidently say someone is colluding. People spaz out to me way way worse than the examples above in stars 12 180 turbos over and over again all day long. If you are innocent you're going to say these are spaz outs which they easily could be. If you are the big poker site trying to get out of a 160k payment you're going to say that these player gifted their chips to you on purpose so that you could win.

Tough one to prove either way.
Thanks for the review - the player who spazzed out (Player 2) also appears in SNG 5. He is not a badbeat player, nor do I have any clue who he is. The only link ipoker came up with was that he was a UK player.

I SS'd him, and he had played everything from 2$ to 500$ sng's and had a lost a few k.

The badbeat player was in SNG 1 and 2 (and is labelled as badbeat player).

The HU hand seemed fairly standard to see, it happens a load in single table sng's.
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-03-2010 , 05:31 PM
I would never EVER play on iPoker after reading all this BS the OP went through
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-03-2010 , 05:32 PM
Let's start a terror campaign against iPoker until they pay up.
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-03-2010 , 05:32 PM
Could someone with a legal mind say why it could affect Brennan if he posts iPokers investagation, how can the fact that they "don't want" hurt him if he does do it?

He proves they took his 160k but he posted their techniques so its voided by the judge?

Please ask a lawyer asap how this can hurt you if it goes to court.
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-03-2010 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by C-Unit
The first thing I have to say is that I think it's RIDICULOUS to offer a jackpot of this size for winning 6 6-max sngs in a row. I'm sure that has happened a number of times to people who mass multi table grind one table sngs. This alone makes me think that shady poker sites would look for ways to get out of this payment.
I assume this jackpot, like most others, are built by taking money out of the rake paid for the sngs? If so, it's not something paid by the site and the size of it will be related to how difficult it is to hit which means it basically regulates itself.
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-03-2010 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by MinusEV
I assume this jackpot, like most others, are built by taking money out of the rake paid for the sngs? If so, it's not something paid by the site and the size of it will be related to how difficult it is to hit which means it basically regulates itself.
yeah $4 rake extra in 55 sngs

pretty much impossible for a multitabling grinder to win. pretty obv you will have same players joining when you start umpteen sngs in a row and there's their excuse to never pay you out.
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-04-2010 , 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by Lionel Hutz
Didn't you say you had correspondence from i Poker but didn't want to reveal it yet?

ipoker do not want their "investigation" techniques to be made public. I am holding off publishing the document until I get legal advice.

Originally Posted by sheeprustler
can we get verified coach/pro to confirm he did nothing wrong through reading of hand histories?
Excellent idea, 2+2 could/should set up an arbitration section for these type of disputes.
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-04-2010 , 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by C-Unit
Ok I have manually read through SnG 6 as I figured that'd be the most likely one to be suspicious.

The first thing I have to say is that I think it's RIDICULOUS to offer a jackpot of this size for winning 6 6-max sngs in a row. I'm sure that has happened a number of times to people who mass multi table grind one table sngs. This alone makes me think that shady poker sites would look for ways to get out of this payment.

I'm no celebrity, just a winning low-midstakes MTT player. Take what you want from that.

I assume Player 2 is the problem in this SnG. This player has spazzed off a decent portion of his chipstack to you in the first hand by betting 2 streets (flop and river) on AQQxA with 99. He then spazzes off the rest of his stack to you a few hands later jamming AKhh on a J987 rainbow turn into your J9.

If iPoker could find a strong link between the two of you (if this is the other BdBeat player for example) then they are gonna jump all over this, especially as it's in the 6th sng. I mean it just looks like a really bad player, in hand 1 he's made a pitiful preflop raise and then cbetting where he clearly shouldn't be and then trying to rep Aces full on the river. Hand 2 is a pure bluffshove on the turn. But like I said if they can link you to him it's going to be enough for them.

The last hand where you win is also a little iffy, in that your opponent who has previously been playing correctly, i.e. shoving or folding (although the HU has been very short, there is no dynamic as such), elects to flat OOP with a trash hand that you dominate and then open overbet shove the flop with bottom pair bd flush draw. It does kinda look suspicious that he's shoving here with effectively 2 outs.

Like I said originally I think this bonus is ridiculous, and being a 6max (turbo?) sng there is nowhere near enough play to confidently say someone is colluding. People spaz out to me way way worse than the examples above in stars 12 180 turbos over and over again all day long. If you are innocent you're going to say these are spaz outs which they easily could be. If you are the big poker site trying to get out of a 160k payment you're going to say that these player gifted their chips to you on purpose so that you could win.

Tough one to prove either way.
C-Unit you make some good points, but to say that its ridiculous to offer the jackpot is wrong. I think you might have missed the fact that OP was playing jackpot sngs, not just regular 6max sngs. In the jackpot ones the buyin is $50+5(rake)+4(jackpot fund) so effectively the site doesn't pay any of the jackpot from their own takings, more like players pooling the $4s from their buyins.

From the info we have been provided it seems shady as hell, and I really feel for OP. Just wonder if there's something we don't know. I am aware that ipoker have some really crappy rules related to these jackpots, even just insulting a player in one of the 6 wins is enough to break the rules. Could it be possible that OP broke a rule related to chatting during the games? I have seen people on there typing how they "just need to win this one to hit the jackpot" and the like.
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-04-2010 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by davek300
C-Unit you make some good points, but to say that its ridiculous to offer the jackpot is wrong. I think you might have missed the fact that OP was playing jackpot sngs, not just regular 6max sngs. In the jackpot ones the buyin is $50+5(rake)+4(jackpot fund) so effectively the site doesn't pay any of the jackpot from their own takings, more like players pooling the $4s from their buyins.

From the info we have been provided it seems shady as hell, and I really feel for OP. Just wonder if there's something we don't know. I am aware that ipoker have some really crappy rules related to these jackpots, even just insulting a player in one of the 6 wins is enough to break the rules. Could it be possible that OP broke a rule related to chatting during the games? I have seen people on there typing how they "just need to win this one to hit the jackpot" and the like.
Thanks for clearing that up, you're right I didnt realise that these sngs took extra rake for this jackpot fund.

OP if you want to chase this (I would) then I think you have to start the legal route now. iPoker will be sticking to their guns. You keep saying you cant post the investigation until you get legal advice, so you need to go and do that now, else this thread is just going in circles.
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-04-2010 , 08:31 AM
Really hope you get some remuneration op.

UL, & GL
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-04-2010 , 08:44 AM
i just called mansionpoker , been on phone last 30mins and they were / are very interested to hear about this situation , they got the link and hopefully they will help putting some pressure on ipoker for at least the right to an appeal .

cmon guys all these skins can be called with freephone numbers , get dialling .

u2 bigbrennan


Last edited by unwantedguest; 02-04-2010 at 08:57 AM.
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-04-2010 , 09:18 AM
OP, why are all the names of the players renamed to "player1", "player2" etc?

Edit: Either way, I scoped the tournaments, these are all the results from 1-6:

1 purplemonk $91
2 rikik $31
3 pjgreg $1
4 bunnyboiler -$59
5 DoubleAcesDK1 -$59
6 MakeUrsellf -$59

1 purplemonk $91
2 DoubleAcesDK1 $31
3 MakeUrsellf $1
4 Jollyrogaz -$59
5 mdtprt -$59
6 bunnyboiler -$59

1 purplemonk $91
2 serroz $31
3 Kaede71 $1
4 McFearless99 -$59
6 roumania83 -$59

1 purplemonk $91
2 bunnyboiler $31
3 serroz $1
4 McFearless99 -$59
5 capalll -$59
6 gherve -$59

1 purplemonk $91
2 HaRaMbArAm $31
3 McFearless99 $1
4 PanjoBere -$59
5 Amatuer2 -$59
6 bunnyboiler -$59

1 purplemonk $91
2 HaRaMbArAm $31
3 PanjoBere $1
4 McFearless99 -$59
6 BensAces -$59
They all take place in on the same day so it's probably not so surprising there are so many repeat players. Of the players who appear more than once that I've checked, I've seen no correlation between them and OP. 2 of them are heavily longterm losing players.

Cliff notes: i didn't find anything in sharkscope that contradicts OP.

Last edited by Hood; 02-04-2010 at 09:29 AM.
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-04-2010 , 09:22 AM
GL man, im leaving ipoker soon
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-04-2010 , 09:23 AM
iPoker is shady as hell. Everyone should stop playing there.
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-04-2010 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
I thought big companies just wrote things like this off.
Yeah they should just write this off. It's what they do
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-04-2010 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by C-Unit
The last hand where you win is also a little iffy, in that your opponent who has previously been playing correctly, i.e. shoving or folding (although the HU has been very short, there is no dynamic as such), elects to flat OOP with a trash hand that you dominate and then open overbet shove the flop with bottom pair bd flush draw. It does kinda look suspicious that he's shoving here with effectively 2 outs.
This player appears to be a massive loser over 5k of these tournaments.
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-04-2010 , 09:37 AM
One other thing from the sharkscope details: there's not much gap between each tournament. He plays 3 (including a $30), takes a 2 hour break, comes back, then plays 1, wins that, then straight away plays the last 2. I would expect more delays, perhaps getting friends to sign in and play etc, to arrange the 'collusion' for the final tournaments.

Basically i see nothing from this SS info to suggest any collusion.
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-04-2010 , 09:40 AM
GL OP, ipoker really is a joke
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-04-2010 , 09:54 AM
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-04-2010 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by GOHAN
GL man, im leaving ipoker soon

how about you call the skin/s you play on now and tell them the reason you are thinking of leaving , before you leave . this will help im sure .

My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-04-2010 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by martymc1
how about you call the skin/s you play on now and tell them the reason you are thinking of leaving , before you leave . this will help im sure .

sure thing but first i need to finish some bonus then byebye ipoker.
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-04-2010 , 10:29 AM
Happens enough but it's assinine when companies like ipoker try to build a brand and build goodwill, and then treat people like this and destroy it all in one fell swoop. They deserve what the get.
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
02-04-2010 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by C-Unit
Ok I have manually read through SnG 6 as I figured that'd be the most likely one to be suspicious.

The first thing I have to say is that I think it's RIDICULOUS to offer a jackpot of this size for winning 6 6-max sngs in a row. I'm sure that has happened a number of times to people who mass multi table grind one table sngs. This alone makes me think that shady poker sites would look for ways to get out of this payment.

I'm no celebrity, just a winning low-midstakes MTT player. Take what you want from that.

I assume Player 2 is the problem in this SnG. This player has spazzed off a decent portion of his chipstack to you in the first hand by betting 2 streets (flop and river) on AQQxA with 99. He then spazzes off the rest of his stack to you a few hands later jamming AKhh on a J987 rainbow turn into your J9.

If iPoker could find a strong link between the two of you (if this is the other BdBeat player for example) then they are gonna jump all over this, especially as it's in the 6th sng. I mean it just looks like a really bad player, in hand 1 he's made a pitiful preflop raise and then cbetting where he clearly shouldn't be and then trying to rep Aces full on the river. Hand 2 is a pure bluffshove on the turn. But like I said if they can link you to him it's going to be enough for them.

The last hand where you win is also a little iffy, in that your opponent who has previously been playing correctly, i.e. shoving or folding (although the HU has been very short, there is no dynamic as such), elects to flat OOP with a trash hand that you dominate and then open overbet shove the flop with bottom pair bd flush draw. It does kinda look suspicious that he's shoving here with effectively 2 outs.

Like I said originally I think this bonus is ridiculous, and being a 6max (turbo?) sng there is nowhere near enough play to confidently say someone is colluding. People spaz out to me way way worse than the examples above in stars 12 180 turbos over and over again all day long. If you are innocent you're going to say these are spaz outs which they easily could be. If you are the big poker site trying to get out of a 160k payment you're going to say that these player gifted their chips to you on purpose so that you could win.

Tough one to prove either way.
I see players day in day out play worse than villian in those spots.
Anyway good luck , i gave Ipoker up years ago they r just very shady and with a support as bad as FTP .
My 0,000 win, ipoker still owe it and why I'll never play there again..****;dr Quote
