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Million Dollar Poker Idea Million Dollar Poker Idea

02-06-2011 , 05:57 PM
phil helmuth would wear this imo
Million Dollar Poker Idea Quote
02-06-2011 , 06:54 PM
Al Cowlings called, he wants his Bronco back
Million Dollar Poker Idea Quote
02-06-2011 , 07:16 PM
We have the technologies for this...

the RFID table posted earlier this week or so

but then why glasses you just put video output on the table to show the stats.
Million Dollar Poker Idea Quote
02-06-2011 , 07:57 PM
This will be great for when you are multi tablin the live casinos. Great idea!
Million Dollar Poker Idea Quote
02-06-2011 , 11:40 PM
you kids these days are pretty bad at the internet.
Million Dollar Poker Idea Quote
02-06-2011 , 11:44 PM
I'll drive
Million Dollar Poker Idea Quote
02-07-2011 , 12:01 AM
Why not just invent see thru goggles?
Million Dollar Poker Idea Quote
02-07-2011 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by jumboAL
Million Dollar Poker Idea Quote
02-07-2011 , 12:29 AM
Already been invented:

Sorry, OP. You are too late.
Million Dollar Poker Idea Quote
02-07-2011 , 02:55 PM
[ ] Million dollar poker idea
[x] Northeastbeast comedy practice thread
Million Dollar Poker Idea Quote
02-07-2011 , 03:27 PM
Op, you should send a pm to Marvis, he is the King of poker innovations nowadays.
Million Dollar Poker Idea Quote
02-07-2011 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by sqwerty12
Glasses wouldn't work.
HEM would be blocking your view of the cards.
With all those stats he can play his range and ignore his actual hand
Million Dollar Poker Idea Quote
10-14-2019 , 05:39 AM
For anyone interested I wasted a lot of time and money developing these glasses only to lose out in an arms race to bone conducting headphones
Million Dollar Poker Idea Quote
10-14-2019 , 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by rallydurham
If this has been mentioned before sorry but I just had a million dollar idea in my dreams last night now I just need someone smart enough to figure out the technology.

I'm sure everyone's been in an airplane and seen the magazine in front of them that sells the glasses you put on where you can watch a movie. If you don't know what I'm talking about here's an example. (I'm not marketing anything with this link it even says "item no longer available).

Well here's my idea. We need to make glasses you can put on that instead showing movies will pull up HEM or pokertracker so you can see the PFR, VPIP, etc of everyone at a live table.

Not only can they not get a read on you with your big clunky glasses but imagine being able to narrow their range like you're online at a live 10/20 NL game.

This is pretty tech heavy, who works at Apple? Maybe theres an App for this.
Yeah, it will be great to waste millions of dollars in research and development only to have them banned by your 5th session using them
Million Dollar Poker Idea Quote
10-14-2019 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by rallydurham
For anyone interested I wasted a lot of time and money developing these glasses only to lose out in an arms race to bone conducting headphones
You and Google glasses ?

USA Today reported in May Google has revived the product development.

"The search company also announced that it moved the product out its parent company's "moonshot factory" and into Google's family of products."

So, apparently it is still a million dollar idea..... but will be priced at $999, no bulky hat needed.
Million Dollar Poker Idea Quote
10-14-2019 , 12:07 PM
I don't understand the hate in this thread. This is clearly a million dollar idea. In fact I even believe it could lose several million.
Million Dollar Poker Idea Quote
10-14-2019 , 08:37 PM
Well it is estimated it was at least a quarter million dollar idea for Mike Postle. Would save him the trouble of looking at his dick the whole time.
Million Dollar Poker Idea Quote
