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Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post)

09-15-2020 , 01:36 PM
according to justin oj is innocent because the glove didn't fit.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-15-2020 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by AngusThermopyle
There won't be any criminal charges.

Not sure what the 28 plaintiffs who opted out of the settlement plan on doing.
Options seem limited as MacVer withdrew and they have a small window time to amend their pleading. Most attorneys won’t touch that without a retainer. I would expect someone to come forward in the future and disclose the settlement offer they turned down.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-15-2020 , 02:53 PM
JFK apparently has not heard the phrase "better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt"
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-15-2020 , 02:55 PM
Reading Justin's statement and subsequent tweet-replies about it just baffles me. I really can't tell if he's a criminal or just has an IQ of about 60. Like, I really can't tell. It's pretty impressive
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-15-2020 , 03:04 PM
His statement tilts the **** out of me...

What is even more tilting is him arguing with every person commenting on his twitter...

Last edited by R*R; 09-15-2020 at 04:53 PM.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-15-2020 , 04:06 PM
Dumb question: the Sac Bee story quoted Verstandig's statement. Is that statement public anywhere? It seems like it serves to absolve Stones, JFK or the dealers of cheating, but it may not necessarily rule out the possibility that Postle was up to something on his own.

As for Justin Kuraitis' statement...

For starters, I was always more iffy on JFK, although I would still put him in the "more likely than not" category when it came to his involvement. As for the involvement itself, I'm still unsure where I'd place him on the spectrum of unknowing accomplice to right-hand man.

That said, I find his need to cite Rounderlife's articles laughable. The idea that people might find that site to be lacking in credibility when it comes to Postle? Gee, I wonder why we thought that??

Plus, I did look through their articles, at least at first. It wasn't hard to dismiss Rounderlife's coverage for the same reason Kuraitis slams Joey, Doug Polk, Berkey, et al. They tended to (gasp) "cherry-pick hands to fit their theories," and "ignored info" that did not "fit their version of the story."

(Yes, I'm putting all of these phrases in quotes because they are the words JFK uses in said statement.)

Furthermore, it's hard to trust a "media company" and its "actual research" when the writing tone is slightly less professional than the very post I'm typing right now. It's also telling that the site's only coverage of Postle consists of articles refuting claims put forth in the various analyses last fall. It clearly has taken a side in the debacle, and makes no bones about it.

For example, on page 2 of Kuraitis' statement, he refers to a Rounderlife article discussing his whereabouts. I won't even get into whether or not the article successfully exonerates Kuraitis. Thirty seconds on that article gives any thinking person reason to "claim Rounderlife was biased" (his words).

Finally, here's a quote out of one of the Rounderlife articles. If you are drinking something, swallow it right now, lest you damage your computer with the spray coming out of your nostrils:

We want to make it clear that Rounder Life Media is not giving an opinion as to whether or not we believe Mike Postle is innocent of these very serious allegations. We are searching for the truth, and reporting facts not unsubstantiated conjecture.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-15-2020 , 04:38 PM
The JFK statement is absolutely worth reading, if only to ponder afterward how in the world he could ever think it would be a good idea to write it up and release it.

And now he's continuing to go at it on Twitter with faildunks. Hopefully people are screenshotting this stuff before he comes to his senses and starts deleting everything once he realizes he's just digging himself in deeper and deeper.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-15-2020 , 04:43 PM
I feel kind bad that Jason's ego is so enormous that he had to lampoon the poker community after all this. It's kind of sad and pathetic. He could have kindly faded away to relative obscurity but now he's stirring up the hornet's nest again.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-15-2020 , 04:47 PM
That rounderlife thing was a little silly. I tried to read it with an open mind. Even if his results were overstated by ~double due to initial tracking errors, which they seem to be claiming, his results are still ridiculously out of line statistically, so probably just around potripper levels. You have to remember, his playstyle and fundamentals are so absurdly bad, he should be losing a ton. He just repeatedly raises like 50% of the time, calls almost any size 3b with anything he started the hand with, etc, etc. If I was watching him play, I'd assume he was the biggest fish at the table. The fact that he even books a profit should be raising alarm bells, as I don't recall ever seeing a winning player with probably even half his preflop vpip. I just rewatched two sessions and I forgot how absurd his play is.

I think Justin's tweets make him look more guilty. If I was innocent, I don't think I could look at the evidence and say something like "ashamed to say I went through a period of time I even began to wonder if Postle had cheated." Why would you be ashamed to wonder about the guy running like god for 80 sessions might be cheating. I'd probably be trying to piece together wtf happened if I was working on the stream.

Last edited by Ten5x; 09-15-2020 at 05:00 PM.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-15-2020 , 04:53 PM
It is obvious that Mike Postle cheated. I believe Justin was aware of the cheating and a part of it.

If he somehow was not aware and a part of it then it shows that he is was completely incompetent in performing the duties of his job and even with this abundance of evidence he still can't see the obvious and blatant cheating.

If that is the case then it shows just how terribly Stones was run that they could allow him to be employed in his position for that long.

Of course I believe he was in on it and is a POS.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-15-2020 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Franchise5
It is obvious that Mike Postle cheated. I believe Justin was aware of the cheating and a part of it.

If he somehow was not aware and a part of it then it shows that he is was completely incompetent in performing the duties of his job and even with this abundance of evidence he still can't see the obvious and blatant cheating.

If that is the case then it shows just how terribly Stones was run that they could allow him to be employed in his position for that long.

Of course I believe he was in on it and is a POS.
This is what's so striking to me. Either JFK is in on it, OR he is the biggest idiot in the ****ing world. I really don't see a third option. He's either a thief or an absolute potato of a human. Anyone who can think of a third option, please? I just don't see it
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-15-2020 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by Loctus
This is what's so striking to me. Either JFK is in on it, OR he is the biggest idiot in the ****ing world. I really don't see a third option. He's either a thief or an absolute potato of a human. Anyone who can think of a third option, please? I just don't see it

he's at least a potato though most of us had forgotten about him by now
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-15-2020 , 06:52 PM
I feel like Justin doesn't even understand the evidence against Postle which is why he remains so adamant that there isn't any. Plus the fact that he seems overly concerned with the actual $ amounts won or lost like that is the determining factor or something.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-15-2020 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Loctus
This is what's so striking to me. Either JFK is in on it, OR he is the biggest idiot in the ****ing world. I really don't see a third option. He's either a thief or an absolute potato of a human. Anyone who can think of a third option, please? I just don't see it
While it seems increasingly likely that Justin was an accomplice, it is now 100% confirmed that he is an absolute imbecile. Only someone suffering from some kind of learning disability would have penned that statement and felt good about posting it.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-15-2020 , 07:03 PM
But Postle broke his silence for the first time late Monday, proclaiming his innocence in a text message sent to The Sacramento Bee.

“As much as I’d like to say, all I can really say right now is that I have my side of this entire fiasco to tell,” Postle wrote. “It won’t just shock the poker and gambling industries, but the entire world.

“This all goes way beyond just my innocence, but includes an entire incredible 17+ year story along with it, and what’s happened since the allegations. In fact, it’s such a mind blowing story, that it’s being told to Dave Broome at 25/7 Productions who will be producing a wild documentary for the world to see on it!

“I’ve been waiting for many, many months on this and I’m anxious for it to finally come out. So to all the detractors and accusers who have asked, ‘Why hasn’t he spoken or provided his evidence of innocence and explanations?’

“Well guess what? ... Now you know.”

Postle declined to be interviewed beyond the statement he provided.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-15-2020 , 07:07 PM
I had been to stones a few times and justin got my number because I was interested in playing on stream. He used to text me about once a week, sometimes less, always really really really trying to get me into the game. I thought this was weird but it makes sense in retrospect. I would be very surprised if he wasn't in on it or if he hadn't figured out the postle was cheating and he didn't care
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-15-2020 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by golfnutt
This confirms 100% Postle cheated. The casino wouldn’t be settling a bunch of losers complaining about losses unless it was real.

Postle should be in prison. Not even a question. He stole money. A lot of it from dozens of victims over an extended period of time.

I hope they come after him hard.
While it's pretty evident that he did indeed cheat in some way. The casino settling for peanuts "confirms" absolutely nothing.

Even if they decided to settle for the full amount people are claiming he cheated them out of, even a smaller casinos like Stones might chose just pay it to make it go away.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-15-2020 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Following in the footsteps of the great it seems.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-15-2020 , 07:32 PM
He can't be that bright, because the way that cheating was done was so obvious.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-15-2020 , 09:10 PM
Mikey. You are done like dinner. Just google your name. You will be forever known as a cheat!
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-15-2020 , 10:01 PM
It would be quite entertaining if the promised Mike Postle documentary actually proves himself guilty, "Jinx" style.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-16-2020 , 12:40 AM
What is it with people who lie even after they're caught red handed? I don't get what would be the benefit. We already know what you did.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-16-2020 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by R*R
Mikey. You are done like dinner. Just google your name. You will be forever known as a cheat!
Yes, his rep is completely trashed - it'll be interesting to see how people react if he sits down at their table. WWYD?
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-16-2020 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by marbls247
Yes, his rep is completely trashed - it'll be interesting to see how people react if he sits down at their table. WWYD?
There was a public sighting at a casino back in December 2019. Roughly two months after the story went public.

IIRC someone noticed Mike Postle playing slots at another casino (in Reno?), and someone tied to that casino decided to take Mike Postle's comps away? The YT video has since been removed though.

You can still view the reactionary comments from that video starting at Post #10049 in this thread.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
09-16-2020 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by marbls247
Yes, his rep is completely trashed - it'll be interesting to see how people react if he sits down at their table. WWYD?
I wouldn't do anything. A live poker table usually has scumbags. He's just another fish at the table who is going to net me money.
Mike Postle cheating allegations (FAQ in first post) Quote
