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Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker)

11-06-2020 , 08:58 PM
FFS, if it's MI players only, there will be no players
Definitely for MTTs, but not cash...
and if it's shared, it will be a bunch of bots/regs/colluders
Correct me if I'm wrong, but from my somewhat limited understanding, botting/colluding isn't widespread on PokerStars or PartyPoker, and would seem difficult to accomplish in a limited pool. Those are two of the poker clients at the forefront of MI online poker, at the moment.
Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
11-09-2020 , 12:23 PM
Here is a "launch blog" posted by Michigan native Matt Schoch for PlayMichigan.

It says that the projected Michigan online gambling launch is still likely to happen this year.

"The current projection for launch is around Thanksgiving Day or Nov. 26. But that date could be pushed back to early December or even Christmas. We might have more information after the Michigan Gaming Control Board has its regular meeting on Nov. 10..."
Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
11-10-2020 , 09:26 AM
This is still in the hands of the JCAR, not MGCB. We can all still be hopeful that the 15-day period is waived and thus the rules become in effect the day after, allowing MGCB to take their next steps in the licensing approval process. GL
Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
11-10-2020 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by answer20
Okay boys and girls .. I put some time into this today and after quite a few phone calls spoke to someone who gave me 20 minutes of very good information.

1) The MGCB proposed R/R are 'in front' of JCAR and (as shown above) they have 15 'session' days to review them or they go into effect 'the next day' without any changes. The issue is getting to 15 session days in 2020. A 'session day' is when both House and Senate are in session the same day (since this is a joint committee) .. and there are not enough of those days left on the 2020 legislative calendar right now (about 9 to 11). According to the source, it's only been 2-3 session days so far so the math is not good to get to 15.

2) HOWEVER, the JCAR can meet and waive the 15 day timetable if there aren't any tweaks that are going to be proposed. Which, according to the source, it's assumed right now that no changes will be proposed.

3) IF the JCAR doesn't waive the timetable AND they don't get in 15 session days, then the 15 days will reset to zero and can't begin again until the new legislature begins meeting in January.

4) IF any changes are proposed, then it could be as long as another year before MGCB/JCAR has another shot at this process since some changes may require laws to be modified .. again, the source doesn't anticipate this.

5) As of two weeks ago, MGCB had zero 'agents' that had 100% completed the application process. AND (not a quote) but their opinion was that none of the 'big boys' had even started the application process, only smaller entities. This was about the weakest area of information the source had .. I'm not sure if there's any way to track who applied to be an agent on MGCB website and good luck getting any of them on the phone. Due to this intel, they feel that it would be at least 6 weeks after the R/R are in effect for anyone to be up and running.

So it could be anywhere from 2 weeks to 1 year before the R/R are approved by JCAR and then it will just be however long it takes the first agent to be fully approved by MGCB to kick things off.

I didn't have time today, but this source gave me another source to contact concerning the status of combining the Michigan pool with other poker pools.

So while the Poker News 'article' indicate 'within weeks' they really (IMO) didn't do enough research to fully explain what needed to happen. GL

PS .. Since 'the law' has already passed and this is just the evolution of what the law allows, the Governor is not involved in this R/R process directly (unless a law needs to be modified or created per JCAR request).
So, am I to understand that Party and Stars are the “big boys”, and they haven’t gotten that far with the application process?
Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
11-10-2020 , 11:43 AM
Getting good/current intel from MGCB is tough. I'm not sure if there's a way to see publicly who is going through the application process at this time. There was some chatter that a couple of the smaller casinos were going to try for a partnership with 'the big boys' and that would allow them to enter the market 3rd party and just administer the license for the casino. Not clear if that's just sports betting or just poker or both.

We discussed that they may be waiting until the rules are final before making a move. Why 'waste' time/money when you don't know where the finish line is, so to speak?

There is no reason for this topic to be on the MGCB's agenda today since they can't actually 'act' on any aspect of the process until JCAR (hopefully) acts on their end. So although we may get some sort of information from the chairman, in general, beyond what is known already, I'm not sure that any specific entities will be mentioned in his comments. GL
Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
11-10-2020 , 11:52 AM
I just caught the tail end of the public portion of today's meeting of MGCB. Nothing was discussed that isn't already posted here. They said that there are a few Suppliers that are close to being approved in the process, but JCAR must act before they can continue the process ...

... everyone loves the word 'soon' .. GL
Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
11-10-2020 , 12:11 PM
So what’s left in the process exactly? Like a checklist.
-finalization of rules and regulations
-logistic formalities to expedite the process
-passing various committees
-passing legislative bodies
-completion of the application by the sites and approval
-committee review of player pool inclusion
-legislative vote on player pool inclusion
-certain benchmarks must be attained in 2020 or parts of the process will have to be essentially restarted in 2021

This is crude and probably inaccurate but it would be nice to know what exactly has to happen in order for us to play our first hand online in Michigan

Originally Posted by answer20
I just caught the tail end of the public portion of today's meeting of MGCB. Nothing was discussed that isn't already posted here. They said that there are a few Suppliers that are close to being approved in the process, but JCAR must act before they can continue the process ...

... everyone loves the word 'soon' .. GL
Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
11-11-2020 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by ~PLO~
So what’s left in the process exactly? Like a checklist.
How about rereading my post that you've already quoted in one of your previous posts ...

1) JCAR must approve/waive changes to the Rules/Regs as proposed by MGCB before end of 2020 session
2) If JCAR 'fails' (refuses) to do so then the new JCAR must do so in January .. or .. if they fail to act in Jan, then they automatically become in effect for MGCB to enforce
2A) If JCAR wants any changes to the R/R then the whole process starts over and MGCB must resubmit with the changes or similar.

3) Once the R/R 'pass' then MGCB can finalize any applications they have in process to operate a platform. This could take 2-6 weeks depending on application status, changes and holidays.

There are currently two entities that are using TV ads to get you to register so that you are ready to place a bet on Day 1. One site is offering a $100 match in funny money that must be used in the first 7 days after they on online.

Most of your list is either not needed or already happened .. .GL
Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
11-12-2020 , 03:11 PM
Ugh, this is why I hate poker forums. I’m just a dum dum, help me navigate life. Respond or don’t respond but please leave the condescending tone out.

Originally Posted by answer20
How about rereading my post that you've already quoted in one of your previous posts ...

1) JCAR must approve/waive changes to the Rules/Regs as proposed by MGCB before end of 2020 session
2) If JCAR 'fails' (refuses) to do so then the new JCAR must do so in January .. or .. if they fail to act in Jan, then they automatically become in effect for MGCB to enforce
2A) If JCAR wants any changes to the R/R then the whole process starts over and MGCB must resubmit with the changes or similar.

3) Once the R/R 'pass' then MGCB can finalize any applications they have in process to operate a platform. This could take 2-6 weeks depending on application status, changes and holidays.

There are currently two entities that are using TV ads to get you to register so that you are ready to place a bet on Day 1. One site is offering a $100 match in funny money that must be used in the first 7 days after they on online.

Most of your list is either not needed or already happened .. .GL
Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
11-12-2020 , 04:01 PM
iGaming Supporters Can Help

According to Kalm, legislators who were instrumental in passing internet gaming legislation in Michigan in the first place are pushing members of the JCAR to sign the waiver. But the public can influence the process, too.

The JCAR is comprised of five State Senators and five State Representatives. Each of those have Twitter accounts and office phone numbers. We have compiled this list for the public’s convenience, should anyone be so inclined as to send an encouraging tweet or make a waiver-supporting phone call.

–Sen. Peter Lucido (Chairperson) @PeterLucido (517) 373-7670

–Sen. Ed McBroom @SenEdMcBroom (517) 373-7840

–Sen. Lana Theis @SenLTheis (517) 373-2420

–Sen. Adam Hollier @Adamant4Detroit (517) 373-7748

–Sen. Jeff Irwin @JeffMIrwin (517) 373-2406

–Rep. Matthew Maddock (JCAR Alternate Chairperson) @matthewmaddock (517) 373-2616

–Rep. Douglas Wozniak @dougwozniak1 (517) 373-0843

–Rep. Steven Johnson @johnson4rep (517) 373-0840

–Rep. Kyra Harris Bolden @KyraHBolden (517) 373-1788

–Rep. LaTanya Garrett @LatanyaRep (517) 373-2276

The JCAR has its own office in Lansing. Its contact information is:

– (517) 373-9425
Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
11-12-2020 , 10:37 PM
^^ very nice
Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
11-13-2020 , 09:25 AM
The other important factor is that JCAR actually has to meet. The Michigan House canceled their Wednesday session this week 'since there wasn't anything important to work/vote on' .. must be nice!

I guess it would've been better to put an emoji in there? It appears you've also put some time and effort into this topic by tracking down the JCAR members, nice.

The Chair of JCAR rotates every session even though most of the members may be the same .. So I would start with Lucido, but I'm not sure who actually schedules the meetings or what would constitute a legal quorum in order to propose and vote on a waiver. I assume at a minimum there would need to be at least 3 members from each side in attendance.

I would hope that I'm one of the least condescending posters on this site but there are also plenty of posters who come in from left field and don't read the scroll or fail to read the previous posts to get a feel for the flow. (Like the ones who go the Hammond thread and ask 'anything new?' when the last post is 4 weeks old. GL
Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
11-13-2020 , 10:48 AM
I wish I could take credit for the info I posted about the Michigan legislatures but I took it from
As far as tone, I’m just haven’t acclimated fully to the lower standard of civil conversation on poker forums, probably never will. I am not seasoned in this area and things trigger me too easily i imagine.
Do appreciate the info regardless.

Originally Posted by answer20
The other important factor is that JCAR actually has to meet. The Michigan House canceled their Wednesday session this week 'since there wasn't anything important to work/vote on' .. must be nice!

I guess it would've been better to put an emoji in there? It appears you've also put some time and effort into this topic by tracking down the JCAR members, nice.

The Chair of JCAR rotates every session even though most of the members may be the same .. So I would start with Lucido, but I'm not sure who actually schedules the meetings or what would constitute a legal quorum in order to propose and vote on a waiver. I assume at a minimum there would need to be at least 3 members from each side in attendance.

I would hope that I'm one of the least condescending posters on this site but there are also plenty of posters who come in from left field and don't read the scroll or fail to read the previous posts to get a feel for the flow. (Like the ones who go the Hammond thread and ask 'anything new?' when the last post is 4 weeks old. GL
Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
11-13-2020 , 11:08 AM
My Twitter is @imakewinhappen if anyone wants to retweet to help get the word out to encourage the members of JCAR to sign the waiver.
Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
11-13-2020 , 11:28 AM
I heard a radio newscast that said "they" were aiming for a Christmas Day start, but I was not able to listen to the newscast fully for any details beyond that.
Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
11-13-2020 , 11:07 PM
PlayMichigan updates blog from Matt Schoch. (Nov 12-13, 2020)

"After cancelling its session on Thursday, the Michigan House of Representatives has scheduled a 10 a.m. full session for Wednesday in Lansing. The Michigan Senate had previously also scheduled a session for that day.

This is the last scheduled session for the Michigan Legislature in November, though more dates could be added..."

Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
11-17-2020 , 04:50 PM
Per source in Sen Lucido's office .. no JCAR tomorrow

Next chance is first week of December .. IF they ever do meet it is still anticipated that the 15-day window will be waived and the R/R will go in effect the next day.

Once that happens, the MGCB can get back to approving platform Supplier applications which will ultimately lead to site launches.

I believe one of the anticipated sites upped their 'free' bet funny money to $200 this week .. must use within the first 7 days. GL

PS .. I'm assuming these sites are 'up and running' with play chips by now as they await the approval to start using real cash.
Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
11-17-2020 , 05:08 PM
Thank you very much for the local updates, answer20 & ~PLO~ & Dick Tracy.
Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
11-17-2020 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by answer20
Per source in Sen Lucido's office .. no JCAR tomorrow
Wtf how hard is it to rubber stamp this shir
Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
11-17-2020 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by dhubermex
Thank you very much for the local updates, answer20 & ~PLO~ & Dick Tracy.
Thanks for all of your updates.
Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
11-30-2020 , 02:01 PM
From Play Michigan



The online gambling rules will move along in Lansing on Tuesday morning and there’s still has a chance for a 2020 launch, according to a report from The Associated Press.

Sen. Pete Lucido, the chairman of the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules, told the AP he expects the rules will sail through JCAR in Tuesday’s session.

“Everybody wants to get this thing going,” said Lucido, a Republican elected this month as Macomb County prosecutor. “This is something that’s long overdue at this point. It’s being done in other states. We’re losing opportunity costs.”

Mary Kay Bean, spokesperson for the Michigan Gaming Control Board, told AP the board is hopeful online gaming and sports betting can launch this year if the waiver request is approved.
Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
11-30-2020 , 03:45 PM
Here's a separate update from Alex Weldon for OPR

Alex mentions that a Michigan online casino and sports betting launch could still happen in December, according to a quote provided to the Associated Press by MI State Senator and JCAR chair Pete Lucido.

Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
11-30-2020 , 07:43 PM
Here's a November 30th writeup from Steve Ruddock for BettingUSA.

The articles from today cite the following Associate Press story.

Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
12-01-2020 , 10:09 AM
Via Matt Schoch Twitter

No quorum reached this morning in Lansing as 6 of 10 members of JCAR present in Lansing. Sen. Pete Lucido calls meeting at ease for now, confirmed plans to take up internet sports betting and internet gaming rules. Lucido said members had car trouble this snowy Michigan morning

Seriously, car troubles?!?!?! Beyond frustrated with our politicians here in Michigan.
Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
12-01-2020 , 10:44 AM
Via Play Michigan

Even on the day things moved along in Lansing, there were delays.

The 8 a.m. JCAR meeting began with six of 10 members unable to establish a quorum. Sen. Pete Lucido indicated members had car trouble on the snowy Michigan morning and the meeting was called at ease.

About 30 minutes later, the meeting resumed with Rep. LaTanya Garrett making it seven members present.

Seven members yoted in favor of waiving the session days after Rep. Matt Maddock made motions to move the rules. One state senator voted against both motions.
Michigan Online Poker Bill / 01/21 update: PokerStars is live! (Stars thread in Internet Poker) Quote
