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Kopp's bust-out in top three biggest ever ME mistakes? or not? Kopp's bust-out in top three biggest ever ME mistakes? or not?

07-16-2009 , 05:24 AM
i mean he mustve had a brain fart or something but clearly the best line is to just call turn, and fold if moon shoved the river. shoving turn is such spew.
07-16-2009 , 05:26 AM
Originally Posted by RainFall
How can the guy be a nit if he's defending QJdd to a EP raise? minraise? shorthanded?
They're pretty deep and yeah, it's short handed.
07-16-2009 , 05:31 AM
Originally Posted by RainFall
How can the guy be a nit if he's defending QJdd to a EP raise? minraise? shorthanded?
standard defend this deep imo

Last edited by $niper; 07-16-2009 at 05:32 AM. Reason: didn´t see your response mr tiger
07-16-2009 , 05:34 AM
an appointment with Dr conrad Murray ASAP imo insert pics
07-16-2009 , 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by mazjr13
Your hand cannot improve on the river. If you think you're beat you fold. Smoothing to fold the river is giving away chips.
I don't understand this. So if you (or someone) could elaborate, that would be amazing.

Isn't it standard to play pot control when you're up against the only player at the table who can bust you? It seems like it would take more than "thinking" you're ahead to shove the second largest stack into the largest stack...especially when you have a 5 high flush on a paired board.

Why not smooth because you're not sure if you're ahead or behind?
Then... if he checks, check behind. If he bets, call. If he shoves, fold. In other on river (isn't that what position is for?)

Your mentality implies that zero information can be gained on the river, in position. Enlighten me?

Last edited by ArcadianSky; 07-16-2009 at 05:54 AM.
07-16-2009 , 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by rebuyboy
There are literally thousands of worse plays. Mind you most of those probably occurred on day 1 by donkeys and never made TV.
those aren't big mistakes, on day 1 you could go all-in with 2-7 and say: "hey I like to gamble haha, byebye"
there's not much at stake

however, here he's 3 spots away of makin' the November 9 with a big stack, which makes a mistake made at that point much bigger of value

tough spot tho imo, they were prob like 6-handed at the table which makes a flush that much stronger
but it's not worth the risk as the guy's checkraise comes off really strong obv
07-16-2009 , 05:40 AM
Originally Posted by ArcadianSky
I don't understand this.
Why not smooth because you're not sure if you're ahead or behind?
Then, when he shoves river, you KNOW you're beat...and fold.

Your mentality implies that zero information can be gained on the river. Enlighten me?
Winner for realzing there is value in just calling assuming for once that villain could be putting pressure on near bubble with bluff. I recommend folding vs villain but if you're gonna ship I'd rather call and re/eval river and if diamond comes off so be it, ti's not likely villain is raising with KQ with K diamonds.
07-16-2009 , 05:43 AM
baluga theorem obv!
07-16-2009 , 05:43 AM
jamming against the reraise is bad, but to call that allin with a Qhigh flush isn´t that easy either.
07-16-2009 , 05:47 AM
You're way ahead or way behind. Smoothings really really bad.
07-16-2009 , 05:52 AM
Originally Posted by $niper
jamming against the reraise is bad, but to call that allin with a Qhigh flush isn´t that easy either.
Amen! I mean if you're in that spot, what can you beat realistically? WHich tells me that Moon is a far worse player than Kopp. I wonder if he snap called or thought about it...
07-16-2009 , 05:56 AM
Originally Posted by mazjr13
You're way ahead or way behind. Smoothings really really bad.
07-16-2009 , 05:56 AM
Originally Posted by mazjr13
You're way ahead or way behind. Smoothings really really bad.
07-16-2009 , 05:58 AM
I would have played the hand differently so I could have reached the November 9 but this guy obviously wanted to win the whole thing. I think either is fine.
07-16-2009 , 05:58 AM
Originally Posted by Al Capwne
Amen! I mean if you're in that spot, what can you beat realistically? WHich tells me that Moon is a far worse player than Kopp. I wonder if he snap called or thought about it...
posted by swede554 in MTTc

So I decided to head down to Rio alil earlier tonight to catch some of the action (and redeem my last food voucher before it expired). Caught the action as it was starting up soon after their dinner break with 15 people remaining and stayed until the final 9 was set. Was there just over two hours, so much for the final table bubble slowing the action now. Most of the time I sweated the 2nd feature table due to it being absolutely packed with people (maybe 3-4 rows deep) around the main feature table with Ivey on it. Most of the action/bustouts seemed to happen at the 2nd table though so at least I got to see those.

Concerning Kopp's bustout hand (I had a really good view of the action thanks to watching from the stage which overlooks the 2nd feature table), the action on the turn, which did pair the deuce, went down like this. Moon checked to Kopp who bet just over 2M (eight 250k chips and I think two 25k chips and a few 5k chips). Moon check-raised after maybe 20 sec by grabbing a stack of 250k chips and cut them out into 6 different stacks for 6 million total. Kopp asked the dealer to pull the chips in the pot and it took the dealer maybe 15 sec to do so as he had to make change from the pot due to the ~75kish over 2M that Kopp bet. Once he pulled it in, Kopp took maybe another 10 seconds before he declared all-in, Moon basically instacalled. Kopp really did look like he was about to cry or do something violent and stormed out of the 2nd feature table area pretty quickly before eventually coming back to shake everyone's hand.
07-16-2009 , 06:04 AM
Originally Posted by OreosAndMilk
I would have played the hand differently so I could have reached the November 9 but this guy obviously wanted to win the whole thing. I think either is fine.
But what does he beat? Name a single hand that he beats that will call a shove in that spot.

Unless his intent was to turn his hand into a bluff (which seems even more ******ed), I don't understand how shoving is "standard" or acceptable here.

Last edited by ArcadianSky; 07-16-2009 at 06:12 AM.
07-16-2009 , 06:04 AM
Not a typical case tho imo with the 3 diamonds on board. He may call off a lot of his range that youre way ahead of. No offense to Darvin, but you're not exactly up against a great player. I mean I guess smoothings not as awful as I'm acting like it is, but if you really think you're beat you should just fold.
07-16-2009 , 06:06 AM
I hate it because the board was paired, his flush was small and the chance his opponent was bluffing was close to 0. I think it was a very bad play, he actually turned his hand into a bluff, he didnt have remotely close to the nuts and his stack never warranted shoving.

Horrible imo given the stack size, maybe top 10 worst ever. It was a million dollar + mistake.

He got it all in drawing dead when he saw plenty of stop signs along the road, just reckless play.

This isnt a $10 rebuy donkament. This is the F&*%ing WSOP. Play like it or go home.
07-16-2009 , 06:06 AM
Originally Posted by mazjr13
Not a typical case tho imo with the 3 diamonds on board. He may call off a lot of his range that youre way ahead of. No offense to Darvin, but you're not exactly up against a great player. I mean I guess smoothings not as awful as I'm acting like it is, but if you really think you're beat you should just fold.
btw, you're SUPPOSED to smooth/check in WAWB spots. Like, that's the entire basis of the strategy...
07-16-2009 , 06:07 AM
Originally Posted by ArcadianSky
But what does he beat? Name a single hand that he beats that will call a shove in that spot.

Unless his intent was to turn his hand into a bluff (which seems even more ******ed), I don't understand how shoving is "standard" or acceptable here.
There are still times when shoving can be right, even tho no worst hands call. Like if he's bluffing enough, won't bluff rivers, and his bluffs have decent equity.
07-16-2009 , 06:07 AM
Originally Posted by ArcadianSky
But what does he beat? Name a single hand that he beats that will call a shove in that spot.

Unless his intent was to turn his hand into a bluff (which seems even more ******ed), I don't understand how shoving is "standard" or acceptable here.
I think you're giving Darvin Moon too much credit here.
07-16-2009 , 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by Isura
There are still times when shoving can be right, even tho no worst hands call. Like if he's bluffing enough, won't bluff rivers, and his bluffs have decent equity.
Not sure if I understand you entirely.
But, by calling, isn't it worth giving up a possible 17%~ equity to the river to not get your money in drawing dead against any flush or boat? ...Especially against the only villain who can bust you?

I have a general acceptance of the play if it's against one of the shorter stacks.
07-16-2009 , 06:13 AM
guys, if the check raise is on the flop, do you ship it?
07-16-2009 , 06:16 AM
Originally Posted by ArcadianSky
Not sure if I understand you entirely.
But, by calling, isn't it worth giving up 17%~ equity to the river to not get your money in drawing dead against any flush or boat? ...Especially against the only villain who can bust you?

I have a general acceptance of the play if it's against one of the shorter stacks.
If you're playing for the novemer 9 than sure. Smooth the turn. But if I'm every this deep in the main event im going ftw.
07-16-2009 , 06:17 AM
Kopp made a huge bet that could only be called if he was beat. Under those circumstances the play is bad imo. You're 2nd in chips and playing to get to the November 9. As the saying goes you can't win the tournament in one hand but you can sure lose it in one.

I'd sure like to know what hand Moon put Kopp on to make such a quick call after Kopp's all in bet. I know if I were in his position I'd have to really think about it before calling off most of my stack with the 2nd nut flush on a paired board against a guy that's basically saying he thinks he has the winning hand. I guess if Kopp had been playing very fast and shown a propensity to put his whole stack in with less than the nuts it makes a call there seem reasonable... Maybe?
