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The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old

03-05-2014 , 05:07 PM
timex why do u hide yourself on search your fans like to rail u
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-05-2014 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by ArtySmokes
The Ron Burgundy t-shirt has stayed classy.
For sure the most asked about shirt I own, was like $20 at urban outfitters
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-05-2014 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by AshleyC
Timex, what range of reactions have you had to your stare downs?

Are you aware that doing it may make the game less fun for some recreational players?
Pretty much whatever you'd imagine. When someone blows a kiss at me or winks they always think they're as people asking if my dad is Ronald McDonald. A fair bit of staring back(often only briefly before they get annoyed), many of the super fish give me a "huh, u think u gonna get a read off me" and take off their glasses, give off even more blatant timing tells and just become even more of an open book than before, a lot more dark checks, a few people who refuse to break stare to look at the flop even when they act first etc etc.

Ya, I'm aware
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-05-2014 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by kcbj6
timex why do u hide yourself on search your fans like to rail u
My sn is: Tîmex . Copy paste it, I believe I'm not hidden from search, but Timex was taken
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-05-2014 , 07:40 PM
Please tone down the stare, you seem like a nice guy otherwise.
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-05-2014 , 08:15 PM
Holy crap, didn't know you were a boulderer/climber! Picked it up post poker myself (18 months now) and it's just so amazing. I really sucked for a long time, but always had (and have) so much fun with it!

Have you been to any cool destinations yet? More of a boulderer/sports climber/trad climber? Mostly indoors or outdoors? Hardest grades climbed so far?
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-05-2014 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by timex

Ya, I'm aware [that it is bad for the game overall]
Then don't do it
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-05-2014 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by Yodas Butler
lol at bringing your water bottle to your home game in the kitchen.

Also good seat selection, next to the fish.

lmao yes

I enjoyed the story, looking forward to part 2
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-05-2014 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by Yodas Butler

Also good seat selection, next to the fish.
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-05-2014 , 11:50 PM
I remember you being in London for WSOPE around when the stock markets crashed. I didn't really know you well back then, but well enough to talk about our exotic dancer ex girlfriends etc. You alluded to the stock market crash being bad news personally. Do you still keep $ in the markets or you got any fun **** going on?

Here's a young Timex asleep on tufats couch (where many a great have spent a night) - Dec 2008
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-06-2014 , 12:29 AM
I think it's kind of inappropriate to post personal photos and also reference personal conversations.
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-06-2014 , 01:32 AM
I remember back in the day on 2p2 I read how you chopped some invite only 10 player SNG for like $300,000, which was insane for that time. I think this score allowed you to begin staking and really have your bankroll explode.

Do you think you've made more money from actually playing poker or staking other people? I doubt you've made more than either of those in the stock market.
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-06-2014 , 02:51 AM

Guess you got the last laugh... LOL
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-06-2014 , 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by smithy2588
Good read. Will definitely be checking out the second part of the interview.

Interesting about having a 300k online score and also making a lot from buying pieces, all whilst underage.

Timex, was the 300k score on stars? If so, were there any repercussions once they found out you were underage at the time of the score?

I'm assuming you withdrew a chunk of it whilst still underage?

Reminds me of the underage Dutch kid who won a Sunday major for 100k+ only for stars to confiscate the funds. The $$ was donated to charty iirc.

His name was zeurrr. and he won 518K in march 2011 with the Super Sunday million. He was 17 at that time. Stars donated the $$$ to charity. He played on his dads account but he was bragging on the forums that he was on the final table and that he won so much money so they knew it was him playing and not his dad.
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-06-2014 , 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by timex
I'd lay a pretty high price I win 0 bracelets in the next 5 years. I love poker tournaments but I don't really set any performance goals in them and tend to think its just a great way to set one's self up for disappointment.
It's actually really refreshing to read a guy who plays a lot of tournaments say this. There is still a stunning amount of rungood donkament guys who say things like 'I fully expect to win X bracelets in the next X years!' as if they have no clue about tournament variance and that the reality is they would be a heavy favourite to win 0. Even guys like Negreanu say things like this. I know PMA and all that but there are way more who say this than just 'I'm going to play my best'.
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-06-2014 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by Jason Moneytaker
I think it's kind of inappropriate to post personal photos and also reference personal conversations.
Yeah it is a bit. But I ran it by him first.
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-06-2014 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by Rupert
I remember you being in London for WSOPE around when the stock markets crashed. I didn't really know you well back then, but well enough to talk about our exotic dancer ex girlfriends etc. You alluded to the stock market crash being bad news personally. Do you still keep $ in the markets or you got any fun **** going on?

Here's a young Timex asleep on tufats couch (where many a great have spent a night) - Dec 2008
dat pillow hug tho
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-06-2014 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisA3
Holy crap, didn't know you were a boulderer/climber! Picked it up post poker myself (18 months now) and it's just so amazing. I really sucked for a long time, but always had (and have) so much fun with it!

Have you been to any cool destinations yet? More of a boulderer/sports climber/trad climber? Mostly indoors or outdoors? Hardest grades climbed so far?
I just started about 8 months ago. I'm still somewhat in the really sucking phase. I plan to do more outdoor climbing after the winter, I do about 95% bouldering and my gym doesn't post the V levels of the bouldering problems(they're just color coded, where the color I usually do is in the V3-V4 range)
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-06-2014 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by GutPunch

Do you think you've made more money from actually playing poker or staking other people? I doubt you've made more than either of those in the stock market.
Much more off of playing although 5-6 years ago there was a time I think I had made more staking

Originally Posted by Jason Moneytaker
I think it's kind of inappropriate to post personal photos and also reference personal conversations.
He had my permission, and the exotic dancer thing is just an inside joke
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-06-2014 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by timex
the exotic dancer thing is just an inside joke
Don't burst the bubble of the fans. If you don't have an exotic dancer ex gf as a 24 year old multi millionaire you're doing it wrong.

You seem like a very stand up guy, keep crushing!
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-06-2014 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by timex
Much more off of playing although 5-6 years ago there was a time I think I had made more staking
Would you recommend staking as a business or is it much too volatile to someone who doesn't play themselves?
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-06-2014 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by timex
Pretty much whatever you'd imagine. When someone blows a kiss at me or winks they always think they're as people asking if my dad is Ronald McDonald. A fair bit of staring back(often only briefly before they get annoyed), many of the super fish give me a "huh, u think u gonna get a read off me" and take off their glasses, give off even more blatant timing tells and just become even more of an open book than before, a lot more dark checks, a few people who refuse to break stare to look at the flop even when they act first etc etc.

Ya, I'm aware

Mike McDonald,
His Dad Isn't Ronald,

Take of your glasses,
He'll own your asses,

Blow him a kiss, give him a wink,
He'll own your soul, he knows what you think,

Bad for the game, this crazy stare?
It is you know, and he's aware.
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-06-2014 , 12:43 PM
Mike is pure class at the tables, both as a player and as a person.
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-06-2014 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by I-Sue-U
Mike is pure class at the tables, both as a player and as a person.
Yeah right, Mr. Creepy Stare truly exemplifies decorum and grace lmao
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
03-06-2014 , 01:42 PM
But how much did he lose?

Jk, but seriously, don't donkament winnings not take into account losses from buy-ins of donkaments where players have didn't finished itm?
The Mike McDonald Story:  Million Won At Just 24-Years Old Quote
