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Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game

04-30-2018 , 07:31 AM
The partypoker big game stream was the biggest game and most entertaining stream i have ever seen. Matt Kirk lost 3-4 million$ running and playing like absolute ****. Is he a pro or what is his story?
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
04-30-2018 , 09:01 AM
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
04-30-2018 , 09:56 AM
So i'm guessing that whole Matt vs. Leon gambling debt got settled seeing as how they are playing together now?
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
04-30-2018 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by Giltech
So i'm guessing that whole Matt vs. Leon gambling debt got settled seeing as how they are playing together now?
Truth Behind Leon Tsoukernik & Matt Kirk's $3Million Loan
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
04-30-2018 , 01:32 PM
While fun to watch due to some of the banter and actual dollar value of the chips that's about it.

They were basically just playing 20-30bb plo and getting into coinflips for lots of money. Not much actual poker was played

Also the way Leon complained and spoke about gambling in general - it was hard to believe he owns a casino. He didn't seem to have much of an understanding of math or anything related to odds at all.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
04-30-2018 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by StructureK
They were basically just playing 20-30bb plo and getting into coinflips for lots of money. Not much actual poker was played
This 1000 times. People saying it was the greatest game ever, what the heck, it was PLBingo. In addition to that all of them are hard to look at and with terrible personalities, exception Sam, who is a handsome nice guy.
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
04-30-2018 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by astrobel
This 1000 times. People saying it was the greatest game ever, what the heck, it was PLBingo. In addition to that all of them are hard to look at and with terrible personalities, exception Sam, who is a handsome nice guy.
I can't say I've ever cared about what players look like when I'm watching poker. Anyway, are they playing again today?
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
04-30-2018 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by astrobel
In addition to that all of them are hard to look at and with terrible personalities, exception Sam, who is a handsome nice guy.
I think any of this group are 100% more interesting than watching any single player who enters an Aria High Roller , with zero exceptions...

They show emotion if they win or lose big pots, have friendly banter & at times get outwardly frustrated at their opponents - in other words, they're not robotic or emotionless...

Is it perfect poker...No! Are they super models...No! They're degenerate gamblers and highly entertaining to watch!
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
04-30-2018 , 04:16 PM
i read everywhere that how they enjoy to watch this game, how cool etc., yeah it is for like 15minutes, then it all the same for the whole time. they just gambling and gambling, not much fun to watch 5way pre allin for 300k.
also these guys the wolf, wtf??!!, disgusting personality, how they let this man to play at this show, shame for party.
this matt, looks like a mentally ill, sick degenarate addicted to gambling. i feel sorry for them, just watching them. and put aside that they have the money and probably care less about it then it looks or i think, but this show is still wrong on so many levels, and sad to watch. cuz what we see here, its happening to those too with less bankroll and it ruin lifes. so sad. also the way they talk to dealers, the tone they use, never ever seen anything like this in any show broadcasted by promoting a pokersite, and its the most disgusting thing in this whole show

Last edited by playr; 04-30-2018 at 04:24 PM.
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
04-30-2018 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by playr
i read everywhere that how they enjoy to watch this game, how cool etc., yeah it is for like 15minutes, then it all the same for the whole time. they just gambling and gambling, not much fun to watch 5way pre allin for 300k.
also these guys the wolf, wtf??!!, disgusting personality, how they let this man to play at this show, shame for party.
this matt, looks like a mentally ill, sick degenarate addicted to gambling. i feel sorry for them, just watching them. and put aside that they have the money and probably care less about it then it looks or i think, but this show is still wrong on so many levels, and sad to watch. cuz what we see here, its happening to those too with less bankroll and it ruin lifes. so sad. also the way they talk to dealers, the tone they use, never ever seen anything like this in any show broadcasted by promoting a pokersite, and its the most disgusting thing in this whole show

You don’t need to feel bad for them, trust me they are doing ok lol
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
04-30-2018 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by playr
i read everywhere that how they enjoy to watch this game, how cool etc., yeah it is for like 15minutes, then it all the same for the whole time. they just gambling and gambling, not much fun to watch 5way pre allin for 300k.
also these guys the wolf, wtf??!!, disgusting personality, how they let this man to play at this show, shame for party.
this matt, looks like a mentally ill, sick degenarate addicted to gambling. i feel sorry for them, just watching them. and put aside that they have the money and probably care less about it then it looks or i think, but this show is still wrong on so many levels, and sad to watch. cuz what we see here, its happening to those too with less bankroll and it ruin lifes. so sad. also the way they talk to dealers, the tone they use, never ever seen anything like this in any show broadcasted by promoting a pokersite, and its the most disgusting thing in this whole show
i would prefer this degen **** over the usual gto bot fest all day
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
04-30-2018 , 05:34 PM
A much better PLO cash game would have included perhaps 2 of those crazy types + 2 colourful semi-pros + 4 real pros ... and limited to ONE straddle.
In the past these marathon cash games had a queue waiting to play and were a lot of fun, even with way smaller average pots.
Bring J Tilly back! :-)
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
04-30-2018 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by astrobel
A much better PLO cash game would have included perhaps 2 of those crazy types + 2 colourful semi-pros + 4 real pros ... and limited to ONE straddle.
In the past these marathon cash games had a queue waiting to play and were a lot of fun, even with way smaller average pots.
Bring J Tilly back! :-)
It isn't that people aren't queuing up to play in the game. It is closed to most people, I imagine it action junkies only. Sam is in the game because he is a long-standing player in Kings casino.
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
04-30-2018 , 10:11 PM
To all the poker purists out there who want to see Polk v Ivey deep stack GTO strategy, the party poker stream was not for you.

If, however, you want to see a couple of million dollar pots, a guy on steaming tilt lose 5 mill and a pretty boy lose just under a mill then this sure delivers.
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
04-30-2018 , 10:46 PM
[ ] Matt Kirk crushes
[X] Matt Kirk hates money
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
05-01-2018 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by tiltmonster1
So in other words his family is rich. The rest is crap, The guy is awful at poker no way he has made a dime from it, and he is clearly not smart enough to have made so much from crypto. Classic degen loser imo.
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
05-01-2018 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by mirage01
So in other words his family is rich. The rest is crap, The guy is awful at poker no way he has made a dime from it, and he is clearly not smart enough to have made so much from crypto. Classic degen loser imo.
he could be brain dead and have made heeps in crypto if he got in early.
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
05-01-2018 , 02:39 AM
Yes but this clear degen halfwit would have had to be smart and patient enough to sit on it for so long. 9 figures? I don't think
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
05-01-2018 , 02:42 AM
not really
it's gone up so much in the last few years. if his family is loaded it's entirely possible he threw in a few million and just got lucky. he likes to gamble obviously he might just have let it ride all this time just bc he's a degen.
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
05-01-2018 , 04:10 AM
theres a rumor going around, references in other threads and sites (reddit, etc) that theres a "high stakes australian pro" who owns 66,000 bitcoin. some posts have claimed its pretty much confirmed its matt.

also, there was something very interesting that happened in the game. apologies if this was already posted in another thread ive overlooked.... but over on reddit this is what i found... ("matt kirk odd big game moment?")

from the thread...

- "Am currently watching the big game cash game streaming out of montreal, an odd moment came up when the stakes were 1/2/4k. Rob Yong just returned to the table from an extended break while simultaneously john duthie came in the commentators booth.

During a hand matt kirk had complained about how stuck he is, as he was doing the entire night. This warranted a response from Sam Trickett who stated 'bitcoin just went up so you're pretty much even'. Sam also added 'it just went up a $100', the camera pans to Matt Kirk where he makes a gesture of 'keep your lips shut', even John Duthie had to comment on the odd moment."

- "This is the part the OP is talking about -"

for those who cant or dont want to watch the youtube sounds like during the hand, sam makes an offhanded remark saying "bitcoins flying". he says this a few seconds before the timestamp on the above youtube link, so if you click the above link you would miss that first comment sam made that started the conversation. if you want to hear sams initial comment, rewind 20 seconds or so after clicking the above youtube link. for those who dont care to watch, heres what was said during the exchange, verbatim:

matt: "im actually up for the last 5 days"


sam: "bitcoins going up, you probably are! (laughter) probably just got even, its bumped up $100"

(more laughter)

rob (off camera): "oh, crypto?"


after rob says this, matt immediately makes this face/gesture

the entire table immediately ceases the talking and they go about playing, without another word being spoken on the subject (that i remember). very interesting to say the least.

john duthie, in the booth, makes a comment about that being an awkward exchange of words between the players, as well as matts reaction. but he doesnt go any further and the game continues.

at the current price of BTC, if he does indeed have 66,000 of them, it puts the value at $592,034,190...yeah, a hair under $600 million! and when it was it its peak of ~$19.5k in december 2017, his (rumored) holdings would have been worth a staggering $1,287,000,000...$1.287 billion on the nose!

though its still unsubstantiated gossip, it seems likely that theres at least some truth here. who knows if the 66,000 BTC number if accurate or not. but if so, losing 3 million in a few days wont affect this kid in the slightest. just a drop in the bucket. from what ive seen of his play on streamed games (this one, and the big NLHE super high roller cash game awhile back) he doesnt seem to be a top notch elite pro. his NL game is pretty bad and he seems to be way too loose and splashy to be profitable in tough high stakes PLO. that being said, he is still clearly a favorite over guys like leon and the wolf, who are both obviously terrible. if he routinely gets into games like these hes probably at worst breakeven or small loser lifetime.

whatever else can be said about him, theres one thing thats for sure...the kid has a serious amount of gamble in him and he makes for GREAT tv. definitely one of the best poker shows/streams ive watched in ages, and im pretty sure the highest stakes televised of all time? hope to see more in the future!
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
05-01-2018 , 04:44 AM
What ever money he has I'm sure he will find way to lose it all in next 10 years, he does not seem too bright.
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
05-01-2018 , 05:02 AM
I dunno, sticking to nosebleeds live PLO is probably a pretty good idea tbh. Hard to blow a billy doing that. Dude just needs to dodge investment opportunities and pit games and he can probably play for the rest of his life. If being slightly -EV in nosebleeds live poker games (I can't even tell if he's + or - EV in the games he plays. Hell I'd guess +) keeps him away from worse vices it's all good
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
05-01-2018 , 05:15 AM
If he has anywhere near that kind of money in bitcoin than you know he has no risk awareness or brains for that matter. Its all gamble game for him.

Smart person would spread his capital to funds or real estate land etc..I highly doubt with that kind of money in bitcoin he is not almost all in on bitcoin.
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
05-01-2018 , 08:01 AM
Originally Posted by Lazarus Ledd
If he has anywhere near that kind of money in bitcoin than you know he has no risk awareness or brains for that matter. Its all gamble game for him.

Smart person would spread his capital to funds or real estate land etc..I highly doubt with that kind of money in bitcoin he is not almost all in on bitcoin.
I think the way he plays PLO shows that already. Only total degens like this can sit on a bunch of bitcoin and let it ride without breaking a sweat where almost any sane person would have cashed out a significant part and diversified.

It's really telling how he handled himself the last few hands. He was just begging to get it over with and dump the remaining $600k he had in front of him. He just wanted to dust it off so badly, like he didn't even want to win and would only be satisfied when it was all gone.
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
05-01-2018 , 09:48 AM
Very interesting on the bitcoin exchange. Is there a summary or reddit thread on the exchange where Matt says he is way richer then Rob? with Rob seemingly being the second richest and very wealthy himself at the table?
Matt Kirk - SHR Cash Game Quote
