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Mark Seif's Role in the Absolute Godmode Scandal Mark Seif's Role in the Absolute Godmode Scandal

09-17-2007 , 08:47 AM
Mark Seif is a large shareholder of Absolute Poker as well as one of it's two star players along with michael mizrachi.

Last February Mark was basically accused of playing in such a way that he made it obvious to his opponent that he was looking at their cards e=1&vc=1

This whole story seemed like a conspiracy theory until the story about AP "godmode" accounts destroying games, cliffnotes below provided by Imsakidd

Mark Seif is known as a huge loser in these games, and in most games in fact. He must have some involvement or knowledge of the accounts and how they work, the point is Mark Seif needs to be held accountable and provide information about this scandal.

His residence is listed as incline valley NV, but i've seen him in the last few months in henderson nv. His vanity nevada license plate is UNSEIF so if someone has a 9-5 job as a PI maybe we can find out his information regarding his past and his current assosciation with AP and it's other owners

it'll be virtually impossible to find "graycat" or any of the other guys, but seif is a public figure, allegedly a former DA. This is a really big story if we can acquire hand histories of seif's session because it can be mathematically proven he was playing with complete knowledge of his opponents hole cards.

The type of person that would attempt something like this would have to be an extremely bold but somewhat ignorant person with a narcism that would feed heavily on the feeling he was dominating others and causing them pain. From everything i've seen of seif on tv (USPC, WSOP, ect.) this guy just thrives on defeating people and taking their money, what better way to do that then to buy a share in a website, dump tons of money to attract high stakes games, and then plunder those games by using other accounts nobody knows about to periodically login and thrash people, feeding his addiction to winning.

This could really be the biggest story in gambling cheating in a decade or more.
09-17-2007 , 08:52 AM
It would be so hard to conclusively prove his involvment in this scandal. Online gabmling is illegal in the U.S., so who would want to testify. Plus, AP is located outside of the U.S., which creates even more problems.

It would be nice to see the people behind this caught, I just don't think it's realistic.
09-17-2007 , 08:52 AM
I think what we really need is at least 4 or 5 more threads about this...
09-17-2007 , 08:56 AM
I think what we really need is at least 4 or 5 more threads about this...
naw, just no more idiotic posts like this one that makes them 4 pages long w/ only about 1 page of substance.

anyway, FE, pardon my ignorance, but how is it mathematically provable?
09-17-2007 , 08:56 AM
I think what we really need is at least 4 or 5 more threads about this...
09-17-2007 , 09:02 AM
pretty huge accusation to be making with such lame evidence..
09-17-2007 , 09:05 AM

Mark Seif is known as a huge loser in these games, and in most games in fact. He must have some involvement or knowledge of the accounts and how they work, the point is Mark Seif needs to be held accountable and provide information about this scandal.
This is the part i don't understand. WHY?
09-17-2007 , 09:10 AM
I think what we really need is at least 4 or 5 more threads about this...
naw, just no more idiotic posts like this one that makes them 4 pages long w/ only about 1 page of substance.

anyway, FE, pardon my ignorance, but how is it mathematically provable?
how is it NOT mathematically provable?
09-17-2007 , 09:12 AM

Mark Seif is known as a huge loser in these games, and in most games in fact. He must have some involvement or knowledge of the accounts and how they work, the point is Mark Seif needs to be held accountable and provide information about this scandal.
This is the part i don't understand. WHY?
read the link about seif saying before he ran over the player in feb of 06 something along the lines of "i'm ready to destroy you now" after leaving for 2-3 minutes and then crushing heads up playing almost exactly like the 3 unknown "god" account. aparently open folding when his opponent flopped a full house in a capped PF pot.

this has to be proven obviously but given the current developments it becomes essentially believable.
09-17-2007 , 09:22 AM
That's it? Thats what you've got?
09-17-2007 , 09:25 AM

Mark Seif is known as a huge loser in these games, and in most games in fact. He must have some involvement or knowledge of the accounts and how they work, the point is Mark Seif needs to be held accountable and provide information about this scandal.
This is the part i don't understand. WHY?
read the link about seif saying before he ran over the player in feb of 06 something along the lines of "i'm ready to destroy you now" after leaving for 2-3 minutes and then crushing heads up playing almost exactly like the 3 unknown "god" account. aparently open folding when his opponent flopped a full house in a capped PF pot.

this has to be proven obviously but given the current developments it becomes essentially believable.
You would be a good lawyer.
09-17-2007 , 09:30 AM
it's not suspicious to you that mark seif is the only other person suspected of using this suspected access to players cards besides 3 oddly named accounts unknown to anyone? it's not like i'm telling you the world trade center was built out of marshmellows, there is a lot of evidence in those links.
09-17-2007 , 09:36 AM
I havnt played AP for a long time, but when I did Seif was losing on a regular basis
09-17-2007 , 09:39 AM
Why would anyone who was cheating ever open-fold?
09-17-2007 , 09:44 AM

You realise the guy who Seif beat heads up back in Feb 06 posted in another thread disavowing icfishies' accusation against Seif right?

Edit: Also, open folding vs a full house in certain circumstances wouldn't be that weird. Imagine if he open raised AQo, Seif called and the flop came AQQ. Seif could check, but what's the point? He expects the preflop raiser to check behind if he whiffed? Open folding in a situation like that isn't that weird. Seif's potential involvement is easily the flimsiest part of the evidence so far, though obviously it can't be ruled out.
09-17-2007 , 09:51 AM
I think what we really need is at least 4 or 5 more threads about this...
09-17-2007 , 10:21 AM
Why would anyone who was cheating ever open-fold?
b/c people that cheat aren't smart?
09-17-2007 , 11:38 AM
Why would anyone who was cheating ever open-fold?
That page basically says it was because he was angry and running off at the mouth, and wanted to rub it in his opponent's face.

Another question is why would anyone who capped preflop ever open-fold a flop?
09-17-2007 , 11:41 AM
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