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Legalizing Poker in Wisconsin Legalizing Poker in Wisconsin

04-22-2014 , 01:26 PM
My name is Michael Hanson, aka BIG SH00TER, and I represent a small group of poker players in Madison, Wisconsin and our fight to have poker recognized as a game of skill in our state.

The following is a letter that was sent out to PPA members in Wisconsin on our behalf.

Attention all Wisconsin poker players,

PPA is asking you to consider supporting the "Legal Poker in Wisconsin" effort that is taking place right now!

A small group of Madison poker players have started an effort to hire a lawyer and issue a declaratory judgement to define the legality of live poker within the state of Wisconsin. The current Wisconsin gaming statue (945.01) does not specify poker as being directly included under the definition of a wager or bet. Instead, what is considered gaming or not is left open to interpretation of local law enforcement based on whether a game is predominantly one of skill or chance. The language in the statute does not specifically speak to poker but does say that a bet does not include "bona fide contests of skill" = which by recent federal and state rulings, scientific studies and our general knowledge, poker is clearly such a contest and therefore should not be included in Wisconsin's definition of gambling and should be as legal to play for money as pool, darts, golf or other contests of skill.

The group of players has hired an attorney with extensive experience in this matter (former Assistant Attorney General, and former Legal Counsel for Governor Doyle) for a flat fee of $10,000. The Madison group at present has collected over half of the amount required for this action through donations and private tournaments and is asking the other poker players within the state to join the fight to completely legalize all forms of live poker in the state of Wisconsin. If this action is successful, the group believes that private poker rooms, bar games, and all other forms of live poker would be completely legal and free from prosecution.

If you have ever complained about the poor quality of live poker at local tribal casinos or bar games within your area and would like to see a change, this is your chance. If you would like to donate (any amount welcome) or find information on private fund raising events and tournaments that are scheduled, please contact Wisconsin State PPA Director - Steve Verrett via email at

Proud to play,

Drew Lesofski
Director of Grassroots and External Affairs

phew... I'm not asking for money here, but if you would like more information regarding our efforts please contact Steve or myself.

Also, I manage a Facebook group called "Madison Poker Community". Look us up!
Legalizing Poker in Wisconsin Quote
04-22-2014 , 03:15 PM
GL with this. Maybe I'll be able to move home to SP someday but Walker is an idiot so.
Legalizing Poker in Wisconsin Quote
04-22-2014 , 03:50 PM
.....I thought poker was legal in Wisconsin?

Do you mean online poker?
Legalizing Poker in Wisconsin Quote
04-22-2014 , 03:51 PM
I assume the casinos will fight against this. You guys should be lobbying for an online poker push as well. Wisconsin is messed up with recreational players taxes though since they don't allow you to deduct your losses. Great idea none the less.
Legalizing Poker in Wisconsin Quote
04-22-2014 , 03:54 PM

We've been working on it for about a year now. Our lawyer met with the legal team from Poto last week to feel them out and I would expect that we would meet with Ho Chunk and Menomonie as well in the near future.

If you're ever back in the area, look us up and join us for a tournament, some 1/2 nl or our weekly 5/10 HORSE game.
Legalizing Poker in Wisconsin Quote
04-22-2014 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by daveh07
I assume the casinos will fight against this. You guys should be lobbying for an online poker push as well. Wisconsin is messed up with recreational players taxes though since they don't allow you to deduct your losses. Great idea none the less.

We're hoping that the casinos will actually join us in the fight. If we were to win the judgement, it is our argument that anybody could open up a "card room" anywhere in the state. That would include the tribes being able to open up card rooms off tribal land.

Furthermore, if poker is a game of skill, then online intrastate poker would be legal as well. Interstate online poker would still have some hurdles, but they wouldn't be gambling related and would definitely benefit from the ruling as well.

Your point is well received as far as recreational player taxes and I would love to take on that fight, but first things first.
Legalizing Poker in Wisconsin Quote
04-22-2014 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by beauvanlaanen
.....I thought poker was legal in Wisconsin?

Do you mean online poker?
At the moment, different jurisdictions throughout the state rule differently on this question. Although poker is legal on tribal grounds, the idea the legaility of a home game or a bar tournament varies. In Madison we have had games shut down by the Division of Gaming and in Oshkosh and Madison games have been shut down by Alcohol License Review Committee's by threatening to revoke liquor licenses if bars continue to host games.

And yet in bars across the state you can find a poker tournament every night of the week, much like dart tournaments, pool tournaments and softball tournaments.
Legalizing Poker in Wisconsin Quote
04-22-2014 , 06:03 PM
Legalizing Poker in Wisconsin Quote
04-22-2014 , 09:17 PM
I can't see Green Bay or Milwaukee "joining in". It would be good for many other cities in the state though, like Madison.
Legalizing Poker in Wisconsin Quote
04-22-2014 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by BradleyT
I can't see Green Bay or Milwaukee "joining in". It would be good for many other cities in the state though, like Madison.
Why not? More options are better, and you seen enough people grumbling about how bad Potawatomi is that getting it legalized should be a big win for Milwaukee. I've played once up in Green Bay, and it wasn't that great there either (Oneida).

More competition is better, though I'm sure the tribes will fight this.
Legalizing Poker in Wisconsin Quote
04-23-2014 , 12:17 AM
Yeah, I meant the tribes in those cities. The dealers get pretty upset at Poto if you even mention that there's bar tournaments in town.
Legalizing Poker in Wisconsin Quote
04-23-2014 , 10:26 AM
Who exactly is the PPA person in the state of WI? Anyone familiar with the TIGA issue that's going on with Lac Du FLambeau?
Legalizing Poker in Wisconsin Quote
04-23-2014 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by NoKlue1234
Who exactly is the PPA person in the state of WI? Anyone familiar with the TIGA issue that's going on with Lac Du FLambeau?
Wisconsin State PPA Director - Steve Verrett via email at

Wisconsin State PPA Assistant Director - Michael Hanson(me) via email at

Actually, I'm just reading Chad Holloway's PokerNews article about it from Jan 30, 2014 right now. Let me take a look and if you have a specific question, let me know and I'll ask Chad or join our Madison Poker Community Facebook page and you can ask him yourself.

Last edited by Madison Poker; 04-23-2014 at 01:29 PM. Reason: added new info
Legalizing Poker in Wisconsin Quote
04-23-2014 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by jedi
Why not? More options are better, and you seen enough people grumbling about how bad Potawatomi is that getting it legalized should be a big win for Milwaukee. I've played once up in Green Bay, and it wasn't that great there either (Oneida).

More competition is better, though I'm sure the tribes will fight this.

More options aren't better for you when you're already the only option...
Legalizing Poker in Wisconsin Quote
04-23-2014 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by KillTheCheaters
More options aren't better for you when you're already the only option...
There's always a bigger fish... as Poto is finding out with Menomonie trying to set up in Kenosha and stealing they're Illini players.
Legalizing Poker in Wisconsin Quote
