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Mikki Mase Mikki Mase

01-13-2022 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by lwlee
I have zero ties to the guy but I'm a great judge of character.
You're actually a terrible judge of character, and fit the exact criteria of the kind of rube that Mikki draws into his cult of personality.

I get a lot of entertainment from Mikki's antics, but I see right through his pathological lying.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-13-2022 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by lwlee

I have zero ties to the guy but I'm a great judge of character.
Anyone who is actually a great judge of character wouldn't be 100% sure about a guy who they "have zero ties to" because, ya know, you need first hand knowledge to even be 80% sure someone is who they say they are
Mikki Mase Quote
01-13-2022 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by Same_again
Yeah that's exactly right. Mikki could just speak forever. It's like one of those wind up toys that you turn the key on his back and then he just starts coming out with random nonsense

One of the biggest red flags for me is how desperate he is to prove he's not scamming. If you were a legit advantage player and had just invented a new way to take the casinos for millions then you would really not care about that at all. Just quietly get on with winning more cash!

So if people talk BS about you youre just supposed to stfu in all situations? Nice moral.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-13-2022 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by Liveidiot
So if people talk BS about you youre just supposed to stfu in all situations? Nice moral.
He can address the allegations without appearing desperate about it.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-13-2022 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by Liveidiot
So if people talk BS about you youre just supposed to stfu in all situations? Nice moral.
No but a true advantage player would know better than to talk it up on instagram. I didn't see Ivey posting "Hey guys I am edge sorting and banging all the hoes."
Mikki Mase Quote
01-13-2022 , 01:48 AM
You forgot the part about soliciting cash from randoms to gamble with because reasons
Mikki Mase Quote
01-13-2022 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by brianr
You forgot the part about soliciting cash from randoms to gamble with because reasons
he was so mad at people constantly DMing him on IG that he decided to essentially give them a bunch of free money! what is so strange about that? he just loves spreading money and venereal diseases.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-13-2022 , 04:19 AM
I don't feel like anyone has thrown shade at me in this thread. Actually, I appreciated all of the comments about the interview.

Mikki hasn't responded to my messages about meeting up to see the win/loss statements. I hope he eventually responds, but I won't be shocked if he ignores me. Showing me win-loss statements (ones I request -- not ones he picks) would unlock a fairly big piece of the puzzle, and I have a feeling he's not interested in really doing that.

However, maybe he'll surprise me and actually go through with it. I actually wrote off the possibility of there being an interview at all, and then he surprised me last week with the "let's do it right now" request.

This situation will definitely be interesting to watch in 2022!
Mikki Mase Quote
01-13-2022 , 04:58 AM
i trust you'll be keeping us up-to-date regarding those statements and whatever other contact you have with mikki.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-13-2022 , 05:30 AM
Originally Posted by Dan_Druff
I don't feel like anyone has thrown shade at me in this thread. Actually, I appreciated all of the comments about the interview.

Mikki hasn't responded to my messages about meeting up to see the win/loss statements. I hope he eventually responds, but I won't be shocked if he ignores me. Showing me win-loss statements (ones I request -- not ones he picks) would unlock a fairly big piece of the puzzle, and I have a feeling he's not interested in really doing that.

However, maybe he'll surprise me and actually go through with it. I actually wrote off the possibility of there being an interview at all, and then he surprised me last week with the "let's do it right now" request.

This situation will definitely be interesting to watch in 2022!
I thought you did an excellent job in the interview, especially with no preparation. You were polite and respectful to Mikki without soft balling as you asked follow up questions and repeated questions he didn't answer. It's really up to the listeners to decide where they think the truth is.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-13-2022 , 07:06 AM
Originally Posted by Dan_Druff
I don't feel like anyone has thrown shade at me in this thread. Actually, I appreciated all of the comments about the interview.

Mikki hasn't responded to my messages about meeting up to see the win/loss statements. I hope he eventually responds, but I won't be shocked if he ignores me. Showing me win-loss statements (ones I request -- not ones he picks) would unlock a fairly big piece of the puzzle, and I have a feeling he's not interested in really doing that.

However, maybe he'll surprise me and actually go through with it. I actually wrote off the possibility of there being an interview at all, and then he surprised me last week with the "let's do it right now" request.

This situation will definitely be interesting to watch in 2022!
Thought you said Mikki had sent you a private email/DM after the interview, something about being anxious to prove himself. Now he's no longer responding???

Seem to be a bit of animosity between you and him. Him not knowing/forgetting your first name. You, in retaliation, trying to slam his video poker skills.

Those PnL statements are important for validating him.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-13-2022 , 07:20 AM
Originally Posted by RareBearMemeShaman
You're actually a terrible judge of character, and fit the exact criteria of the kind of rube that Mikki draws into his cult of personality.

I get a lot of entertainment from Mikki's antics, but I see right through his pathological lying.
Assuming every word that comes out of a guy is a lie just shows predetermined bias against him. People just want to hate a person because of how he looks and acts without knowing the person.

Originally Posted by drowski
Anyone who is actually a great judge of character wouldn't be 100% sure about a guy who they "have zero ties to" because, ya know, you need first hand knowledge to even be 80% sure someone is who they say they are
This is where the interviews come into play. There have now been 3 long interviews, coming at Mikki from every angle. The closed minds aka the MOB will say every word is a complete fabrication and a lie. The man doesn't fit their predetermined views of the world so he must be a scammer. But if you listen to what he actually says, more and more of his stuff is proving legit, after some background checks. No, he's not a "trader" but he did work on Wall Street in sales. It wasn't fancy stuff but he learned data analytics, which lead to a lucrative career selling "drop ship pharmacies" that grossed $200k/mth.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-13-2022 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by lwlee
Assuming every word that comes out of a guy is a lie just shows predetermined bias against him. People just want to hate a person because of how he looks and acts without knowing the person.
Makes sense to me
Mikki Mase Quote
01-13-2022 , 08:54 AM
Social Media is the playground for the narcissist

Mikki Mase Quote
01-13-2022 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by FrankTheTankTapper
Social Media is the playground for the narcissist


This is the most likely explanation here. Mikki wants a presence at social media and does ridicoulus things to gain attention/followers/fame. Thats his game.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-14-2022 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by lwlee
That's a good point about being compensated. Real scammers eventually need to get a payoff. Up till now there has been very little talk about what Mikki is supposed to get from his "victims". It's pretty easy to identify most con men, as they need to get some kind of payoff at some point. That mikkimase website that was supposed to expose Mikki with all the victims coming forward to give their sad tales of being conned out of millions of dollars. It's gone now with no victims reported. If the man isn't getting the money from his "victims", then where is the money coming from? The trust fund his dad setup for him???
The scam is getting half the winnings when they win, meaning the rube can never win (after a few sessions) and Mikki can never lose.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-14-2022 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by lwlee
which lead to (Mikki having) a lucrative career selling "drop ship pharmacies" that grossed $200k/mth.
Nobody is dumb enough to believe this.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-14-2022 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by iwasbanned
Nobody is dumb enough to believe this.
Iwlee is it seems

Producing some solid evidence of this and showing to Todd would go a long way to giving this some credibility
Mikki Mase Quote
01-14-2022 , 03:03 AM
What lady would not want to DM him?!
Mikki Mase Quote
01-14-2022 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by 3fiveofdiamonds
The scam is getting half the winnings when they win, meaning the rube can never win (after a few sessions) and Mikki can never lose.
Don't make up sh*t.

He hasn't done any of that. Websites were created to find those people. No one has come out.

Scammers need money sooner than later. He's been banned everywhere which would mean he couldn't place a big bet by himself. He would need to guide his "investor" or teach him the system. None of that has happen.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-14-2022 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by iwasbanned
Nobody is dumb enough to believe this.
Hey, you hate the guy so you put your hands on your ears and say Na Na Na. In politics, the Trump people do that all time when it comes to facts and science.

Fact checking those pharmacies business would be another great item to cross off the list. Mikki was rightfully concerned about his business partners. Those are big numbers. Cornelia/Druff should explore those businesses more deeply. Do enough due diligence to convince themselves it real. That shouldn't be hard to do. I'm sure Mikki will lay out privately to those guys in order to protect his people. When Cornelia/Druff says yes he's legit, of course the Trump-like MOB will attack them, saying you were duped or paid off.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-14-2022 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by lwlee
Hey, you hate the guy so you put your hands on your ears and say Na Na Na. In politics, the Trump people do that all time when it comes to facts and science.

Fact checking those pharmacies business would be another great item to cross off the list. Mikki was rightfully concerned about his business partners. Those are big numbers. Cornelia/Druff should explore those businesses more deeply. Do enough due diligence to convince themselves it real. That shouldn't be hard to do. I'm sure Mikki will lay out privately to those guys in order to protect his people. When Cornelia/Druff says yes he's legit, of course the Trump-like MOB will attack them, saying you were duped or paid off.
I think lwlee is an expert troll.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-14-2022 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by FrankTheTankTapper
Social Media is the playground for the narcissist


(Nietzsche died in 1900, or about 100+ years before Facebook was launched.)
Mikki Mase Quote
01-14-2022 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by Gzesh

(Nietzsche died in 1900, or about 100+ years before Facebook was launched.)
that's what they want you to think.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-14-2022 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by Gzesh

(Nietzsche died in 1900, or about 100+ years before Facebook was launched.)
"Don't believe everything you read on the internet."
-Abraham Lincoln
Mikki Mase Quote
