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Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage

06-15-2014 , 03:16 PM
While I have some sympathy for OP, from Juicy's new owners perspective I agree with their stance completely. Here they have someone who has not created any revenue for them as they try to turn things around for everybody by paying out in a timely manner. OP has not generated revenue for them, so let the people who benefited from his play be responsible for paying him.
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-15-2014 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman
While I have some sympathy for OP, from Juicy's new owners perspective I agree with their stance completely. Here they have someone who has not created any revenue for them as they try to turn things around for everybody by paying out in a timely manner. OP has not generated revenue for them, so let the people who benefited from his play be responsible for paying him.

I think you should go post your anger in the intertops thread, See if you can get there rep to talk to someone over and juicy stakes, Or maybe he may be able to help you. ( same owners )

Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-15-2014 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman
While I have some sympathy for OP, from Juicy's new owners perspective I agree with their stance completely. Here they have someone who has not created any revenue for them as they try to turn things around for everybody by paying out in a timely manner. OP has not generated revenue for them, so let the people who benefited from his play be responsible for paying him.
That's their problem. They should've taken the liabilities into account when they bought the company.
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-15-2014 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by The4thFilm
That's their problem. They should've taken the liabilities into account when they bought the company.
It would be great if companies could just keep selling and not paying off their liabilities. Nothing could possibly go wrong there.
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-15-2014 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by The4thFilm
That's their problem. They should've taken the liabilities into account when they bought the company.
I think they had the expectation they would get action from OP and others.
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-15-2014 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman
I think they had the expectation they would get action from OP.
That's a totally unreasonable expectation IMO. It's one thing for them to have hoped to get action from OP, but to expect it as a contingency of buying the company it is just going full ******. Liabilities are still liabilities, regardless of whether or not they are generating any future revenue.
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-16-2014 , 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman
I think they had the expectation they would get action from OP and others.
Then they made a mistake
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-16-2014 , 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by duh
That's a totally unreasonable expectation IMO. It's one thing for them to have hoped to get action from OP, but to expect it as a contingency of buying the company it is just going full ******. Liabilities are still liabilities, regardless of whether or not they are generating any future revenue.
OK, but it is reasonable for them to transfer the debt back to the previous owners in this case IMO.

Maybe I'm biased, because I do play there, and I'm very appreciative of the new regime. They have made a great effort to be service friendly and to process withdrawls in a timely manner, and its a shame there's not more action.
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-16-2014 , 07:34 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman
OK, but it is reasonable for them to transfer the debt back to the previous owners in this case IMO.

Maybe I'm biased, because I do play there, and I'm very appreciative of the new regime. They have made a great effort to be service friendly and to process withdrawls in a timely manner, and its a shame there's not more action.
Hi JuicyStakes admin.
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-16-2014 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman
While I have some sympathy for OP, from Juicy's new owners perspective I agree with their stance completely. Here they have someone who has not created any revenue for them as they try to turn things around for everybody by paying out in a timely manner. OP has not generated revenue for them, so let the people who benefited from his play be responsible for paying him.
I get JS new owners' point but one things their terms are not is "timely manner". 3 years (something like that, right?) to get your own money raking day in day out? One year seems reasonable enough from their perspective..

JS? more like BS...
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-16-2014 , 08:13 AM
desperate times calls for desperate measures

have a bunch of friends get accounts. flip them non stop in HU sng's to make rake. always lose. You and your friends all do withdrawals. Get as much out as fast as you can.
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-16-2014 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman
OK, but it is reasonable for them to transfer the debt back to the previous owners in this case IMO.
I couldn't disagree more...
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-16-2014 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by -sham-
desperate times calls for desperate measures

have a bunch of friends get accounts. flip them non stop in HU sng's to make rake. always lose. You and your friends all do withdrawals. Get as much out as fast as you can.
I am sure juicy wouldn't catch on and confiscate all funds. I don't understand how new owners that buy a pokersite aren't responsible for debts which include player balances.
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-16-2014 , 07:14 PM
whats the amount of rake they want you to pay? find out then do the math and see if its worth your time to play or have that amount deducted from your account.......... then once you have your money never play there again
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-16-2014 , 07:33 PM
Whoever acquired the business should be liable for previous player balances and for cashing out those funds. I think the new owners are crappy people and looking out for their top line and interests instead of doing the right thing which will ultimately hurt them in the long run once customers see how crappy their business tactics are. I will never play at this site again.
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-16-2014 , 07:39 PM
I doubt if Intertops bought JS. I think it's more likely they were just given the site because JS owed so much money to Intertops.

Juicy was a disaster before the takeover. JS funds were selling for .20 or something. The cashouts were almost non-existent. I'm not sure if anyone would have bought that trainwreck.

Intertops started cashing everyone out immediately after the takeover. Checks started arriving in 2-4 days. There was a limit on the amount that could be cashed out, and there were steep fees. The fees were waived if you raked a certain amount.

It always seemed pretty obvious that they were trying to breathe life back into the site and do right by the players, but within reason. Considering that they probably were owed a ton, you can kinda understand why they might not be willing to put up millions more of their own money to just insta-cashout everyone's balance. They were given a dead site, and they made an effort to try and turn things around, get players eventually paid, and hopefully make back the money that Juicy stiffed them for. I think it's kind of unreasonable to expect them to dump millions more into this site (if my speculation is correct, that is).
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-16-2014 , 08:15 PM
You could simply just ask them what's the biggest lump sum that they can offer and check/eval.
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-16-2014 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by JimAfternoon
I think it's kind of unreasonable to expect them to dump millions more into this site (if my speculation is correct, that is).
Unreasonable is a bit strong......unrealistic is probably a better choice.
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-16-2014 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by daveh07
Whoever acquired the business should be liable for previous player balances and for cashing out those funds. I think the new owners are crappy people and looking out for their top line and interests instead of doing the right thing which will ultimately hurt them in the long run once customers see how crappy their business tactics are. I will never play at this site again.
They obviously bought out the site without left over funds to use as player funds. Completely ridiculous to suggest giving his debt to the old owners, in what world is that ever an option if not agreed to prior to sale.
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-16-2014 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman
They have made a great effort to be service friendly and to process withdrawls in a timely manner, and its a shame there's not more action.
Treating your customers like this is no recipe for success. It merely lends credibility to the possibility that they have serious cash flow problems. Its a heads up to everyone playing there to get your money out before they do it to you.
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-17-2014 , 12:32 AM
from a new takeover perspective, paying everyone that wants to cash out and never return again when the $ was given to the old owners (because the funds weren't segregated) is a good way to lose a big chunk of $ and have a dead site. Gl OP, I'm just glad I'm not in your situation (well aside from Full Tilt but at least that wasn't 300k...).
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-17-2014 , 12:49 AM
Any chance you can set up a face to face with Adam?
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-17-2014 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
from a new takeover perspective, paying everyone that wants to cash out and never return again when the $ was given to the old owners (because the funds weren't segregated) is a good way to lose a big chunk of $ and have a dead site. Gl OP, I'm just glad I'm not in your situation (well aside from Full Tilt but at least that wasn't 300k...).
This. The new owners really have no choice other than to give the debt back to the previous owners if OP and others like him don't continue to play.
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-17-2014 , 01:38 PM
Go to a good lawyer and tell him if he can recover the 300k you will give him 10% that should light a fire under his ass to do everything he can for you
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
06-17-2014 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by tapouttazz9
Go to a good lawyer and tell him if he can recover the 300k you will give him 10% that should light a fire under his ass to do everything he can for you
You're joking right? $30k.

1) They'd have to be convinced they had a very good chance of winning. They will not think they have a very good chance of winning.

2) They'd have to be convinced they had a very good chance of winning within about 100 hours of work, this is very much not likely to happen.
Juicy Stakes holding my 0k hostage Quote
