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mood in Atlantic City "awful" mood in Atlantic City "awful"

06-21-2010 , 04:18 PM
do people on 2+2 get paid to shill for the borgata or something? I mean its a nice poker room, but Jesus H Christ, you would think it was the holy grail of poker or something. The taj is fine. I've been in the chairmans tower. It is very nice.
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 05:02 PM
as someone from NY and then NJ, the White House Sub Shop is the most overrated sandwich ive ever had. the place screams "I've never had a real sub in my life, so this is the best to me"
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by doug1616
do people on 2+2 get paid to shill for the borgata or something? I mean its a nice poker room, but Jesus H Christ, you would think it was the holy grail of poker or something. The taj is fine. I've been in the chairmans tower. It is very nice.
I feel like the scum of the earth at Taj, at least in Borgata it's classy
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 05:04 PM
+1 on loving my occasional degen trip to AC

it's nowhere near as bad as people are saying it is everywhere on this forum. is it vegas? hell no, nowhere close (except the borgata) but you can find some good games, a couple ok clubs, and a lot of fun

people over exaggerate the situation in AC (as far as violence is concerned), i mean it's not a glorious place but it's great to go gamble. I've been on the boardwalk by myself between 2am and 6am going from casino to casino and never really felt any danger.

to each his own fellas
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by Obfuscation
Not talking about going for a day trip/night over for pokers/drinking, I'm talking more about taking the whole family (kids) to NJ for like a week. People don't do this right?
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Conz
as someone from NY and then NJ, the White House Sub Shop is the most overrated sandwich ive ever had. the place screams "I've never had a real sub in my life, so this is the best to me"
I'm born and bred in NY and have been eating sandwiches of all kinds for over three decades, and without a doubt the white house ranks in the top 5 of thousands. Granted, some sandwiches are better then others but nobody beats their bread (delivered fresh every couple of hours) or the fresh chopped peppers. I recommend trying the Italian with everything, or the salami and provolone with everything.
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 05:14 PM
the sandwich i had there was like a run of the mill chain sub, and the bread my friend raved about was crap
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 05:15 PM
So many pussies in this thread. AC is pretty bad but it's not like it's a bunch of gang bangers running around jacking people on every corner.

If you know how not to look like a target and don't go for a stroll down random blacks you wont have to worry visiting A.C. but this is true for any city.

At night just stay in the casino's and on the board walk. There is really no other reason to go anywhere else.

I've never felt scared in AC. But I grew up in Brooklyn in the 80's and 90's so I guess I am used to it.
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 05:32 PM
It's not like PA and their new table games is going to overshadow AC.
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by Xilver
How much of this negative press is actually worth taking into account? I know about the murder at the Taj parking earlier this year, but I would assume security was ramped up a bit there now, no?
About the Taj - Security has ramped up since the recent murder and the Chairman Tower is very nice. Depending on what you like in a room the Chairman Tower is arguably as nice or better than anything else in AC.

If you are familiar with Brighton, England you can form a pretty good picture of what AC is. Some nice places, some rundown areas and some scary areas.

I've travelled to 21 countries and 23 US states and you can put me in the group that says AC is nowhere near as dangerous as some here like to make it out to be. If the sight of some poor people, drug users or prostitues in a casino city is a turnoff or frightens you and your wife then AC is not for you. But I've been going to AC regulary since the casinos opened in the 1970s and I've never once been accosted or felt threatened. Stick to the boardwalk and you'll be fine.
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 06:14 PM
its ok to visit AC once in a while,cant imagine living and working there though, some people manage to do both
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 06:31 PM
I highly recommed visiting AC. Yeah there are some rough parts of the city but If you don't leave the boardwalk area and don't do anything stupid (ie dark alleys etc) you will be more than fine. This thread is SEVERELY exaggerating the safety situation. I am a young woman under 25 and I frequently go to AC alone and have never had any problems. It's one of my favorite things to do. I park at Caears Palace which is right on the board walk and 5$. I'll play cards for a few hours, If I do poorly I may play cheap slots and get free drinks, I usually take a stroll on the boardwalk, look at the water eat a hot dog and funnel cake for lunch (>5$), then head back to the cardrooms refreshed. I'll also admit that on a few occasions I have visited the boardwalk "psychic" for a reading for fun. There are pleanty of casinios in close proximity on the boardwalk, if you want a change of pace. I wouldn't recommend it as a weeks vacation but it's perfect for a day of stupid fun (for any price range).

The only thing I get annoyed by is how aweful people dress, ie women going into the casinos after going in the ocean in their bathing suit and a cover up, lots of sweat pants etc. You don't need to wear a 3 piece suit but jeans and a nice unstained T-shirt should be the minimum dress requirement for a nice casio.

Also I'm not in love with the Borgata. I've only been there twice. I think it's kind of hoity toity. They list on their website that there is a good chance you will see a celebrity there. They push this whole "celebrity/luxury casino" image and then attract that kind of clintelle, 2 visits is not a big enough sample size to tell you much but both times I experienced abnormally rude treatment from table mates. I prefer the boardwalk casions where you can go outside and look at the ocean after a bad beat and it does not require a cab ride if you want to try a new casino.
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 06:40 PM
I like an occasional AC trip, but never really go anywhere but Borgata's pokerroom anymore.

P.S. The entire state smells.
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by The Deuce II
P.S. The entire state smells.
This line is indicative of the wit and wisdom of most of the critics of AC and New Jersey.
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by LOLDONKBETZ
who goes on vacation to ****in New Jersey? It's like takin the family to see detroit.
LOL, just spit pop all over my keyboard
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 07:10 PM
yeah the taking my family to detroit comment got me good lol.

As far as AC goes, you guys are definitely over hyping the mugging and **** lol. I live in VA and travel up there ever so often for a couple nights. I pull right into tropicana garage, park my car, take the back staircase to the hotel check in. get pre gamed up in my room, then head to the poker lounge and chill for a bit, head to best damn sports bar get some 40oz drinks in me and maybe meet a few ladies. Once got a good buzz going head to one of the other local bars in the trop and chill maybe gamble a little more. I really never even make it out of the Tropicana till i head back to my car in the garage the following days. Its always a fun trip for me and my friends.

Even with WV opening up, I will still venture there. Although i agree with the rest in this post, most people will stay at the new local joints opening up, but AC still gives me that rush feeling driving up on the toll road seeing all the casinos. AC is very fun for a couple nights, we are not talking about living their guys lol.
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by El Gonso
A couple of those houses need to close. If someone's going to pack up their family to come down for a weekend, Resorts isn't the type of place you want them going to form their impression. It's just a tough problem to solve right now. The city can't really reinvest because there's not much money coming in, and they don't have much money coming in because they can't reinvest.

AC still has a lot going for it, and much of the surrounding area is actually pretty nice (Pleasantville aside obv). But until they really expand and commercialize more of the city, and start getting used to the competition, it's going to be tough going. It's frustrating because the infrastructure is here, plenty of great restaurants and events now, a shopping district, the beach and boardwalk...

But then you've got bums coming up to your window at the Taco Bell drive through, ridiculous unions, and corrupt isn't even the word for some of the politics here.
AC has nothing going for it right now. They need SPORTS BETTING desperately. If I want to go to the beach, I don't go to AC. I go to BELMAR, Point Pleasent...ect.

If they can somehow manage to score sports betting something that should of done years ago, I'll bet sports, and play poker in AC. If not, its PA all the way. Choppin a 1 hour ride off my bottom line. But sports betting will offset the drive.

that is all
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by royalflushey
We are vacationing in Brigantine - walked the Boardwalk in
AC last night. Horrible, the trashy individuals on the Boardwalk, you almost get a sense of uneasyness with so many low lifes.
brigantine is beautiful... cant believe 4 out 5 houses are for sale tho.. seems unreal the amount of signs for sale

i usually stay at the borgata sun-thur for comped rooms, then on fri sat i head to the taj but the trick to getting comped rooms fri and sat at the taj is to wait till about midnight then try... i usually get hooked up with a 3 bedroom suite when done this way. Also the taj isnt as bad as everyone claims... just use valet and stay away from the dirty hookers.
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 07:19 PM
ive slept on brigintine beach before, in my early life growing up. ivey claps for me.
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by gobbomom
LOL, just spit pop all over my keyboard
never had gobbomom laugh at one of my comments, I feel sperchel
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by nizzwsop
New Jersey is gross and dirty, not just AC.
This is effing bs. The vast majority of the state is VERY nice, you are basing your opinion on 10 miles outside of NYC and AC or nothing at all. (well maybe Trenton too) But other than that it is a very nice place, and the beach towns in the south are gorgeous. I live in San Diego, and visit south jersey 1 month each summer because I have family there and it is ridiculously fun and nice so please stfu.

Average water temp is like 72 in august and absolutely crushes anything we have in Cali and the weather is very good too.
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by LOLDONKBETZ
Not talking about going for a day trip/night over for pokers/drinking, I'm talking more about taking the whole family (kids) to NJ for like a week. People don't do this right?
Actually they do... Ever been to Ocean City or Cape May? They are gorgeous in the summer.
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Conz
as someone from NY and then NJ, the White House Sub Shop is the most overrated sandwich ive ever had. the place screams "I've never had a real sub in my life, so this is the best to me"
You are sadly mistaken.
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by Indiana9
I park at Caesars Palace which is right on the board walk and 5$. I'll play cards for a few hours, If I do poorly I may play cheap slots and get free drinks, I usually take a stroll on the boardwalk, look at the water eat a hot dog and funnel cake for lunch (>5$), then head back to the cardrooms refreshed.
If you play for any length of time at all (1 hour or more at the 1/2 table will do it) you can get a free parking pass. Just ask at the Total Rewards desk or the Pit Boss in the poker room. This is true at all 4 Harrah's properties.

mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
06-21-2010 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by ICrushVBJ
Average water temp is like 72 in august and absolutely crushes anything we have in Cali and the weather is very good too.

Are you claiming that NJ's beaches crush Cali's beaches? I have never been to Cali but I seriously doubt it. NJ beaches are OK for us that live in NJ/PA. But I seriously doubt they are better than most Cali beaches.
mood in Atlantic City "awful" Quote
