Originally Posted by Go Get It
Guy makes a standard fold itt.
Also the flat pre flop seems marginal.
Agreed, for those wondering about the hand:
Ihar Soika raised to 1,000,000 from middle position, and Maurice Hawkins called from the cutoff. Richard Ma was on the button and moved all in for 9,100,000. Soika asked for a count and eventually called. Hawkins folded.
Ma was at risk with JJ , and was well behind the AA of Soika. As soon as Hawkins saw the hands that were tabled, he cheered and ran over to his rail. He kept repeating, "Let's go! Folded nines with ten bigs. Let's go! Folded nines with ten bigs. Let's go! That's how legends are born."
The board ran out 83238 , and Ma was eliminated at the hands of the chip leader.