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livb112 has 1 hell of a sick graph! livb112 has 1 hell of a sick graph!

08-01-2008 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by raco
Yes, probably. The entry-fee at the high stakes is quite low so you just have to win 52% or 53% of the games to win money.

I hope livb112 won't mind if I give his stats here, but after all these data are public (all games after june 17th are ignored).
$2.0    : won 50.00 % of 2 games.
$5.0    : won 66.67 % of 18 games.
$6.0    : won 60.47 % of 43 games.
$10.0   : won 61.11 % of 18 games.
$11.0   : won 71.43 % of 28 games.
$20.0   : won 77.78 % of 9 games.
$22.0   : won 55.21 % of 163 games.
$30.0   : won 0.00 % of 2 games.
$33.0   : won 56.92 % of 130 games.
$50.0   : won 46.00 % of 50 games.
$55.0   : won 48.55 % of 173 games.
$88.0   : won 100.00 % of 2 games.
$100.0  : won 61.52 % of 972 games.
$110.0  : won 55.22 % of 1092 games.
$200.0  : won 46.67 % of 75 games.
$220.0  : won 53.93 % of 4806 games.
$500.0  : won 50.00 % of 26 games.
$550.0  : won 53.51 % of 7116 games.
$1000.0 : won 50.00 % of 2 games.
$1100.0 : won 54.66 % of 3999 games.
$2000.0 : won 100.00 % of 1 games.
$2200.0 : won 56.32 % of 1543 games.
$5000.0 : won 51.56 % of 128 games.
$5500.0 : won 55.93 % of 236 games.
Without the $1100 and $2200 games, livb112 would have earned less than 200000 dollars.
This has been bugging me for ages. How did you get a buy in by buy in run down of results like this. Is there an option in Sharkscope im not seeing or did you do it by downloading his results and running it through some code in excel or summit.
08-03-2008 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by snorer
out of all the people i've ever dealt with or come across in poker, livb has absolutely been the most neurotic, immature, rude, piece of **** by far...i'd like to see him smile and put his hand out for me to shake in person 1 day. promise you at the very least it's getting met with a loogie.
08-04-2008 , 12:19 AM
[x] my first checkbox post
[x] reading this thread = a waste of my time
[x] doing it anyways
[x] livb is the ****
[ ] ever checkboxing again
08-04-2008 , 09:06 PM
Holy run good! No clue about anyone else but my account will never run that good. Wonder if liv ever goes on runs where hes bottom set to top set a day, the baby flush on three suit board to higher flush, bottom two to top two, over pair on paired 22 boards vs Ace2 all day, in three bet pre flop pots thday. AK on king high flops vs the Kten who turns the 10 every hand.

I just dont understand how someone pulls off a graph that amazing. Starting online with couple hundred playings 20s and pulling off that graph, especially in shove call slight edge tourney sng poker. 0 dollars to 1 million dollars in a game where if your playing fellow TOP NOTCH HS players you hsould be trading money back and forth long run. THERE IS NO HUGE EDGE IN NL POKER, especially sng. There just isnt. to go from 1000 to 1million is like saying you have a rediculous edge in a game mathematically against other skilled players just isnt there.. do some people really have an edge in the game which produces 1000% return on there initial investment, as they are going along learning the game, straight out the gate?

I know 1-2 and 2-4 nl players who have same thought process, make same reads, would do exactly what 50-100 players would do in all situations. Yet they are stuck in 2-4 cause they dont run like GOD..

Or are the best of the best HS online players simply GOOD players (once u learn most and play enough all GOOD players generally would do same things in same spots) who have GODDD accounts which never lose no matter how they play.

Ive extemsively read thousands of hand histories from the best of the best. Its kinda comical how good they run, never making any plays that most people who have played poker a while wouldnt make. actually making some horrid plays which always seem to get there.

Another kinda comical thing is the constand hindsight discussion on how hands should of been played, everyone loves to sound so perfect and all knowing, when hindsight everything thats said is kinda moot.

Think about it, are the guys running 300 into ten plus million over 2-3 years playing cash games, really that much better then the other GOOD players online. COME ON, it doesnt even make sense to believe such a thing. There is no huge mathematicall edge especially in online poker. When playing other players of equal GOOD skill, there is no way u run money up this much.

Online poker is a computer program, programs have flaws, out of 500,000 online accounts, YES theres going to be a few accounts which run like god and run from 300 to 10 million in 2 years, playing any two cards wiinning with any two cards all day long. theres 100s of thousands of poker players, yet only about 25 of them get talked about all the time.

DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT THIS 25 players that kill games really figured out something thta the other 595,975 players online couldnt??? Or is it a simple fact that the system like any game has glitches, has accounts which literally cant win and run REDICULOUSLY over realistic rates.
Anyone who plays online games, with random generators, knows there are glitches, theres gonna be those 25 people who hit the jackpot and have accounts which literally cannot lose for extended swings and runs like god, theres also goign to be accounts which are bottom set vs top set every week, lower flush vs higher flush every week, kk vs aa every hand all in pre flop, and AA vs KKK everytime its the other way around.

The play at highstakes you can watch everyday, is not rocket science, the plays and poker knowledge these players have are not super geniius high above what even good 1-2 nl implement. There is no secret holy grail in this game to produce and edge to take u from just learning playing .25c.50c poker to 300-600nl poker in a matter of months.

livb perfect example, out of nowhere plays 20$ games, year later hitting the million mark with NOOOOOOOO downswing slop in his graph anywhere near the general upslope?? Come on now.. Especially at those high a stakes, its not scrubs up there. Players like Townsend, I used to watch him post asking players how to play hands in .25 .50 nl yes CENTS, like 16 months before i saw him 4 tabling 300-600 nl on FTP.

ive played with a handful of the biggest winners online in live poker games at several casinos, they are no holy grail of poker knowledge.

I really dont understand the rediculous rates and bankrolls that have been built online, congrats to all that have done so, it just seems so unrealistic to me. especially graphs like LIVbs, COME ON NOW>>>>>>> Stop it..

Give me a Break..
08-04-2008 , 09:31 PM
I give respect to Yogainstructor to register just to show us how dumb he is
08-04-2008 , 09:32 PM
lol wtf was that. anyone read it?
08-04-2008 , 09:38 PM
yogainstructor's post made me LOL.
08-04-2008 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by citanul
lol wtf was that. anyone read it?
Oh man, i skimmed it, i kinda got wood.

Its a shame most people wont read this post in this thread, its a pure work of trollish genius that would insta form a 100+ reply thread in a matter of an hour or two just because it ticks all of the boxes of what a great trolling post should be.

Please mods move it out of this thread to its own thread, its truly that much a work of genius and people need to realise how great it is.

I mean, in a few short paragraphs he accuses aba of somehow cracking the RNG, of solid 60Knl players of being no better than solid 400nl players and talks about tiny edges and how there is no holy grail in poker and how having played with the worlds best live (lol, you see that tangent coming a mile off right?) that he knows the best online are just lucky.

If he goes one tiny half step forward and says online poker isnt real poker unlike live, like that Mr More guy or whatever he was called always did, including a condescending "netboys" slurr it would have been icing on the cake.
08-04-2008 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by Beare
Quality first post sir. nh wp.

Take a leaf out of Yogainstructor's book on how to write a first post.
08-05-2008 , 09:01 AM
Livb112 (Adonis112@Stars) challenged Shahin86 to 50 1k HU SNGs at Stars where he paid the rake. End result was a win by Shahin86 (27-23).

A thread was created at a Swedish forum (login required/Swedish language obv) that detailed the match including comments from Shahin86 "I played the last 20 pretty badly and the last 6 really terrible", "I'll take the game @stars anyday, however he would own me at FTP where I hate the structure", "He's pretty good so he's not the best value, but he's paying the rake" and a lot of discussion about eating pizza, which also affected one of the games:

Dealer: Shahin86, it's your turn. You have 12 seconds to act
Shahin86: A46'cxrs8
Dealer: Regular time for player Shahin86 has expired, TIME BANK has been activated
Shahin86: njmlö.- väö nbvc 78
Adonis112: dude what the **** r u doing
Shahin86: spilled pizza over keyboard
Shahin86: so sick
Adonis didn't know Shahin was a regular@Stars HU sngs and whined a bit about it after the games (TheCamel was the escrow for the rake and Shahin put up 1k if he dropped out of the challenge):

Adonis112: camel i dont understand how u can give this guy money after he lied pretending he was some random
Adonis112: just think about that
Shahin86: there is much things u dont understand
Shahin86: poker is one
08-05-2008 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by Klavs
Quality first post sir. nh wp.

Take a leaf out of Yogainstructor's book on how to write a first post.
Thank you nice to get a welcome from an old timer.

Actually, I wanted to bookmark the thread which is easily done by making a post (at least in other forums that I am familiar with...I've since learned that this one is different).

I confess to having laughed near as much at Yoga's post as I did at the hypocrisy that I pointed out.


Back on topic...sorta...I watched the entire set that Othello mentioned and just to throw out my 2+2 cents worth...I'd hardly term livb112 aka Adonis112 as a class act...he appears to be more of a very successful reason I prefer playing in casinos...not near as much rudeness.

08-05-2008 , 10:56 AM
You know........ i think Livb is a piece of poo and i have told him this.

I was kind to him and he was a wank and we got into a keyboard fight.

I told him i was a better player than him (he was playing terribly when i watched him....All in on any open ender/flush draw, he was even calling them which shows fold equity wasnt on his agenda).

I was in the peak of a 11 HU winning streak and challenged him and he pussied out.

He didnt want to drop limits to play he said. It was funny how he said that after saying 'anywhere,anytime, any stake).

Fortunately for him we cant all be rich balla's able to play 5g Heads up turbo sit n go's.

I will probably get flamed for this by his supporters. But seriously......hes a prick with a head like a kicked in **** tin.
08-05-2008 , 11:06 AM
His stars graph is less awesome than on FTP, lol.
08-05-2008 , 11:48 AM
he doubled his profit in the time it took you to post i think
08-05-2008 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
His stars graph is less awesome than on FTP, lol.
Less awesome, maybe yes... But he may still run good though?

08-05-2008 , 12:53 PM
He is on a 9 win in a row streak, this isnt all that special, especially for someone who even vaguely game selects and knows their stuff.

Though its at much smaller stakes, my friend had a 16 game win streak playing anyone who decided to sit with him in this first couple hundred HUSNGs. Even winning around 55% of the time you will get these long streaks pretty commonly.

Has he had streaks of good luck, obv, but at the same time its clear he knows what he is doing and it isnt even close to him just running good.
08-05-2008 , 01:03 PM
So why are there not 40-50 more players with graphs like his, again, do you really think he knows or figured out something no one else out of the 500k online players could figure out??? Are all "good" Players going to produce graphs like that. Or are there really players that are that much better then the already "good" poker players who cant pull off the same seemingly skewed graph.. come on now...
08-05-2008 , 01:03 PM
100s more with same graph for that matter. why not?
08-05-2008 , 01:05 PM
the post was half sarcasm, half raw emotion, half truth, lots of halfs. and lots of lols while writting it as well
08-05-2008 , 01:23 PM
Well have you ever tried playing 20,000 heads up sit & gos? There's no wonder he acts the way he does in the chat, that is enough to drive anyone insane.
08-05-2008 , 01:46 PM
many of those 2200s wins were vs me despite his monkey spew. I understand that he has made a ton of money but he is BAD at poker. He plays terribly. Many other successful regs agree that they have an edge on him.
08-05-2008 , 04:06 PM
In before waat? His the most winning sng player there is, maybe he doesent have the most avg profit, but he still plays at the highest stakes and wins.

What i mean is, he cant be that awfull.
08-05-2008 , 04:30 PM
^^^ Moshman????
08-05-2008 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by pushing22
many of those 2200s wins were vs me despite his monkey spew. I understand that he has made a ton of money but he is BAD at poker. He plays terribly. Many other successful regs agree that they have an edge on him.
They agree, or they believe?

Ive no doubt he probably isnt the best HUSnG player in the world, but he is certainly one of the best and seems more than willing to give action to those who believe they are better.

When you say he plays bad, do you mean he plays bad, or do you mean he plays different and you assume that different is bad?

Also, lets not even get into the fact having an edge on someone doesnt make them an insta play 100 games against them person, having an edge and having enough of an edge to beat the rake is a huge difference.

In essence, if you are better post your sharkscope, play him for a few hundo games and lets see how it all turns out.
08-05-2008 , 07:37 PM
Gotta stick up for Pushing here. No doubt Liv is talented and is proven to be the most profitable HU SNG player online atm... but he does make some spewy plays.

No slating him, just backing up those who seems to think he can do no wrong!

Dealt to Sifosis [Ah Js]
Sifosis: raises 40 to 60
Adonis112: raises 160 to 220
Sifosis: raises 1390 to 1610 and is all-in
Adonis112: calls 1170 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (220) returned to Sifosis
*** FLOP *** [Tc 8h 6d]
*** TURN *** [Tc 8h 6d] [4h]
*** RIVER *** [Tc 8h 6d 4h] [7c]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Adonis112: shows [4d Jd] (a pair of Fours)
Sifosis: shows [Ah Js] (high card Ace)

(this was in an 1100) and sif was 8-0 on him at this point
^^ ripped this from the HU Forum.

And for those doubting pushing's ability he is one of the best HU SnG players on this forum (and on PS at the moment!)

