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Matthew Parvis of pokernews wants the industry to rally together against pokertube for stealing Matthew Parvis of pokernews wants the industry to rally together against pokertube for stealing

02-16-2015 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth
I think what happens is that when you're successful there are people out there who will take shots at you, and given the success of 2+2, it's my belief that's what's happening here. I've also been down this path of nasty shots coming our way before so that's probably why we at 2+2 can take these things in stride.
Agree. I only listened to that bit, but yes, those guys sound really lame and jealous. Their main argument for not using 2p2 seems to be that other, cooler, people aren't and we should copy them. That was a winning argument when we were about 11 years old. They do seem inconsistent.

Maybe I'm spoiled at the moment as I am just listening to old episodes of foucault's podcast (less than 100 episodes behind present day now) but I would have thought there would be a higher level for people to do it professionally.

Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth
And finally, I found it amazing that Hoke would want his reply posted on after listening to that section in the video above.
I disagree with you on this specific part. He didn't ask for Nevin to bring up his name in a 2p2 thread. To me it's fine for him to decide not to participate but to care when users are actually discussing him personally.
02-17-2015 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by LektorAJ
I disagree with you on this specific part. He didn't ask for Nevin to bring up his name in a 2p2 thread. To me it's fine for him to decide not to participate but to care when users are actually discussing him personally.
Hi Lektor:

Well, obviously this is opinion and your point is certainly a good one, but there's a little more going on here than you probably know.

A couple of days after the Hoke video with the insulting segment went up, I became aware of it and actually had a short and unpleasant conversation with Hoke. So he should of been well aware that the reaction to him coming on complaining about how Jamie was using his Intellectual Property without authorization might not go over so well since we would be inclined to expose his double standard.

Best wishes,
02-17-2015 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by numberonedonk
No you just suck as using sarcasm as their wasn't a hint of it in your post.
You are out of line. He clarified he was being sarcastic and you are being a jerk. Unless............. You are being sarcastic here. If not, and you are just trying to "be right" you are just coming across as petty.
02-17-2015 , 05:08 PM
Stop trying to privatize/monetize the internet. Have you people really forgotten what the internet was for?
02-17-2015 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by everydaygrind
Stop trying to privatize/monetize the internet. Have you people really forgotten what the internet was for?
porn. ask Mason!

please don't ban me. it's a joke.
02-17-2015 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Federline
You are out of line. He clarified he was being sarcastic and you are being a jerk. Unless............. You are being sarcastic here. If not, and you are just trying to "be right" you are just coming across as petty.
I ignored him at the time as it was clear that as he didn't find a hint, it had gone over his head. I refuse to use such witticisms as 'In before..' and smilies to please the likes of those who need signposts everywhere.

I'm only bothering to reply now as, surprise surprise, the very justification I sarcastically suggested has been used as a serious justification.
04-12-2015 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Pokeraddict
I spoke with Natasha Sandhu to get her side. She knew it was on record but I won't quote directly from it. I will give the cliffs. She specifically stated that she wanted me to pass on this info to the industry.
  • She submitted the articles to PokerTube.
  • She takes 100% full responsibility for them.
  • She is not a writer by trade.
  • Her lack of experience did not make her understand what she was doing is wrong.
  • She 100% understands that now.
  • She is very remorseful and upset with herself.
  • It will never happen again as she has learned from it.


I have respect for her response. I believe she didn't know any better and now she does and it will never be an issue again. She owned her mistake and did not try to pass off blame on anyone.
Respect for what? She copied someone's work and claimed it was her work and got caught doing it and pretended she didn't know it was wrong to do so so she didn't have to take responsibility for her actions. I realize she's not the brightest bulb in the package, but do you really believe that she didn't know that lifting someone else's article and claiming it as her own was wrong? Just typical lazy, wanting attention for not accomplishing anything, Natasha Sandhu behavior.
04-13-2015 , 03:01 AM
If they just fixed the behavior and stopped doing what is pissing everyone off, they wouldn't need to ramble on and on and talk in circles to try to mislead and confuse people into not thinking they were in the wrong.
04-13-2015 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by SrslySirius
lol I picked one at random to run through copyscape, and it has 660 words directly copy/pasted from another article.

Wow, she lifted it picture and all and just took credit and inserted her own picture.
04-13-2015 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by bubbleswubbles
Respect for what? She copied someone's work and claimed it was her work and got caught doing it and pretended she didn't know it was wrong to do so so she didn't have to take responsibility for her actions. I realize she's not the brightest bulb in the package, but do you really believe that she didn't know that lifting someone else's article and claiming it as her own was wrong? Just typical lazy, wanting attention for not accomplishing anything, Natasha Sandhu behavior.
We all make mistakes, even ones we know are wrong when we make them. She owned hers without hesitation.

For whatever reason, many people that get confronted about this play the victim card. She didn't do that. I suppose I am more forgiving than you are, although I completely see where you are coming from.
04-13-2015 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by Pokeraddict
We all make mistakes, even ones we know are wrong when we make them. She owned hers without hesitation.

For whatever reason, many people that get confronted about this play the victim card. She didn't do that. I suppose I am more forgiving than you are, although I completely see where you are coming from.
Hi addict:

Something you may be over looking is that shouldn't PokerTube had known that she was not capable of putting articles together on many different subjects? So is the fault also with PoikerTube or am I missing something?

Best wishes,
04-13-2015 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by Pokeraddict
We all make mistakes, even ones we know are wrong when we make them. She owned hers without hesitation.

For whatever reason, many people that get confronted about this play the victim card. She didn't do that. I suppose I am more forgiving than you are, although I completely see where you are coming from.
I see it differently. She's a full grown adult woman of at least somewhat average intelligence who stole someone else's article and claimed it as her own. I can understand not wanting to judge people, but truth be told, she didn't take responsibility. She didn't say, yes, I stole someone else's work and claimed it as my own, knowing that it was wrong to do so and that was a lousy thing to do. Instead, she acted like a child or someone too unknown to understand that what she did was wrong and played on people's sympathy to try to weasel out of admitting that she did indeed know that it was wrong and did it anyway because she thought she could get away with it. There is a huge difference between not knowing something is wrong and not caring that it is wrong. She just didn't care. In accepting that, you are saying that you think she is essentially a simple minded person. Do you really think that she is so stupid as to not know that something as basic as stealing someone else's work and saying she was the creator of said work is wrong. Clearly she's not a genius, but unless she is handicapped in some way, she knew exactly what she was doing and just did not care. By pretending to be too stupid to understand, she did play the victim card. I suspect she's morally handicapped, not mentally handicapped.
04-14-2015 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth
Hi addict:

Something you may be over looking is that shouldn't PokerTube had known that she was not capable of putting articles together on many different subjects? So is the fault also with PoikerTube or am I missing something?

Best wishes,
They don't appear to care either, that doesn't make her less responsible for what she chose to do, it just makes them wrong as well. Clearly you want to accept her excuses and I'm sure she is extremely adept at tugging on people's little heart strings and playing the victim and I get the urge to want to be forgiving, but I don't think it hurts to call someone on what is clearly unacceptable behavior and I don't think it would kill her to just suck it up and admit she knew what she did was wrong and did it anyway and learn a lesson from it. If she's not competent to make decisions for herself, perhaps someone could be assigned to hold her hand and help her make these complicated moral decisions that the rest of us manage to make on a regular basis. Yes, we all make mistakes, but then we admit to them, hang our heads in shame and learn from it. If I do something wrong, I at least have the balls, so to speak, to admit to it. I don't flutter my eye lashes, act like a child and try to manipulate people into thinking I'm too dumb to be held responsible for what I did.
04-14-2015 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by bubbleswubbles
They don't appear to care either, that doesn't make her less responsible for what she chose to do, it just makes them wrong as well. Clearly you want to accept her excuses and I'm sure she is extremely adept at tugging on people's little heart strings and playing the victim and I get the urge to want to be forgiving, but I don't think it hurts to call someone on what is clearly unacceptable behavior and I don't think it would kill her to just suck it up and admit she knew what she did was wrong and did it anyway and learn a lesson from it. If she's not competent to make decisions for herself, perhaps someone could be assigned to hold her hand and help her make these complicated moral decisions that the rest of us manage to make on a regular basis. Yes, we all make mistakes, but then we admit to them, hang our heads in shame and learn from it. If I do something wrong, I at least have the balls, so to speak, to admit to it. I don't flutter my eye lashes, act like a child and try to manipulate people into thinking I'm too dumb to be held responsible for what I did.
I was on a bit of a roll from responding to the comment before this one, so yes I realize you just said pokertube was responsible as well and I agree with you. Highly likely they just rolled with it, knowing it was probably not her work.
04-14-2015 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by bubbleswubbles
They don't appear to care either, that doesn't make her less responsible for what she chose to do, it just makes them wrong as well. Clearly you want to accept her excuses
That's an incorrect assumption.

04-14-2015 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth
That's an incorrect assumption.

Yes, sorry. I did post "I was on a bit of a roll from responding to the comment before this one, so yes I realize you just said pokertube was responsible as well and I agree with you. Highly likely they just rolled with it, knowing it was probably not her work" afterwards once I realized what I'd done. I sort of kept going with my previous blurb on someone else's statement. I'm a bit zonked from pain killers, so maybe now isn't the very best time to be ranting. More a bit of confusion on my part than making an assumption about what you thought.

Last edited by bubbleswubbles; 04-14-2015 at 03:32 AM.
04-14-2015 , 03:52 AM
Originally Posted by bubbleswubbles
Respect for what? She copied someone's work and claimed it was her work and got caught doing it and pretended she didn't know it was wrong to do so so she didn't have to take responsibility for her actions. I realize she's not the brightest bulb in the package, but do you really believe that she didn't know that lifting someone else's article and claiming it as her own was wrong? Just typical lazy, wanting attention for not accomplishing anything, Natasha Sandhu behavior.
Completely agree with this, anyone with half a brain would know lifting someone elses work and pasting your picture onto is wrong.

She needs to stop claiming ignorance and that she didnt know what she was doing was wrong but admit she herself was in the wrong.

Funny that she would try to claim herself as a complete idiot than take responsibility for her actions

she is hot tho, id totally let her stay over night
04-14-2015 , 08:28 AM
I just googled Pokertube, and a security alert popped up, is this normal?
04-14-2015 , 11:31 AM
That's like one of the first things you learn in school...don't take other peoples work and pass it off as your own. If you're going to steal something and pass if off as your own you should at least paraphrase it.
04-14-2015 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by bubbleswubbles
I see it differently. She's a full grown adult woman of at least somewhat average intelligence who stole someone else's article and claimed it as her own. I can understand not wanting to judge people, but truth be told, she didn't take responsibility. She didn't say, yes, I stole someone else's work and claimed it as my own, knowing that it was wrong to do so and that was a lousy thing to do. Instead, she acted like a child or someone too unknown to understand that what she did was wrong and played on people's sympathy to try to weasel out of admitting that she did indeed know that it was wrong and did it anyway because she thought she could get away with it. There is a huge difference between not knowing something is wrong and not caring that it is wrong. She just didn't care. In accepting that, you are saying that you think she is essentially a simple minded person. Do you really think that she is so stupid as to not know that something as basic as stealing someone else's work and saying she was the creator of said work is wrong. Clearly she's not a genius, but unless she is handicapped in some way, she knew exactly what she was doing and just did not care. By pretending to be too stupid to understand, she did play the victim card. I suspect she's morally handicapped, not mentally handicapped.
This, well said.
04-14-2015 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth
Hi addict:

Something you may be over looking is that shouldn't PokerTube had known that she was not capable of putting articles together on many different subjects? So is the fault also with PoikerTube or am I missing something?

Best wishes,
I think far more blame for this fell on the editorial process there for the reason you mention as well as the past pattern.
04-14-2015 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by Pokeraddict
I think far more blame for this fell on the editorial process there for the reason you mention as well as the past pattern.
Their being responsible for their choices and actions doesn't negate her being responsible for her choices and actions. It's not a guilt pie that you slice up and give the biggest piece to PokerTube so you can justify pretending that Natasha Sandhu wasn't responsible for doing what she did. Quite frankly, I don't know why your argument would be that she isn't responsible for what she did other than you are having a hard time just saying she did it and admitted she knew it was wrong and took full responsibility because we all know that that isn't what she did. She said, golly gee, I didn't know any better because I'm just an empty headed little fluff ball who is too dumb to know that stealing other people's work and putting my name on it and taking credit for it so I can get some attention directed at me for something I didn't even do is wrong.
04-14-2015 , 10:00 PM
So...somebody copied entire articles and passed them off as her own? Not an idea or a line or two, but entire articles, multiple times?

And is now claiming she was unaware there might be something wrong with this? As if she copied a quote without proper attribution or something like that?

And somebody who talked to her is going along with that story, or blaming the editorial process? And isn't wondering just how believable the story might sound coming from some middle-aged shlubby guy?

Because that is hilarious.
04-14-2015 , 10:16 PM
I don't know why your argument would be that she isn't responsible for what she did
I don't know where I have ever said that. Of course she is responsible.

I'd never heard of her before this. It seems like she is a model with zero writing background. Pokertube's company has a history of publishing plagiarized work. That made for a combination that created the situation.

I see your side as I despise plagiarists. My work has been stolen so many times (including by Pokertube) that I have been desensitized to it over the years and save my efforts and anger for repeat or callous offenders.

You don't like that I am willing to be more forgiving to a first offender that owned their mistake but I guess it was refreshing to not see the victim card played yet again. I probably would have felt the same as you a few years ago before I had emailed what is probably hundreds of take down notices.

I really don't care about this. This thread is months old. I had forgotten all about it.

Last edited by John Mehaffey; 04-14-2015 at 10:29 PM.
04-14-2015 , 11:39 PM
this guy has a real big issue with NS and seems to pulling a few threads from way back of beyond.

lock it up unless new items that relate to jamie or the thread arise

(i think anyway)
