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Mexican Casino Attack Mexican Casino Attack

08-26-2011 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by WeakerthanPaul
Isn't the upsurge in violence a result in the Mexican government cracking down harder on drug trade and purging corrupt political/law enforcement officials from office?
Back in the day when the PRI (political party) was in power of all Mexico it was sort of established which drug cartels owned what territory and where/how they could move drugs so there weren't as many reasons for increased violence. When the PAN stepped in these deals were off, so drug cartels started fighting each other for territory. This is why basically until now they did not move into Monterrey, it was pretty forbidden given the importance of the city as an industrial leader of Mexico.

Nowadays the drug cartels are fighting pretty hard for the territory because there's so much money coming in from the US (billions). Small groups of criminals are also taking advantage of the wave of fear and committing kidnappings/thefts to rack up money, sometimes impersonating being members of the big drug cartels to instill fear in the population. Government is fighting back, but seems to me like there's just way too much money in drugs it's very easy for the drug cartels to recruit people, especially considering that if you turn them down there's a chance they will kill you.

The transfer of drugs into the US and guns into Mexican criminals has to stop. As is, both countries are spending tons of money trying to stop this (and even though they succeed a lot, resources are still much more limited than what the cartels are willing to put in. Legalizing drugs would be a good move imo, obviously a ton of tax incentives for both countries as well. Although in Mexico it'd probably lead to a lot of ex-cartels beating up on anyone that tries to legitimately sell drugs, at least if it happens in the US it likely wouldn't be that bad, especially in non-border areas.
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
08-26-2011 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by rustychips
Gunmen enter Casino in Monterrey and kill 40 people. Things are getting crazy in Mexico.
i am from mexico

so i know the true about this news , don't read the ****ty of OP

4 persons with guns and bottles of gasoline enter to the casino and spread the gasoline all over the casino and block the emergency exits , they go out of the casino and launch some grenades to start the fire.

some people get killed because the explosion of the grenades and the rest get intoxicated by the smoke inside the casino

officially there are 61 dead personas

don't worry about this narco situations that **** only happen in this states:

nuevo leon

the rest is cool
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
08-26-2011 , 03:00 PM
I wouldn't make light about the idea of was most certainly that....or a personal beef with someone inside. Very tragic nonetheless
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
08-26-2011 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by markitosrave
so i know the true about this news , don't read the ****ty of OP

4 persons with guns and bottles of gasoline enter to the casino and spread the gasoline all over the casino and block the emergency exits , they go out of the casino and launch some grenades to start the fire.
The gunmen did not block the emergency exits. Source? From what I've read, they were either closed before by casino admin for 'security reasons', or they were closed during the attack because the security system activated for a theft attempt and not a fire. Also just read the electrical system was pretty outdated and the carpet had not been treated for fire-******ation. No emergency exits except on the first floor. Pretty stupid that this place was allowed to operate like this, although they likely just pay the inspectors at every casino to not make a hassle. President says it was terrorism, but business owners nearby are saying they had not paid a quota to whoever did it. In fact the same casino had been attacked earlier this year (not sure if more than once). On May 25th gunmen had fired upon the building in an effort to intimidate (zero casualties). Can't believe people kept going.
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
08-26-2011 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by orestto
The gunmen did not block the emergency exits. Source?
milenio TV
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
08-26-2011 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by markitosrave
milenio TV (spanish) Gunmen did not block emergency exits.

Also, 600 military personnel coming to Monterrey within next few days. Finally. Even though I do not enjoy seeing caravans on military personnel through the city, they have proven to be the least corrupt and most effective / bad ass organization in our country.
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
08-26-2011 , 04:05 PM
more reason to just never go to mexico
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
08-26-2011 , 04:17 PM
I live in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, home of the fightin' Sinaloa cartel. We have the same casino here, same logo and everything. It's been robbed twice, nobody hurt, once was at 4AM when they were closed. I have been told that it is under cartel protection, ours has zero security cameras and a metal detector that has been unplugged for more than two years.

This is brutal, man. Those were players and staff, good people in my experience. Normally they only kill members of other cartels and since I don't deal drugs and I'm white as a ghost, I have no problems, but come on now. To all Americans and Canadians reading this, you are part of it. We made some relatively harmless stuff illegal, and drove the price so high that literally an army can be funded, and blah blah blah, 35 thousand people are killed in 3 years.

It ain't the smokers and the snorters that deserve the blame, it's the laws that make simple plants worth their weight in gold. We all know it, and yet here we are.

I always tip the bathroom attendant well at my local Casino Royale, he's a kind and courteous old man who does a **** job for crappy pay, and does it better than anyone should expect. Now his counterpart in Monterrey got barbecued alive. Cool story bro.

Hi Dad
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
08-26-2011 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by jinzerd
more reason to just never go to mexico without a gun
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
08-26-2011 , 04:34 PM
I'm not buying the "someone didn't pay extortion money" story.
Who punishes the owner by killing 50+ of inocent people?
Nobody is THAT dumb to just burn the casino while all people are still inside.
There has to be something much more sinister about this tragedy.

Either way, Mexico is easily becaming the worst country in the world.
Citizens need to organize themselves and linch both cartels and police (which is more or less the same gang).
Revolucion cubana style with public square executions of politicians and drug bosses is needed if they want to save their country and the lives of their kids.
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
08-26-2011 , 04:38 PM
If you look at the footage the gunmen were not targeting civilians at all. They were telling them to get out, and those that did got out without incident. Most that died were afraid to run out towards the main entrance and ran further inside. What the hell is with the mini cooper though, most cartel members have decked out trucks and suvs.
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
08-26-2011 , 04:58 PM
Where is the footage?
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
08-26-2011 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by MongoloidMike
I live in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, home of the fightin' Sinaloa cartel. We have the same casino here, same logo and everything. It's been robbed twice, nobody hurt, once was at 4AM when they were closed. I have been told that it is under cartel protection, ours has zero security cameras and a metal detector that has been unplugged for more than two years.

This is brutal, man. Those were players and staff, good people in my experience. Normally they only kill members of other cartels and since I don't deal drugs and I'm white as a ghost, I have no problems, but come on now. To all Americans and Canadians reading this, you are part of it. We made some relatively harmless stuff illegal, and drove the price so high that literally an army can be funded, and blah blah blah, 35 thousand people are killed in 3 years.

It ain't the smokers and the snorters that deserve the blame, it's the laws that make simple plants worth their weight in gold. We all know it, and yet here we are.

I always tip the bathroom attendant well at my local Casino Royale, he's a kind and courteous old man who does a **** job for crappy pay, and does it better than anyone should expect. Now his counterpart in Monterrey got barbecued alive. Cool story bro.

Hi Dad
no the main problem is the Mexican government. There will always be things that are against the law or legal so what do you want to do legalize everything? The reason there aren't crazy drug cartels in the US running a muck is we have a government that lays down the law. I will say the US government is fairly corrupt in terms of passing laws/etc for private interest groups, but if you want to clean up Mexico the government needs to step up and do the right thing.
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
08-26-2011 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Flip-Flop
I'm not buying the "someone didn't pay extortion money" story.
Who punishes the owner by killing 50+ of inocent people?
Nobody is THAT dumb to just burn the casino while all people are still inside.
There has to be something much more sinister about this tragedy.

Either way, Mexico is easily becaming the worst country in the world.
Citizens need to organize themselves and linch both cartels and police (which is more or less the same gang).
Revolucion cubana style with public square executions of politicians and drug bosses is needed if they want to save their country and the lives of their kids.
Ignorance must be bliss.
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
08-26-2011 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by freddy827
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
08-26-2011 , 06:19 PM
Horrible event. Is there nothing the US can do to help? Why not send down like 25K marines and hunt those drug lords down like dogs, until they are all wiped out.
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
08-26-2011 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by Flip-Flop
Either way, Mexico is easily becaming the worst country in the world.
Citizens need to organize themselves and linch both cartels and police (which is more or less the same gang).
Revolucion cubana style with public square executions of politicians and drug bosses is needed if they want to save their country and the lives of their kids.
+1 They should fund their weapons and cars by selling drugs... OH WAIT That would only create more violence.
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
08-26-2011 , 06:44 PM
Gotta love Calderone blaming the American appetite for drugs as the cause, and wanting an even BIGGER crackdown. What a maroon. The WoD is what has got you folks, and my country to, where we are already, and you want to ramp it up MORE?!?
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
08-26-2011 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by poker edge
Horrible event. Is there nothing the US can do to help? Why not send down like 25K marines and hunt those drug lords down like dogs, until they are all wiped out.
Well, you send down 25k marines, kill all the drug lords, then go home.

Then what happens?
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
08-26-2011 , 07:19 PM
I lived 22 years in San Diego and just recently moved down to Mexico City, the majority of the violence that you see in the news focuses up north, in this case Monterrey. Just a week ago there was an incident in a soccer stadium, no casualties just happened to be in the by the stadium, this was up north again. The north is just **** right now unfortunately.
Fwiw and I think it's already been mentioned itt, the attacks itself caused 4 immediate deaths, the rest were just because the lack of emergency exits in the casino which was closed this same year due to these same reasons yet it was allowed to offer service.
Sad times indeed

Also, I have to say Mexico City is actually really safe and a gorgeous metropolis ftmp, several friends who want to come over but just are too scared due to violence and I cant blame them but I do try to convince them that the drug problems focus mainly up north.

Last edited by Sir S A Lot; 08-26-2011 at 07:25 PM.
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
08-26-2011 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by SNGplayer24
no the main problem is the Mexican government. There will always be things that are against the law or legal so what do you want to do legalize everything? The reason there aren't crazy drug cartels in the US running a muck is we have a government that lays down the law. I will say the US government is fairly corrupt in terms of passing laws/etc for private interest groups, but if you want to clean up Mexico the government needs to step up and do the right thing.
Do I want to legalize everything? Not really. Free rape zones! Welcome to molestation street! Grab your ankles and hide your children! Maybe on vacation, but not every day.

I just want to legalize the stuff that harms a society by BEING illegal. Remember Carlin? Selling is legal, sex is legal, why isn't selling sex legal? Same logical fallacy with drugs, I can use the drugs you allow, and most of them hurt me more than the drugs you don't allow.

Demand determines supply, supply and demand together dictate price. Price determines profit, and profit determines the ferocity of competition.

You want to talk about the US, you have more than 2 million people in prison, probably 30K a year each, on average. Multiply those numbers and picture the cool stuff you could buy. I'd build the Washington Monument in solid gold and call it the Gorden Rang because Chinese people can't easily say Golden Wang.
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
08-26-2011 , 08:19 PM
this is horrible
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
08-26-2011 , 08:32 PM
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
08-26-2011 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by Rat Race
This has been the biggest news regarding violence in mty
of course it is, because this story from a few weeks ago was only 20 people.
Mexican Casino Attack Quote
