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Mikki Mase Mikki Mase

12-31-2021 , 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by desire
You sound as though you're damn near homeless if a free hotel room causes you to wax so eloquently.
I have no clue what this statement means.
Mikki Mase Quote
12-31-2021 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
I have no clue what this statement means.

This is my "not surprised" that you're clueless face.
Mikki Mase Quote
12-31-2021 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by desire
You have absolutely no idea what he is.
But we know what you are!
Mikki Mase Quote
12-31-2021 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
But we know what you are!
Mikki Mase Quote
12-31-2021 , 03:36 PM
I looked at his Instagram and clicked the recent 500/1000 plo video. One of the guys they show in the video is def not playing 500/1000 unless they are letting him buy in 1bb
Mikki Mase Quote
12-31-2021 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by GazzyB123

Last edited by desire; 12-31-2021 at 04:11 PM.
Mikki Mase Quote
12-31-2021 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by narcoleptix
I looked at his Instagram and clicked the recent 500/1000 plo video. One of the guys they show in the video is def not playing 500/1000 unless they are letting him buy in 1bb
Mikki Mase Quote
12-31-2021 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
this, i guess.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-02-2022 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by narcoleptix
I looked at his Instagram and clicked the recent 500/1000 plo video. One of the guys they show in the video is def not playing 500/1000 unless they are letting him buy in 1bb
The guy at the end of the video play all the biggest private game in LA 100% sure.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-02-2022 , 01:55 PM
Mikki is good for poker. Word.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-03-2022 , 06:58 AM
Some absolute clowns on Mikki's latest IG story getting his name tattooed on them at his NYE party Mikki MaseMikki MaseMikki Mase
Mikki Mase Quote
01-03-2022 , 07:25 AM
i wish people would include links in their posts.

i don't see the post you are talking about.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-03-2022 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by MastaAces
i wish people would include links in their posts.

i don't see the post you are talking about.
It's his Instagram story so it will disappear soon anyway. You need to click on his profile pic to see it

Mikki Mase Quote
01-05-2022 , 02:10 AM
I just did an interview with him tonight -- for almost 2 hours.

I am going to play it when I do my next Poker Fraud Alert Radio show, which will be within a few days. I'll let you guys know when it's posted.

I did not have any notice. Mikki just snap-agreed to do the interview "right now", so I went with it. I tried to ask as many good questions as I could, off the top of my head. Hopefully you'll feel I did a good job. Stay tuned.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-05-2022 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by Dan_Druff
I just did an interview with him tonight -- for almost 2 hours.

I am going to play it when I do my next Poker Fraud Alert Radio show, which will be within a few days. I'll let you guys know when it's posted.

I did not have any notice. Mikki just snap-agreed to do the interview "right now", so I went with it. I tried to ask as many good questions as I could, off the top of my head. Hopefully you'll feel I did a good job. Stay tuned.
should be interesting! if you're still wary of posting links to your own website message me and i'll post it for you.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-05-2022 , 02:27 AM
Imagine waking up in 2022 with Mikki’s name tattooed on your body.

Mikki Mase Quote
01-05-2022 , 08:57 AM
Should be interesting. Can we "expose" Mikki now?

People on this forum putting Mikki on TILT.

Originally Posted by Dan_Druff
I just did an interview with him tonight -- for almost 2 hours.

I am going to play it when I do my next Poker Fraud Alert Radio show, which will be within a few days. I'll let you guys know when it's posted.

I did not have any notice. Mikki just snap-agreed to do the interview "right now", so I went with it. I tried to ask as many good questions as I could, off the top of my head. Hopefully you'll feel I did a good job. Stay tuned.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-05-2022 , 09:20 AM
Mikki has so many simps on insta commenting that pic has two GOATs Mikki MaseMikki Mase
Mikki Mase Quote
01-05-2022 , 07:31 PM
My prediction for 2022 is that this thread doesn't age well.
Let come back in a few years.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-05-2022 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by Dreamer
My prediction for 2022 is that this thread Mikki doesn't age well.
Let come back in a few years months.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-05-2022 , 08:33 PM
Hi Mikki!
Mikki Mase Quote
01-06-2022 , 12:59 AM
An absolute lock in the 22 death pool
Mikki Mase Quote
01-06-2022 , 02:53 AM
Hey everyone, Spencer here, the guy who made the two YouTube videos about Mikki. Created an account to defend myself to a couple claims and provide more insight...

1) I'm totally cool with any and all criticism thrown my way. I wanted to make an interesting and entertaining video and show a different side of Mikki in hopes that we could get some more information out of him. I initially made a video doubting everything he's done and he wanted a chance to defend his claims and clarify a few things. I was cool with allowing him to speak more openly about some of his claims he made on the No Jumper podcast.

2) Everyone here appears to be an expert at poker and gambling. I am not. It's incredibly challenging to push someone in person when you're talking in their language. Could I have done better? Absolutely. There are probably some awesome questions I could have asked, but didn't on the spot because I'm not an expert and it was a new environment for me. If you expected better out of me, totally cool with that criticism. I usually don't have to really press someone in person on the spot. It's a skill I'd like to improve on.

3) This content is something I'd like to do more of and I figured this would provide a good chance to make a different type of video. As a YouTuber, you're always looking to keep the channel fresh and entertaining. Yes, the fake guru expose videos where I go at someone are great. But there's a concern of becoming stale and redundant. I thought making this video would be interesting and provide a good opportunity for me to figure out if people like a new style or if it's a style I'm good at.

4) I'm still just a YouTuber. I'm not an amazing award winning journalist who has experience going into people's house/condo/hotel room/etc. and confronting them on the spot and have amazing follow up questions at the ready. I can definitely get better at this and it's why I'm always cool with pushing myself to do something uncomfortable because it provides a good chance to learn and get better. I'm totally cool with the criticism and can understand why some people thought I was soft or didn't push hard enough. That **** is hard for real.

5) Because of this video, I gained a source inside the casino business who is turning out to be an awesome source for helping me understand this business better. I have since learned that Mikki is actually up at the casino he showed me in the app, while being down at 2 others. Looking back, it was kind of amateur of me to only see one casino tax statement and believe that represented that he was winning at every casino. Mistake on my part for not pushing a little more there.

6) I was not paid in any way or am a shill of Mikki. It's funny hearing this kind of stuff now that I'm a content creator. I wish I got paid lmao. He actually asked me to make episode 3 filming his NYE party and I passed. Looking back, there are probably a few things I should have added in the video to not make it appear so slanted in his favor.

7) Me claiming he's legit: in regards to gambling, I'll take the L on this one. My guess is he's down overall and it sounds like this forum would unanimously agree. I didn't do a good job of adding some nuance to this. I think the partying, women, pharmacy story, and some other stuff probably checks out and he did show gambling wins so in the moment I thought that maybe he was a winner at gambling too. If he ends up being down, I'll certainly take a big L here. I learned.

8) After further thought, I'm guessing that the winnings at gambling is a little bit of a facade. I just thought that there were a lot of instances of him winning, and I tried to find some source of info where people were claiming to lose staking him and I couldn't find any. The two guys in the $5k to $200k video I critiqued both said he's legit for a second time. Obviously they're not the best resources, but typically with fake gurus, you can find at least someone saying "this fake guru lost me so much money" and I just couldn't find any OR a bunch of people shitting on him. I figured if he was losing a bunch of money, then there'd be a group on Reddit or something. (I am aware that Mike V is now claiming to have lost $150k on Reddit. Me and him chat regularly about this. Wish it would have happened before part 2 so I could have leaned on that a little more.)

9) Crypto was the one area he said he didn't want to discuss. I didn't ask anything off camera about it.

10) We hung out for about 4 hours. He provided a couple sheets of notes he made regarding my first video including time stamps and his rebuttal. He was comfortable with me asking any question, never said anything that he later told me to cut, all of his friends said it's pretty remarkable what he does, they were blown away too by his entire lifestyle. Maybe I got a little caught up in the moment, but I just found it really interesting how he felt so open. Keep in mind that there was a lot of stuff we talked about off camera that weren't caught on film. We discussed everything.

My interpretation of his vibe was that he was legit. And I honestly feel like if some of the video's harshest critics were in my shoes and had the same experience I did, they'd probably be a little less harsh on the criticism. But I'm totally cool with any **** thrown my way. I personally think you can't grow unless you put yourself in challenging situations and this video was certainly challenging to make. I appreciated that he was the first guy to actually allow me to come over and ask questions and address claims I made.

Even if stuff comes out about Mikki down the road, I'm cool accepting a public L. It was a good learning experience and I hope to improve so I can make better content with each passing year.

Realistically, I was more interested in learning more about his story than I was exposing him. Given my audience and typical content, it was a little out of character and maybe why the video had a different tone. As a creator, it's always a tough battle to fight and something you're always trying to figure out.

Just a year ago, I was working a day job not related to anything I'm doing now. This YouTube success happens quickly and sometimes you stumble a little on your way to the top. Thanks for taking the time to read and looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
Mikki Mase Quote
01-06-2022 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by spencercornelia

5) Because of this video, I gained a source inside the casino business who is turning out to be an awesome source for helping me understand this business better. I have since learned that Mikki is actually up at the casino he showed me in the app, while being down at 2 others. Looking back, it was kind of amateur of me to only see one casino tax statement and believe that represented that he was winning at every casino. Mistake on my part for not pushing a little more there.
Hey Spencer, respect for coming on here to clear things up, and being open about the whole thing. Really good post.

Fwiw I really enjoyed all your content on pyramid schemes and rental properties!
Mikki Mase Quote
01-06-2022 , 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by spencercornelia
... It's incredibly challenging to push someone in person ... It's a skill I'd like to improve on...
It is challenging, ... fortunately (or unfortunately) you won't have many oppurtunities to interview "suspects" in the future.

I have since learned that Mikki is actually up at the casino he showed me in the app, while being down at 2 others.
I immediately jumped to this conclusion.

and believe that represented that he was winning at every casino. Mistake on my part for not pushing a little more there.
Things would have got awkward if you asked to see other casino statements.

He actually asked me to make episode 3 filming his NYE party and I passed.
You had to pass, but I would sure have liked to have seen that.

My guess is he's down overall ... I think the partying, women, pharmacy story, and some other stuff probably checks out
No chance the pharmacy stuff checks out.

I appreciated that he was the first guy to actually allow me to come over and ask questions and address claims I made...
I wouldn't recommend you do many in person 'investigative journalism pieces' if you value your life.
Mikki Mase Quote
