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Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions

11-11-2017 , 06:17 PM
To all the people who are saying he got drunk hes a big boy oh well...

So it's okay to get someone drunk and take advantage of them and take their money...

But it's not okay to get someone drunk and take advantage of them and have sex?

Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-11-2017 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by ProfessorEd
To all the people who are saying he got drunk hes a big boy oh well...

So it's okay to get someone drunk and take advantage of them and take their money...

But it's not okay to get someone drunk and take advantage of them and have sex?

(Neither is moral, the former is sort of accepted/acceptable or at least not breaking the law within the confines of most licensed gambling establishments.)

If this is a serious question and you're not trolling....

Because one is only a possession and the other is a core part of your very being.

Loss of money through exploitation or deception of any sort is possible to repair, recover from or forget, whereas loss of one's free will of physical intimacy can never be repaired nor forgotten.

Last edited by SageDonkey; 11-11-2017 at 06:41 PM.
Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-11-2017 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by SageDonkey
(Neither is moral, the former is sort of accepted/acceptable or at least not breaking the law within the confines of most licensed gambling establishments.)
The former is breaking the law, at least in Nevada where the Aria is located.

Law bars Nevada casinos from serving alcohol to visibly drunk players or allowing them to gamble. People have sued casinos over that in the past.
Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-11-2017 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by madlex
The former is breaking the law, at least in Nevada where the Aria is located.

Law bars Nevada casinos from serving alcohol to visibly drunk players or allowing them to gamble. People have sued casinos over that in the past.
That's interesting, I wasn't aware of that. Maybe Leon has a solid case in that respect then. Is it a law that is genuinely observed though by casinos, and has it historically been policed and prosecuted.

Or is it the gaming commission and casino operators merely paying lip service to a law that on paper gives weight to gambling in casinos being closely controlled and proper customer care procedures being in place, when perhaps that is not the reality.

Has any casino ever been prosecuted and lost on this matter?
Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-11-2017 , 08:09 PM
not exactly the bastion of journalistic integrity in Fox news. but this discusses key issues

Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-11-2017 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by PTLou
not exactly the bastion of journalistic integrity in Fox news. but this discusses key issues

Top detective work, Sir, and here is a bit of my own.

It appears as if the case might not even be heard or is extremely tangled and delayed because of a counter case by the casino alleging that the cheques he used to get the $500K to play with were bad.
Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-11-2017 , 10:40 PM
I'm not sure that I follow the arguments that people are making in here but it seems people are saying Matt Kirk is less deserving or doesn't deserve payment since he was partially or totally staked, but I don't see how that is relevant. Why is it not okay to scam a guy but is okay to scam a bunch of people?

Is it possible that the lawyers are working on some sort of plan in which they get paid if and when Kirk wins the case/settles? That would explain how he's able to afford them.
Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-12-2017 , 12:05 AM
The counterclaim by Leon is dumb. I am not sure why people would think its Juicy. Casino's likely get suits like this many times a year, sans the stakes and staking allegations (which mean nothing).
Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-12-2017 , 01:12 AM
Out of all his claims which none I believe, the most ridiculous is Matt Kirk being stakes by Aria for millions.....anyone who has watched him play high stakes would agree...and also think it’s quite well known he usually has 100% or himself.

The story kind of lost me when Leon agrees to pay Kirk in full but Kirk then says no I’ll sue u and waste Millons and top lawyers to try and get my money instead?? Whaaaaaat??!?! Lol
Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-12-2017 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by golfbum983
Out of all his claims which none I believe, the most ridiculous is Matt Kirk being stakes by Aria for millions.....anyone who has watched him play high stakes would agree...and also think it’s quite well known he usually has 100% or himself.
I call BS on this. Most pros don't have 100% of themselves and the list of the ones that do would in no way include Kirk. Have you seen the way he plays? He would have to have a roll the size of the Empire State Building to handle his swings.

Besides, if you watch some of the high roller bowl coverage, the table talk makes it clear that he's staked by some of the players at that table. Watch the hand where he flips in the dark with Antonio and then tell me he's not staked by JRB.

You show proof that Kirk has 100% of himself and I'll buy you a beer next time you're in Vegas.
Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-12-2017 , 03:18 AM
Well I don’t have actual proof or know him personally but had Read he didn’t need backing, then today galfond tweeted also that he most likeley had 100% of himself I’m pretty sure he has a better idea then u or I...
Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-12-2017 , 05:16 AM
Originally Posted by GentlemanJack
You show proof that Kirk has 100% of himself and I'll buy you a beer next time you're in Vegas.

Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-12-2017 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by GentlemanJack
I call BS on this. Most pros don't have 100% of themselves and the list of the ones that do would in no way include Kirk. Have you seen the way he plays? He would have to have a roll the size of the Empire State Building to handle his swings.

Besides, if you watch some of the high roller bowl coverage, the table talk makes it clear that he's staked by some of the players at that table. Watch the hand where he flips in the dark with Antonio and then tell me he's not staked by JRB.

You show proof that Kirk has 100% of himself and I'll buy you a beer next time you're in Vegas.
I wrote it itt mulitple times already, but I can do it again: Kirk is not a poker pro, why on earth would you think that?
Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-12-2017 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by Tutejszy
I wrote it itt mulitple times already, but I can do it again: Kirk is not a poker pro, why on earth would you think that?
What is your problem? Do you want some kind of medal for saying he's not a pro???

Amateur or pro makes no difference on whether he's staked or not. Get over yourself.
Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-12-2017 , 11:59 AM
your entire point is based on him being a poker pro. Poker pros get staked, amateurs do not, neither do they care about bankroll management. Although, in this case it is not impossible that he sold some action, simply because Leon is so bad, so some pros may have seen some value.
Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-12-2017 , 12:38 PM
Does it matter if Matt was staked or not?

Leon is also staking the Germans for Super High Rollers, doesn´t he?
Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-12-2017 , 01:37 PM
Only matters if it was the casino in which they were playing and that allowed/encouraged him to be over-served while intoxicated that was staking him (which is why he alleged it).

Staking in and of itself by Leon or anyone else is, in isolation, irrelevant.
Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-12-2017 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by GentlemanJack
What is your problem? Do you want some kind of medal for saying he's not a pro???

Amateur or pro makes no difference on whether he's staked or not. Get over yourself.
lol wat
Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-12-2017 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by Codecci
lol wat
Try and keep up, son.
Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-12-2017 , 06:31 PM
Anybody who knows Rob knows hes a man of his word. He's about as fair and trustworthy as you can find in the poker community. He posted here a blog about what exactly happened with Loose Leon and Aussie Matt
Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-12-2017 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by SageDonkey
That's interesting, I wasn't aware of that. Maybe Leon has a solid case in that respect then. Is it a law that is genuinely observed though by casinos, and has it historically been policed and prosecuted.

Or is it the gaming commission and casino operators merely paying lip service to a law that on paper gives weight to gambling in casinos being closely controlled and proper customer care procedures being in place, when perhaps that is not the reality.

Has any casino ever been prosecuted and lost on this matter?
I've represented a gambler who raised this as a defense to a civil claim and successfully and substantially reduced the Nevada casino's claims prior to a settlement. (The video was pretty bad for the casino in that incident.)

Last edited by Gzesh; 11-12-2017 at 06:49 PM.
Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-12-2017 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by OurSurveySays
Anybody who knows Rob knows hes a man of his word. He's about as fair and trustworthy as you can find in the poker community. He posted here a blog about what exactly happened with Loose Leon and Aussie Matt
Wow, thank you for posting this.
Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-12-2017 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by hedgecock
Perhaps I didn't make that clear enough in my article - there were 3 large court documents to sift through and 'translate' into something readable!

According to the filing, Tsoukernik told Yong he would pay Kirk in full, but Kirk approached Yong with an offer...'Yong told Tsoukernik that Kirk has proposed a discounted settlement' is the wording in the court document.

Anyway, if found to be true, it's a huge shift away from Tsoukernik being the person at fault here.

Btw, the court filing in the Clark County Court, Nevada is Case number: A - 17 - 756376 -C if anyone wants to check out the legal dealings from first to last, including Tsoukernik's latest filings. I did notice there might be website problems today though...
post links to the recent docs and I'll take a look ....
Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-12-2017 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Gzesh
I represented a gambler who raised this as a defense and successfully and substantially reduced the casino's claims prior to a settlement. The video was pretty bad for the casino in that incident.
Interesting. It's nice to know the law is real and enforceable.

Originally Posted by OurSurveySays
Anybody who knows Rob knows hes a man of his word. He's about as fair and trustworthy as you can find in the poker community. He posted here a blog about what exactly happened with Loose Leon and Aussie Matt
Rob Yong's blog, on the balance of probabilities is likely to be an impartial account of events. IMO both parties should go back to the negotiating table and settle out of court as the situation is "six of one and half a dozen of the other" and my view is that a court may well throw them both out and tell them to stop wasting the court's time.

Clearly they should both also not put themselves in a similar position again for such circumstances to arise.
Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
11-12-2017 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by OurSurveySays
Anybody who knows Rob knows hes a man of his word. He's about as fair and trustworthy as you can find in the poker community. He posted here a blog about what exactly happened with Loose Leon and Aussie Matt
Read the blog post ... Robcertainly sounds like a credible, stand-up guy

Some of what he said, although hearsay, would not be favorable to the plaintiff if it got into evidence under an exception.
Leon Tsoukernik subpoenad - stiffed Aussie Matt and Elton Tsang for millions Quote
