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Jamie gold is on my left... Jamie gold is on my left...

02-04-2012 , 09:23 AM
Be utterly aware at any moment in time he just migh have TOP-TOP!
my best advise is to sit-out and hope your table breaks before you blind-out

Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by tcash777
****, just ran huge bluff against big stack, he had top 2
Put him on top top?
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 11:42 AM
Once was a time when I enjoyed kevmode's posts but lately they all seem horrible
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by slowlane123
Once was a time when I enjoyed kevmode's posts but lately they all seem horrible

I think he got a semi when that youtube vid was made about him and now he's just trolling / attention whoring. Mods should ban him.
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 03:26 PM
wow I think kevmode is actually serious

[x] facepalm
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 03:37 PM
tell him you have top-top
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by kevmode
You shouldn't be on the phone while at the table, its rude and bad manners. I am 100% real and if I was at the table I would call the floor on you.
I'd just look at you like lolwhut If you call floor on me for being on my phone, that's dumb
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 04:20 PM
Ask him if he fancies a bit of slicklegging - rinse repeat
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 04:35 PM
Ask him for some blueberries.

Repeat, rinse, repeat.
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by MrBump

I think he got a semi when that youtube vid was made about him and now he's just trolling / attention whoring. Mods should ban him.

Saw a reference the other day but came up empty in search.
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 04:53 PM
i really don't like when people are twittering or using their phone on the tables, after all its just a game and not a fb/twitter party. What's next, laptops? Now I expect to get harassed from all the iphone users hehe
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 05:01 PM
Personally I don't have a problem with it.I know how boring it can be sitting at a poker table during a long session.
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 05:06 PM
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 05:14 PM
Not derailed, it ran out of batteries.
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 05:15 PM
As long as it's happening in between hands and not slowing game down should be no problem.

Problem with some of you nits is that you play poker as your job. It's work for you to play poker, you need the income and you take it very seriously.

For many people though it is just about having fun and nothing more than entertainment. Would you call the floor on your buddy for texting at your home game???? lol...

Get over it and remember that poker is a game and is supposed to be about having fun. live a little.
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by kevmode
You shouldn't be on the phone while at the table, its rude and bad manners. I am 100% real and if I was at the table I would call the floor on you.
hahaha, this guy keeps leveling everyone at 2+2...
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by kevmode
You shouldn't be on the phone while at the table, its rude and bad manners. I am 100% real and if I was at the table I would call the floor on you.
Well, when you're old enough to sit at a real poker table, then it's your prerogative.

See you at the tables in 4 years!
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 05:33 PM
This is why I call Kevmode NVG's greatest troll.
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 05:39 PM
Yeah, but you're the most gullible person on Earth.
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 05:47 PM
Kevmode relax a little, life is a lot more fun when you do.
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by CaliStyle
Kevmode relax a little, life is a lot more fun when you do.
I am relaxed just not a fan of phones at the table. Why do you need to be on your phone anyways? If you have a phone call that is important you can just get up and handle it. When I have played live cash games I have seen people slowing down the game with their ipad or cell phone. Why is it trolling to not want a cell phone being used at the table? You guys seriously think its not rude to be on your phone while other people are in a big pot? It isn't that hard to just sit out a few hands and use your phone instead of being on it every hand. Is it my turn? Did he check? How much is it to call? Am I in the big blind this hand? I hear these type of questions all the time by people texting or talking on the phone while in pots.
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 06:09 PM
trolls gonna troll

But really, if you're not bothering anybody or slowing down the game, who cares?
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 06:28 PM
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 06:46 PM
i wonder how many infractions kevmod has got lifetime coz he's always trolling.
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
02-04-2012 , 06:50 PM
Ask Jamie if he's got top top.
Jamie gold is on my left... Quote
