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Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings

04-23-2012 , 04:13 AM
Man, it's gotta be super stressful to worry that if you lose money you may have to wait a month or so before your beach house will have furniture. The humanity!!
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-23-2012 , 07:04 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Still, lot of haters in this thread. Maybe if she wasn't so harshly treated in these forums, as she has said in the past, she would've inspired more female fish to play.
Yeah she is getting a lot of hate and it's mostly because she kinda acts like a ditz slightly but you cant be that successful at acting and be stupid. She is actually pretty smart and she must be to be that successful. I honestly can't really say how good a poker player she is and I would love to hear from more people who have played with her. She must be a winning player.

I know she won a bracelet in 2005 for the ladies WSOP event but when did she win the second and for what event?
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-23-2012 , 09:58 AM
good for her for winning so much.
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-23-2012 , 10:02 AM
If she played topless I'd be all about her bragging
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-23-2012 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by MicroRoller
That f***ing **** get's what she deserves.

Who the f*** does she think she is?

Going on national TV shows and other media outlets and talking/writing about poker.

Going on poker TV shows to play and possibly attracting non poker playing fans of hers to watch and experience poker.

Trying to make poker her career and actually having some success.

Showing her cleavage all the time.

She should be ashamed of herself. I mean did you see that time she didn't bet the 3rd nuts for value on the river?
All of this.

Tilly is awesome, and great to have as someone who is enthusiastic about the game. Haters are being short-sighted, imo.
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-23-2012 , 02:15 PM
Not sure why anyone would be angry/jealous/insulted by a semi-famous celebrity from the movie industry who is totally engrossed in the poker lifestyle. She has been dating a well known poker pro for years and provides plenty of exposure to a much wider audience than any other person could.

Let's consider what broader exposure she brings: she is female, she is known for movies (instant recognition) and she is accepted at the table by her fellow male players on TV. This is a huge win/win for any of us who play live poker on a regular basis. Not only do the poker shows gain a broader audience by her presence, but we as players are seeing (I have definitely seen) this translate into more female players at the table, as I would say more older female players as well. This is coming from someone who has been at least a semi-regular player for a decade.

There was a time when I would see only one or two female poker players at the limit game, now I am seeing dozens at the no limit games. I would NEVER see a woman player over the age of 30 at my local casino, now I am seeing grandmothers play. I imagine that her marketing has helped. Women see her on TV, recognize her and think, "hey, playing poker isn't so intimidating after all, even actresses are sitting down with thousands of dollars against these serious men". Sounds good to me, I want the poker player pool to expand not dry up.

Furthermore, to those who doubt her skill, she can play any way she wants; good, bad or indifferent. She ponies up the cash at the table she is dealt cards it's simple, wtf would anyone care what she says or thinks? If you want to outplay her than go buy into her game. I have never seen her trash talk or overestimate her skill, she is one of the more classier players at the table. Also, based on her television hands (which is all I can judge her by) she has become a much better player since the famous Antonius hand. She may have been tight/scared/weak in the past but she isn't anymore and I imagine she is probably a winning player now based on her more aggressive, yet, relatively snug style. I notice she has better control of her emotions too as she doesn't monkey tilt, something all poker players would like to improve on.

For those of you who worship some of the so-called "great" poker players, check out season 5 of the Party Poker Big Game, she was the second biggest winner behind Tony G for the 48 hour session. In one particular pot a well known cash player got his chips all in on a naked flush draw against her flopped trips and tossed her $42,000 pounds when she called and faded the diamonds. Seems to me it is the other more "skilled" players who are trying to outgamble her instead of outplaying her.

Keep it up Tilly, all of us live players need the business!
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-24-2012 , 02:38 AM
quit hating on jennifer tilly. shes GREAT for poker while maybe not necessarily being GREAT AT poker
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-24-2012 , 05:17 AM
[QUOTE=*******;32749350]Yeah she is getting a lot of hate and it's mostly because she kinda acts like a ditz slightly but you cant be that successful at acting and be stupid. She is actually pretty smart and she must be to be that successful. I honestly can't really say how good a poker player she is and I would love to hear from more people who have played with her. She must be a winning player.

Smart? How smart do you have to be to have a great rack and the common sense to bang and marry a rich guy?
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-24-2012 , 05:23 AM
Originally Posted by LastLife
She might not have the skills that others have, but she probably gets into games that your average poker players can't.
true story. she is propably welcome at the high stakes tables as a fishy yammy yammy ;-)
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-24-2012 , 05:49 AM
This is all I know....she's older than me, and looks better than most women half her age. Obviously the half-Asian thing and a great plastic surgeon going for her.

I remember her and Gina Gershon in Bound in '96, and I immediately wanted to do a threesome with them lol.

Who cares about her prattling? It's hilarious. I mean, I guess she never read the intro to Richard Marcus' Dirty Poker. You know, well...go read it for yourself.

My verdict: definitely good for the game.
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-24-2012 , 06:15 AM
Originally Posted by nzrone
true story. she is propably welcome at the high stakes tables as a fishy yammy yammy ;-)
I was thinking more along the lines of Toby's/Larry Flynt's/etc that pros don't usually get into.
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-24-2012 , 06:21 AM
Change thread title to the ****Jen Tilly Appreciation thread**** imo

Jen is awesome and definitely marriage material, I'd bet it was mostly Mr Simon's fault they split
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-03-2014 , 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by Oxata
but you cant be that successful at acting and be stupid.
Tom Cruise
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-03-2014 , 06:03 AM
articles like this are good for poker
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-03-2014 , 06:07 AM
Jennifer is extremely nice and friendly.
if more people conducted themselves as she does at the table the poker world would be a more welcoming and friendly environment.

and to all the ppl talking about how she just found some rich guy and took him for 1/2 his $$$ like she was a gold digging whore, maybe you should not comment on people's relationships when u don't have a clue wtf ur talking about.

her and Sam remained very close friends even after the divorce.
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-03-2014 , 07:13 AM
Originally Posted by Downbylaw11
quit hating on jennifer tilly. shes GREAT for poker while maybe not necessarily being GREAT AT poker
This this this!
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-03-2014 , 08:21 AM
Sick bump
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-03-2014 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by riverboatking
Jennifer is extremely nice and friendly.
if more people conducted themselves as she does at the table the poker world would be a more welcoming and friendly environment.

and to all the ppl talking about how she just found some rich guy and took him for 1/2 his $$$ like she was a gold digging whore, maybe you should not comment on people's relationships when u don't have a clue wtf ur talking about.

her and Sam remained very close friends even after the divorce.
Right on all points RBK Phil and Jen still spend time with Sam fairly often. The ironic part these is when they married Sam wasn't even successful yet. He was just another writer for the sitcom Cheers, and she was doing small parts in shows including Cheers. That show could be where they met actually. His major success did not come till 4-5 years into their marriage. This woman has money, connections, and the freedom to do anything in the world and she elects to be part of the poker community and the little wannabes in that very community crap on her.
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-03-2014 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by JamesD816
Right on all points RBK Phil and Jen still spend time with Sam fairly often. The ironic part these is when they married Sam wasn't even successful yet. He was just another writer for the sitcom Cheers, and she was doing small parts in shows including Cheers. That show could be where they met actually. His major success did not come till 4-5 years into their marriage. This woman has money, connections, and the freedom to do anything in the world and she elects to be part of the poker community and the little wannabes in that very community crap on her.
Agreed with all this...she's definitely good for the game and maybe even moreso than her pro poker player husband/boyfriend.

I am surprised so many in NVG think she is attractive, kinda reinforces the stereotype of the young male living in mom's basement playing Internet poker IMO.
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-03-2014 , 03:08 PM
I'm usually a troll but Jennifer is lovely and I have a crush on her.
She has a great set of top bollocks and a winning personality.
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-03-2014 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Vstate60
Agreed with all this...she's definitely good for the game and maybe even moreso than her pro poker player husband/boyfriend.

I am surprised so many in NVG think she is attractive, kinda reinforces the stereotype of the young male living in mom's basement playing Internet poker IMO.
Bro I know you aren't being disrespectful like many others but I have to ask, what year were you born? Jen was born in the 1950's. Do we expect her to look like Kate Upton at 22? Jen is a beautiful sweet unaffected and accomplished woman. She better looking and in better shape then 99% of hollywood people her age, 99.9% of the rest of the world at her age and most ironically 99% of NVG trolls half her age that criticize her.
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-03-2014 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by JamesD816
Bro I know you aren't being disrespectful like many others but I have to ask, what year were you born? Jen was born in the 1950's. Do we expect her to look like Kate Upton at 22? Jen is a beautiful sweet unaffected and accomplished woman. She better looking and in better shape then 99% of hollywood people her age, 99.9% of the rest of the world at her age and most ironically 99% of NVG trolls half her age that criticize her.
I wasn't judging by a recent picture of her, more like 2008/9ish when she was on PAD, as well as the flicks I saw her in as a kid. I believe most everyone in this thread is subconsciously judging her looks AND poker skills from that time period. I am just honestly surprised at the number of posters saying they rank her as hot/well above average, her age not a factor of adding to/taking away from her ranking.
I'll admit I get that you believe she's attractive because of her personality--carefree/fun/like able/etc. I'm just stating my opinion on her aesthetics: I'm surprised so many commented that she looks good, and I disagree.
Definitely not attempting to be a 'hater' as my point was to agree that she is great for the game.

Last edited by Vstate60; 04-03-2014 at 03:59 PM. Reason: Edit: 1986
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-03-2014 , 05:03 PM
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-03-2014 , 05:26 PM
Vstate it was clear you were not hating, I apologize if I wasn't clear. That is a great Carson clip prof. She was GREAT on Craig ferguson in like 2011 as well, I don't know how to post a clip like that. She had one tv appearance on a talk show where she goes on about poker players and how they lie and bury money in countries everywhere that is absolutely hysterical. I don't remember who did the interview but it was 100% gold.
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
04-03-2014 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by JamesD816
Right on all points RBK Phil and Jen still spend time with Sam fairly often. The ironic part these is when they married Sam wasn't even successful yet. He was just another writer for the sitcom Cheers, and she was doing small parts in shows including Cheers. That show could be where they met actually. His major success did not come till 4-5 years into their marriage. This woman has money, connections, and the freedom to do anything in the world and she elects to be part of the poker community and the little wannabes in that very community crap on her.
Ok this to me sounds fine. Most ppl describe her as apney digger. But put like that she clearly isn't. I was wondering why would you marry as a super rich Simpsons creator but now it all makes sense.

A bit like guy laliberte a wife who was with him for like 20 years, gave him 3 (4)? Children and ppl were going mad that she wanted like 50 mil which is pretty much loose change to guy. And you can't call her a gold digger either, but ppl did.

Also she looks quite hot in that video. Well her figure looks amazing. Not so much her face
Jennifer Tilly brags about her poker winnings Quote
