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Is Mustapha Kanit real? Is Mustapha Kanit real?

05-04-2016 , 01:54 AM
Ty for the last 4 posts. Makes me feel a lot better about my downswing.
Is Mustapha Kanit real? Quote
05-04-2016 , 04:05 AM
If you're going to be depressed about bricking tournaments then you're going to be depressed ~80% of your life
Is Mustapha Kanit real? Quote
05-04-2016 , 05:53 AM
i think the skill in tournaments are..

You should be :
You should build a stack, for when you race or want to make moves, you have chips...

You should not be:
Too smart
Too good
It will work against you, you will fail..
Is Mustapha Kanit real? Quote
05-04-2016 , 06:15 AM
Kanit and Schemion have % of each other so the QQ fold is not that sick at all.
Is Mustapha Kanit real? Quote
05-04-2016 , 07:20 AM
Originally Posted by p2 dog, p2
this was awhile back not? And there was an ace on board. he flatted one street OOP which is hard to do without the Ace, in fact i think it was a paired board on the flop with an ace, he credibly repped it (flop was xxA if i remember right). it would have been tough for anyone to call there with QQ after Mustapha flatted flop and bet later on in the hand(think it may have even been 3 bet pre or 4 bet and then Kanit flatted with q9ss). but ya, sometimes they do get caught. when it was HU Ole called mustaphas 3 bet pre with A5 off, Mustapha had 10 7 off, and Ole called him down 3 streets on a 34J63 board.
it was at the 25k hr ft in Dublin in Feb, Musta 3b/peeled the 4b w Q9cc, x/c 88Ar cbet, xx turn blank and bet like 60% pot river blank where the other dude tanked and folded QQ
Is Mustapha Kanit real? Quote
05-04-2016 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by MoormanFan
he almost chopped anyway
wut ? they even chopped
Is Mustapha Kanit real? Quote
05-04-2016 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by TucoSalamanca
Kanit and Schemion have % of each other so the QQ fold is not that sick at all.
The funny thing is, if they both swap the run good is so insane I cant even fathom it, much like when it hurts your brain to think about how large the universe is, it hurts my brain to think how good they run

But seriously ofc they swap so that coupled with godmoding all facets of game + being very good + swapping = game over.
Is Mustapha Kanit real? Quote
