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Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks)

09-05-2011 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
Flip, I'm on my phone right now so can't immediately tend to it but congrats on your upcoming infraction.

Hi everyone, a hot or not hot girl in a thread is not a license to break all 2+2 rules of appropriateness. Use your head for crying out loud and stop making such horrible posts. Us mods would truly prefer to not have to deal with inappropriate posts.
then maybe you and the other mods can go be Royal Flush Girls...
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:46 PM
I'm assuming the drama was that Melanie wanted to walk out on a contract with 0 days notice during a WPT because she was negotiating with MTV and probably got a text in the middle of the day that said they wanted her to be on (insert kitschy MTV show here) and start filming ASAP. So he prolly told the producer she was done after this tournament, they told her that was unethical, and she told them "**** you I'm hot I can do whatever i want"
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
09-05-2011 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
They could be considered rude, though.

That post has been part of the rules for posting in NVG sticky for the last three years.

Simply commenting that a hot women is hot is fine, IMO. Gets stickier when people are commenting on "want" and "do not want" and why. And comments about what you would like to do to her, or her to you, or about eating corn out of someone's rectum....yeah, those are going to get deleted at the least if I find them.
Coulda lived without the last line there Sgt.
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
09-05-2011 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by SeaKing
All the people who are complaining about fake tits have never actually played with a pair so they don't know what they are talking about.
Not complaining, just acknowledging the false parts of an otherwise extraordinary female specimen and how they affect her place in the lexicon of extremely hot women.

BTW, I have been a bartender / doorman / bar manager and managing partner of lounges and night clubs for 20+ years (just recently got engaged at 42). During a five year stretch during the mid 90's, I was the head bartender at a hot nightclub that was next door to a strip club in Miami Beach that employed 20-40 dancers a night. A large percentage of them had a night cap at my bar after their shift on a regular basis. I lived with two roommates in a house. One roommate was a night manager of the aforementioned strip club and the other was a morbidly obese cocaine dealer whose hobby was getting strippers high back at the house (I had quit coke by then, but was smoking earth with the girls on their way down on the regular). Suffice to say that I have played with more Silicone (much more prevalent back then) and Saline than I can remember, tbh.

It is just plain unattractive compared to a natural body. Especially when they are big and the woman is skinny and naked - it is often just silly. Natural is ALWAYS better and I will always rank a natural woman higher all other things being equal.

Last edited by Slifdog; 09-05-2011 at 05:39 PM. Reason: grammar
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
09-05-2011 , 08:24 PM
Oh yeah, my fiance is my avatar (she is 36) and she has small natural b-cups that she is pushing together for this skype snapshot.

Flame away, I am enjoying a post-crushing session (+500 bb in < 4 hours) chill down with some bananas so I am pretty much bulletproof at this point.
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
09-06-2011 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by Slifdog
Not complaining, just acknowledging the false parts of an otherwise extraordinary female specimen and how they affect her place in the lexicon of extremely hot women.

BTW, I have been a bartender / doorman / bar manager and managing partner of lounges and night clubs for 20+ years (just recently got engaged at 42). During a five year stretch during the mid 90's, I was the head bartender at a hot nightclub that was next door to a strip club in Miami Beach that employed 20-40 dancers a night. A large percentage of them had a night cap at my bar after their shift on a regular basis. I lived with two roommates in a house. One roommate was a night manager of the aforementioned strip club and the other was a morbidly obese cocaine dealer whose hobby was getting strippers high back at the house (I had quit coke by then, but was smoking earth with the girls on their way down on the regular). Suffice to say that I have played with more Silicone (much more prevalent back then) and Saline than I can remember, tbh.

It is just plain unattractive compared to a natural body. Especially when they are big and the woman is skinny and naked - it is often just silly. Natural is ALWAYS better and I will always rank a natural woman higher all other things being equal.
+1 for this....... and ripping Russ Hamilton.

I worked my ass for for the body I have. It isnt perfect but at age 38 I am proud of how it looks and what I have done with it. I would never get myself enhanced(already a natural D) nor do I believe in it.
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
09-06-2011 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by dirtydiana73
+1 for this....... and ripping Russ Hamilton.

I worked my ass for for the body I have. It isnt perfect but at age 38 I am proud of how it looks and what I have done with it. I would never get myself enhanced(already a natural D) nor do I believe in it.
Dirty Diana, I am already quite fond of you and I thank you for your support - but this just would not be NVG if I did not say:

Pics or GTFO

totally kidding....

about the GTFO

Pics please...

Only thing hotter than a hot girl who loves poker is a hot WOMAN that loves,

Pics please
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
09-06-2011 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by King Fish
Yes, and I am sure that is the first time someone lied to her to try to get in her pants.
King Fish, come on man that post was completely out of line. Men are not lying hounddogs like you make us out to be. Sheesh.
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
09-06-2011 , 05:54 PM
King Fish watches porno but only for the plot
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
09-06-2011 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Acesfullofgarbage
King Fish watches porno but only for the plot
And the acting!!!!!

(Pirates 2: The Novel is so much better than the movie.)
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
09-06-2011 , 06:07 PM
I skipped over this post and most of the other recent posts ITT because there weren't pics in them. What's with all the words getting posted here lately?
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
09-06-2011 , 06:39 PM
The Royal Flush girls are hot and all but why did they get 5 girls who looked basically identical to each other? There's no variety whatsoever.
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
09-06-2011 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
The Royal Flush girls are hot and all but why did they get 5 girls who looked basically identical to each other? There's no variety whatsoever.
Because it is now about their is about their TALENT!
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
09-06-2011 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
The Royal Flush girls are hot and all but why did they get 5 girls who looked basically identical to each other? There's no variety whatsoever.
Only if they were hired for their looks. It could be looks was only a small % of the hiring criteria
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
09-26-2011 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by rndm
Sweet baby Jesus! That was errectifying!

I want that on my phone!!!!!!!!

Thnx u rndm
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
09-26-2011 , 11:02 AM
I srsly love her.
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
09-26-2011 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by stu+stu
Sweet baby Jesus! That was errectifying!

I want that on my phone!!!!!!!!

Thnx u rndm
I'm in love as well : shaped ass :

** Im' all stpuid rihgt nwo **
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
09-26-2011 , 02:00 PM
didn't know which ones she was just by name, but when i realized it's the WPT we're talking about, i realized it was obv the prettiest one, and of course it was.

whatever the WPT is involved in, they screw up to the max.
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
09-26-2011 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by rndm
Firstly, cant believe Greg Brooks is tapping that...

Secondly, FlipBook 1 was much better in my opinion. The attire and overall look & feel of the video was much more sexier and edgier - nevertheless, FlipBook 2 was still solid 6.5!

Finally, where the hell has Lisa Ramos been hiding all these years... super HOT! Both ladies are very similar in appearance but for mine, Lisa has the edge - naturally beautiful
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
09-26-2011 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by stu+stu

big ones


Damn she is hot...
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
09-26-2011 , 03:55 PM
Did Chainsaw hit that. The hotter the girlfriend the bigger the bankroll.
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
09-26-2011 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Hero Poker CEO
Damn she is hot...
Is that an MGM bath tub, I recognize it from the ****ty size.

Great Jugs though
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
09-26-2011 , 11:43 PM
Damn Enrique Iglesias did well. He sure landed a beauty.
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
09-29-2011 , 01:01 AM
Melanie Iglesias resigns her post as wpt royal flush girl (and starts making flipbooks) Quote
