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Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan.

11-29-2011 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by JohnnyDrama030
max pretty much destroyed some poker players. for example there was a player who normally played 2000$ hunsg got crushed by max and had to move down again and again. but max followed him down in the limits (everytime with a different account). this went so far that the players bankroll was so small he had to play 100$ husngs and even then max kept playing him (again with different account).
That is so fn cruel and disgusting I hope if it's true he gets caught and spends a few years in prison. In prison I hope his roomie gives him some cruel and disgusting punishment.

+1 to Mods needing to edit the title to reflect how big of a scam this is
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
11-29-2011 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by jspill
so disgusting
which HUSNG player? Trader?
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
11-30-2011 , 12:23 AM
met max at ept madrid this year and thought he was a cool/social guy, pretty scary stuff but just reminds you that trust is a dangerous thing to give out. hope he gets caught and punished. people need to realize that this is not okay and some real life consequences would speak volumes in this regard.

be safe fellow playas.
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
11-30-2011 , 09:02 AM
Wow pretty sick, in the interview Jedlicka states he lost 350k, but he isn't too worries because that represents just a small part of his roll.

Leaves me wondering where he made so much money...
Baden cashgames over the years?
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
11-30-2011 , 12:45 PM
When suggesting a title change, how about suggesting a title.
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
11-30-2011 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by RRRR
Wow pretty sick, in the interview Jedlicka states he lost 350k, but he isn't too worries because that represents just a small part of his roll.

Leaves me wondering where he made so much money...
Baden cashgames over the years?

read somewhere that he has rich parents but cant remember correctly
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
11-30-2011 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Nacek
Can somebody suggest what is the smoothest way to protect our laptops if we do plan on leaving our laptop for example in a house with unknown poker players.
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
11-30-2011 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by RRRR
Wow pretty sick, in the interview Jedlicka states he lost 350k, but he isn't too worries because that represents just a small part of his roll.

Leaves me wondering where he made so much money...
Baden cashgames over the years?
RealAndyBeal (Stars)
Niki Jedlicka, KaiBuxxe (FTP)

He had a sick run on the KaiBuxxe account before he got red pro.

Last edited by plexiq; 11-30-2011 at 06:20 PM.
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
11-30-2011 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
When suggesting a title change, how about suggesting a title.
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan.
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
11-30-2011 , 07:29 PM
Suggested Title:

MASSIVE ONLINE POKER SCAM--Max Ashkar Scams High-Stakes Players for Millions
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
11-30-2011 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
When suggesting a title change, how about suggesting a title.
can we change the thread title to alleged or accused . nothing has been proven yet , i havent seen any hh's / trojans that can screen capture or any evidence against maximilian ,are we to believe people acting irrational , locking him in a room and trying to coerce a confession as people who shouldnt be questioned themselves ...

unless im completely missing something , the thread title change is a bit irresponsible .

Last edited by Jzo19; 11-30-2011 at 08:03 PM.
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
11-30-2011 , 08:36 PM
Can I get a trojan just by reading this thread?
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
11-30-2011 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by RYO
Can I get a trojan just by reading this thread?
No but you can at the store
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
11-30-2011 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by Ringo
Apart from preventing physical access to your poker machine and paying an armed guard to watch over it - how do you intend to spend your $1k protecting from a newly crypted trojan that's fully undetectable by all AV engines? What about a 0-day exploit launched against your machine? Do you really think when there's millions to be gained that just throwing $1k on a vague "protecting your computer" idea is going to be effective?

Sounds like this scam came down to the human element. We all need to trust people to be near/around our machines - unless we live in a cave. Sometimes we make wrong judgement calls and that's what appeared to happen here.
I didn't read the whole thread, so if this hasn't been mentioned...

You can easily lock down your computer if it is publicly accessible.

There are security programs that prevent ANYTHING to be downloaded to your computer (hard drive or memory), without admin authorization.
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
11-30-2011 , 10:16 PM
this is pretty crazy, ugh, not good publicity
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
11-30-2011 , 10:31 PM
Teach me how to get cheated out of tree fiddy and just don't give a ****
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
11-30-2011 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by Klakteuh
Great, more good news for poker...
How many scams is it this year ? 100 ?
I think your guess was pretty close!
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
11-30-2011 , 11:03 PM
wow, how is the **** is this the first I heard of it?

seems super sick if true, which it seems to be.

Not much info though, only a couple nicknames have come out, and what is happening now?

Hope he gets jail, for a long time. following that SNG kid down the limits is just super evil.

a complete list of Screen names(as complete as possible) would be very good :/

Last edited by David123; 11-30-2011 at 11:11 PM.
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
11-30-2011 , 11:06 PM
anyone know what his ftp sn was?
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
11-30-2011 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by David123
wow, how is the **** is this the first I heard of it?

seems super sick if true, which it seems to be.

Not much info though, only a couple nicknames have come out, and what is happening now?

Hope he gets jail, for a long time. following that SNG kid down the limits is just super evil.

a complete list(as complete as possible) would be very good :/
If this is true, unless he hated that guy for some reason, wouldn't the better +EV be to let him rebuild and take him again at higher stakes?

'You Can Shear a Sheep Many Times...But You Can Only Lead Them to Slaughter Once!' etc. etc.

i.e. Chasing down story doesn't add up unless personal reasons or time restrictions for installed trojan apply.

Last edited by MikkeD; 11-30-2011 at 11:14 PM. Reason: Added the sheep thing..
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
12-01-2011 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by dstock
Seems more like a citizen's arrest to me. Would you call someone that tackles a purse snatcher a kidnapper also?
2 different things. 'Citizen's arrest' in the U.S. can lead to serious financial consequences if the arrestee isn't convicted of anything.

If those guys prevented him from leaving his room (or used physical force) they are in trouble.
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
12-01-2011 , 12:33 AM
they are sued for duress

Last edited by JohnnyDrama030; 12-01-2011 at 12:39 AM.
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
12-01-2011 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by MikkeD
If this is true, unless he hated that guy for some reason, wouldn't the better +EV be to let him rebuild and take him again at higher stakes?

'You Can Shear a Sheep Many Times...But You Can Only Lead Them to Slaughter Once!' etc. etc.

i.e. Chasing down story doesn't add up unless personal reasons or time restrictions for installed trojan apply.
Until he gets a new computer or finds the trojan. Guy just took all he could as quickly as possible and ran.
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
12-01-2011 , 05:12 AM
Regarding the security debate: From what i've heard Max befriended these players and then asked them to use their computers to check emails and stuff like that. They usually met at big tourneys in different cities, so it was a pretty normal thing to do in my opinion. Wouldn't you let your friends use your computer when youre abroad?

And if you have physical access to a machine and are logged in with the original users account which was most likely admin for most of them, it should not be that hard to install something.

Apparently they got suspicious when some error message popped up on their computer when it started and this was on all the computers Max had used.

Oh and going to the police was not the original plan as someone else already noted. That's pretty funny, since Baden is a very small town with 25,000 inhabitants, the police there is obv pretty clueless. They should have gone to Vienna which is half an hour away.
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
12-01-2011 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by styx2000
Wouldn't you let your friends use your computer when youre abroad?
Not if I played high-stakes poker on it.
Max Ashkar fugitive from law after scamming huge sums from online poker world via trojan. Quote
