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Mikki Mase Mikki Mase

09-19-2022 , 02:56 PM
We are also taking this random post at full face value despite that its a throwaway post on a throwaway account
Mikki Mase Quote
09-19-2022 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
We are also taking this random post at full face value despite that its a throwaway post on a throwaway account
Mikki definitely has a throwaway (money) playing style.
Mikki Mase Quote
09-20-2022 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by hh13
Was playing poker at Hustler last night and happened to hear some random whale talking to Ryan Feldman about Mikki Mase. It seems Ryan is not happy with Mikki. I couldn't hear the entire conversation but apparently someone with a guaranteed line of credit from Hustler lent Mikki a lot of money during their last live streamed game, but from the Hustler LOC. Mikki has yet to repay it and essentially Hustler is now on the hook, not the guy who lent it to him.
why would hustler be on the hook for this money? they lent it to person A who lent it to Micki (like an idiot.)
Person A owes hustler not Micki.

In this event Micki got it directly from Hustler- does anyone know if California is like Nevada in that this would be a felony for bouncing a check?
Mikki Mase Quote
09-20-2022 , 12:40 AM
Mikki Mase should have a ghostwriter write an autobio about him.
Mikki Mase Quote
09-20-2022 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by iwasbanned
Mikki Mase should have a ghostwriter write an autobio about him.
A ghost writer who specializes in fiction, I would suggest.
Mikki Mase Quote
09-20-2022 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by iwasbanned
Mikki Mase should have a ghostwriter write an autobio about him.
The only thing interesting about him is where he got his money. His stories are lame.
Mikki Mase Quote
09-27-2022 , 07:59 AM
Mikki & his bff Brandi we're posted on Mikkis Instagram stories reading this very thread lmao

Mikki stop lying to Brandi, you're not a professional gambler you are a professional poker player now
Mikki Mase Quote
09-27-2022 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by YaBoyINthe604
Mikki & his bff Brandi we're posted on Mikkis Instagram stories reading this very thread lmao

Mikki stop lying to Brandi, you're not a professional gambler you are a professional poker player now
how about you post a link? your post is useless without it.

here is mikki saying he's not a pro poker player but that HE IS a pro gambler. i guess he's too lazy and/or undisciplined to learn to play a strategy game at a high level, but that he's really good at getting lucky?

here he explains his new career path (artist developer and promoter). he is going to buy artists and then do a subpar job of what he's promised to execute i am sure! cool that he has a new angle to get investments though! scammers gonna scam.
Mikki Mase Quote
09-28-2022 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by MastaAces
how about you post a link? your post is useless without it.

here is mikki saying he's not a pro poker player but that HE IS a pro gambler. i guess he's too lazy and/or undisciplined to learn to play a strategy game at a high level, but that he's really good at getting lucky?

here he explains his new career path (artist developer and promoter). he is going to buy artists and then do a subpar job of what he's promised to execute i am sure! cool that he has a new angle to get investments though! scammers gonna scam.
Tbf Instagram stories only last for 24 hours so there isn't much point in linking them
Mikki Mase Quote
09-28-2022 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by Same_again
Tbf Instagram stories only last for 24 hours so there isn't much point in linking them
my apologies then! had no idea as i don't use any social media.
Mikki Mase Quote
09-28-2022 , 05:28 AM
There's a gullible sucker born every second. I guess they probably lined up to loan him money. I can't see any reason why not. Looks totally believable to me. LOL.
Mikki Mase Quote
09-29-2022 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by MastaAces
my apologies then! had no idea as i don't use any social media.
Yeah it's quite annoying.... as unless you take a screen recording or something can never refer back to them!
Mikki Mase Quote
09-29-2022 , 07:26 AM
It kinda ruins the allure of hustler if Ryan is putting the players in…

Dgaf also admitted to getting staked into some of the games in one of vertuccis podcasts.
Mikki Mase Quote
09-29-2022 , 10:14 AM
His latest Instagram story shows him getting kicked out a casino with someone in management tellong him 'your play is too good for us'. If I wasn't convinced before I certainly am now!
Mikki Mase Quote
09-29-2022 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by Same_again
His latest Instagram story shows him getting kicked out a casino with someone in management tellong him 'your play is too good for us'. If I wasn't convinced before I certainly am now!
Mikki Mase Quote
09-29-2022 , 07:37 PM
The story of a whatchamacallit who came into some money and now postures, mostly to fool himself, that he is a gambling great?? He's selling it ten times harder than, say, Doyle Brunson or Phil Ivey ever did. "Methinks he professes it too much ..." Gamblers beware.

Last edited by FellaGaga-52; 09-29-2022 at 07:47 PM.
Mikki Mase Quote
09-29-2022 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by Same_again
His latest Instagram story shows him getting kicked out a casino with someone in management tellong him 'your play is too good for us'. If I wasn't convinced before I certainly am now!
Who was the woman he was actually talking to? An off duty employee that he paid?
Mikki Mase Quote
09-29-2022 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by Same_again
His latest Instagram story shows him getting kicked out a casino with someone in management tellong him 'your play is too good for us'. If I wasn't convinced before I certainly am now!
lolol, good try Mikki.
Mikki Mase Quote
09-30-2022 , 03:28 AM
"Spicoli. Spicoli. MR. SPICOLI!"
Mikki Mase Quote
10-03-2022 , 03:22 AM
Has Mikki put out a statement on the Garrett vs Robbi hand?
Mikki Mase Quote
10-03-2022 , 11:31 PM
Mikki is def gonna use this as an excuse to not pay off his 500k Marker.
Mikki Mase Quote
10-04-2022 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by sickhuman
what is current HCL net worth rankings?

1 Stanley
2) Bill
3) Alan
4) JR
5) MM
6) Ben
7) Other Stanley

1213123) Miki
1212133) Gal
Is Gal broke or a grifter?
Mikki Mase Quote
10-04-2022 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by BSumner
In general, the worse the tats are, and the worse their location on the body, the worse a person is at decision-making.

Now, if they regret them, it's a sign of growth, but shows they were REALLY dumb when younger

But you cant tell me that anyone but fellow f-ups think Mikki's neck and face tats are remotely attractive
I cant tell you how many dating profiles I've looked at and thought, "hmmmm, we may have some potential here . . . doh! Big ol' boob tat! . . . next!"
How any woman thinks it's a good idea to put a big ol' ink splotch on their rack is beyond me.
Saw one woman with literal paw prints one on each boob.
How high was she to think that would be a good idea?
"Yep, there's my bride, aint she just glowing? And those paw print tats on her tits just really bring out her inner idiot"

I know a dealer with horrifically silly gamer tats on his fingers, with the words "game" on one hand and "over" on the other
in the space invaders bally's 80's video game font
and a greyish pacman symbol on the patch of skin between the thumb and index finger.
amongst others I can see on his hands

He might be 25 years old if that.
Tell me he's gonna still think it's "super-cool" when he is 35.
I shudder to think about what other tats the guy has on his body.

Mikki's tats are hideous and a massive red-flag
Gotta wonder if at 4AM when he is exhausted and lonely he looks in the mirror and thinks "WTF am I doing with my life? These tats are ridiculous"

I wouldnt trade bodies and lives with that guy for $5million, I'd be so embarrassed to go out in public

I'm all for individuality and expressing yourself, but some expressions are just objectively butt ugly
People, what's cool at 18 thru 25 is likely NOT going to be remotely cool to you when you're older, so dont make permanent decisions at that time
Smoking, tats, kids, etc. Hold off on those until you're like 30 and have some degree of a clue. Odds are you'll make infinitely better decisions

Commence calling me a boomer . . . but you know I'm right.
If I weren't there wouldnt be a literally billion dollar tattoo removal industry.

You are a tool
Mikki Mase Quote
10-04-2022 , 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by ChristianT
Thought the same thing instantly. This world ..

People over estimate how dumb the average person is which throws off the point that Carlin was trying to make.
Mikki Mase Quote
10-04-2022 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by Ellsworth T.
Is Gal broke or a grifter?
Casino operator
Mikki Mase Quote
