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Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi

09-08-2007 , 08:46 PM
So Captain Tom is nowhere close to FJ's back.

I am glad to see the trend stop here.

Obv go FJ!
Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-08-2007 , 08:46 PM
Nice! GL Jon!
Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-08-2007 , 09:00 PM
Attention SIHB's:

Can one of you overnight one of the "I trust Brandi" shirts to Beau Rivage? Jon had the shirt but said that he lost it. If he wore that shirt at a televised TV final table AND captain tom was at the table it would be the most talked about sh,it on 2p2 ever.

Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-08-2007 , 09:07 PM
FJ needs to watch out for these "aggressive calls" by Vanessa Rousso.

The final three hands were eventful prior to the break.

Vanessa Rousso doubled through Surinder Sunar. Sunar limped under the gun, Rousso limped from middle position and the big blind checked. The flop came 1083, and Sunar lead for 31,000. Rousso reraised all in for 58,000 total, and Sunar called. Rousso slammed her 108 on the table as if it were the nuts, and Sunar tabled JJ. The next two cards come 5Q, and Rousso doubles.

Limp suited 1 gappers vs a UTG chronic big hand limper for 13% of your stack....VERY aggressive.
If he's so well known for chronic limping of big hands UTG then maybe she doesn't expect to get raised preflop and expects to double anytime she can beat a big pair.

edit: Go FJ!
Sound reasoning, sir!
Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-08-2007 , 09:09 PM
Attention SIHB's:

Can one of you overnight one of the "I trust Brandi" shirts to Beau Rivage? Jon had the shirt but said that he lost it. If he wore that shirt at a televised TV final table AND captain tom was at the table it would be the most talked about sh,it on 2p2 ever.

He can get one made too, but yes, make it so SIHB's.
Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-08-2007 , 09:17 PM
omg lucksack. gogogogo
Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-08-2007 , 09:22 PM
Attention SIHB's:

Can one of you overnight one of the "I trust Brandi" shirts to Beau Rivage? Jon had the shirt but said that he lost it. If he wore that shirt at a televised TV final table AND captain tom was at the table it would be the most talked about sh,it on 2p2 ever.

He can get one made too, but yes, make it so SIHB's.
Where is he going to go in Mississippi between now and the final table to have one made?

Pretty solid idea, Shannon, however my hunch is that the WPT producers would kibosh the wardrobe choice as they have been known to do in the past. I'm not sure how much actual control they have over what players wear at the final table, but they definitely pretend to.
Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-08-2007 , 09:35 PM
GL man nice chatting with you the few times hope you keep wafflecrushing.
Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-08-2007 , 10:31 PM
Come on j-lit, pwn those donks!!!

Looks like FT's pretty soft. Ive played with Edler in 3+ tourneys and I rly respect his play, v solid. Lol captain tom (always necessary). Thank god Rousso busted cuz I'd be off a cliff if she happened to win.
Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-08-2007 , 10:35 PM
Attention SIHB's:

Can one of you overnight one of the "I trust Brandi" shirts to Beau Rivage? Jon had the shirt but said that he lost it. If he wore that shirt at a televised TV final table AND captain tom was at the table it would be the most talked about sh,it on 2p2 ever.

He can get one made too, but yes, make it so SIHB's.
Where is he going to go in Mississippi between now and the final table to have one made?

Pretty solid idea, Shannon, however my hunch is that the WPT producers would kibosh the wardrobe choice as they have been known to do in the past. I'm not sure how much actual control they have over what players wear at the final table, but they definitely pretend to.
Phone call, any tshirt shop, plz deliver, done.
Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-08-2007 , 11:32 PM
Attention SIHB's:

Can one of you overnight one of the "I trust Brandi" shirts to Beau Rivage? Jon had the shirt but said that he lost it. If he wore that shirt at a televised TV final table AND captain tom was at the table it would be the most talked about sh,it on 2p2 ever.

He can get one made too, but yes, make it so SIHB's.
Where is he going to go in Mississippi between now and the final table to have one made?

Pretty solid idea, Shannon, however my hunch is that the WPT producers would kibosh the wardrobe choice as they have been known to do in the past. I'm not sure how much actual control they have over what players wear at the final table, but they definitely pretend to.
Obviously different, but I know they tried to get a sngicons .com tshirt at the PCA and they wouldn't allow it.
Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-08-2007 , 11:58 PM
Ride the wave dude, glgl.

P.S. And once you get FT sponsorship, stay off my tables.
Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-09-2007 , 12:17 AM
Nice job Jon, keep it up.

Oh, and Gramps, when FJ does get FTP sponsership, you'll definitely want to play at his tables.
Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-09-2007 , 12:42 AM

Hand #58: Captain Tom Franklin Doubles Through Jonathan Little

Hand #58 - Fletcher McKinney has the button in seat 5, Little raises under the gun to 50,000, and Tom Franklin calls from middle position. The flop comes AQ7, Little bets 70,000, Franklin raises to 170,000, Little moves all in for more than a million, and Franklin calls all in for 536,000 with AQ for top two pair. Little shows AK for top pair, top kicker, and he'll need to catch a king, or something runner-runner to bust Franklin here.

The turn card is the A, the river card is the 6, and Franklin wins the pot with a full house, aces full of queens, doubling up to about 1.29 million in chips. Jonathan Little drops down to about 520,000.
Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-09-2007 , 02:57 AM
Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-09-2007 , 04:16 AM
Hope you pull it out. GL.
How sick and crazy would it be for JL to be a FT pro? Play Mike Matusow for rolls?
High card Mike Matusow for rolls?
Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-09-2007 , 04:18 AM
Marathon TV final table bubble. This would've sent them to TV with 7 left:

David Robbins has the button in seat 7, Frazin moves all in from the small blind for 304,000, and Little quickly calls from the big blind with Q Q . Frazin shows Q 8 , and he's dominated, needing to improve to survive.

The flop comes J 10 3 , and Frazin defies the odds by flopping a club flush. The last two cards are A 9 , and Frazin wins the pot to double up to more than 625,000 in chips.

Jon is crippled to 300k.
Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-09-2007 , 04:25 AM
and out in 7th. :/ rigged

Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-09-2007 , 05:08 AM
siigh. I played pretty well today I think even though I bubbled like a fish. I guess it happens from time to time. Thanks to everyone that cares.
Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-09-2007 , 05:36 AM
Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-09-2007 , 09:55 AM
hard to win when you lose QQ to Q8s
Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-09-2007 , 10:59 AM
hard to win when you lose QQ to Q8s

GG Jon,
~stephen feraca
Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-09-2007 , 12:10 PM
even the good players run bad, gg FJ
Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-09-2007 , 01:17 PM
siigh. I played pretty well today I think even though I bubbled like a fish. I guess it happens from time to time. Thanks to everyone that cares.
Wow man, v rigged. C-ya in AC, couple days.
Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
09-09-2007 , 02:22 PM

Nice run Jon
Jon "FieryJustice" Little Chipleader of WPT Biloxi Quote
