Originally Posted by idun215
what kind of dress code is he talking about. Does he want everybody in suits or collar shirts and slacks and some dress shoes. Or does he want people not to show up in there hoodies and tshirts. Didn't brian rast just start a clothing company call 3Bet they sells hoodies and t shirts.
I think he just wants people to dress up a little. Treat the final table like a special event because it is. While some people have made multiple final tables and won multiple WPT titles only about 70 people will make it to the TV final table each year out of the thousands that enter.
This is what a WPT tournament looks like in the early stages.
photo upload
This is what a WPT final table looks like.
Most tournaments follow the same theme of making the final table look special. Here's the EPT Barcelona main event final table
The people that run these tours probably gave it some thought and decided it's a good idea to spend extra money to make the final table look nicer. It's going to get more press coverage and more air time if it's a televised event.
They put a lot of money to try and make the event special for you and the people watching on TV. Lease people can do is dress somewhat nicely at the final table to match the rest of the set. Is that so much to ask? I'm curious.... Of all the whiners in this thread complaining about not wanting to dress a little better. How many have actually made a WPT final table? Or any televised final table for that matter?
It's just common sense. You dress appropriately for the circumstances. Take a cue from the Royal Flush girls.
This is how they dress on Day1B:
picture hosting
This is how they dress for the final table.
This is how they dress in a pool: