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The irony of having the word "views" in a forums title The irony of having the word "views" in a forums title

03-10-2008 , 07:08 PM
is that the moment you begin to express these views, your views get deleted.
03-10-2008 , 07:25 PM
Conform to the status quo, or maybe just ease up a little on your view that all players are delusional losers.
03-10-2008 , 07:33 PM
can Mods just block OP from making threads totally?...
03-10-2008 , 07:50 PM
the forum is full of denial and despots.

and rev, that is NOT my view. ty.
03-10-2008 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by Britessential
is that the moment you begin to express these views, your views get deleted.
The biggest problem with this forum is that I was considering starting a "****** of the day" award but the same person would win it every day.
03-10-2008 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by Britessential
is that the moment you begin to express these views, your views get deleted.
1. persecution complex

One of the top fifteen factors that can transform a reasonable, amiable, friendly person with reasonable, friendly beliefs and ideas into a ranting, screaming, judgemental zealot with poisonous, nauseating, self-righteous dreck for beliefs.

Persecution complex can strike anyone, regardless of belief, creed or religion, or whether they disagree with you or not. Once you start believing that the whole world is against you, you begin to justify your abominable actions by the presumed hostility of the world. Mind you, it's a great way to not only make enemies, but also an excellent way of making people reject your beliefs and idealogy.
03-10-2008 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by kailua
1. persecution complex

One of the top fifteen factors that can transform a reasonable, amiable, friendly person with reasonable, friendly beliefs and ideas into a ranting, screaming, judgemental zealot with poisonous, nauseating, self-righteous dreck for beliefs.

Persecution complex can strike anyone, regardless of belief, creed or religion, or whether they disagree with you or not. Once you start believing that the whole world is against you, you begin to justify your abominable actions by the presumed hostility of the world. Mind you, it's a great way to not only make enemies, but also an excellent way of making people reject your beliefs and idealogy.
some how, i dont think brit cares about making friends and followers.

sure, it probably only makes enemies with people who would let you down when it counts any way.

i like brit just fine.

the world IS hostile. hell, even the son of god was crucified.

however, i dont agree with britt's testament that poker cant be beat but he does have some good arguments to back his claims.

the only problem with some of his arguments is that they are true only in a vacuum and i'm not sure he realizes this.
03-10-2008 , 09:39 PM
The mods are actually just protecting the forums that they enjoy and have so rightfully volunteered to "moderate" them.
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