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'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones 'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones

06-08-2015 , 05:14 PM
Just saw this really cool video featuring Randy 'Nanonoko' Lew, The Mountain from Game of Thrones and LuckyChewy. I think the film was directed by one of the producers from the show too. Very cool. I don't think it's to be taken too seriously, but let me know what you guys think.
'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-08-2015 , 05:22 PM
Chewy's beard is the dirty hipster look taken to extremes.
Grab a shave.
'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-08-2015 , 05:27 PM
Pretty cool and it looks like it cost somebody a lot of money.
'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-08-2015 , 05:44 PM
Awesome this video is also pretty hillarious featuring nanonoko and the mountain!
'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-08-2015 , 06:21 PM
'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-08-2015 , 06:34 PM
He must drink Lýsi.

'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-08-2015 , 06:40 PM
wtf did i just watch ? was well done !
'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-09-2015 , 02:37 AM
That was horrid. I want my 5 minutes back.

Isn't that Hafthor like literally one of the strongest men on the Planet?
'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-09-2015 , 07:06 AM
Originally Posted by bulls_horn
Isn't that Hafthor like literally one of the strongest men on the Planet?
He's one of the best Strongman competitors on the planet, which is not necessarily exactly the same thing, it depends on how you define 'strong'. Powerlifting, strongman and Olympic lifting are all strength sports and it's fairly academic as to which top competitor is the strongest.

But yeah, he's a total, world class beast.
'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-09-2015 , 10:21 AM
wtf, i dont get this
'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-09-2015 , 10:32 AM
The Mountain had Kings in his hand in the clip. True to form. Great stuff!
'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-09-2015 , 11:12 AM
"a pair of sixes"
'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-09-2015 , 11:18 AM

'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-09-2015 , 02:05 PM
lol'ed at that as well
'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-09-2015 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by WereBeer
He's one of the best Strongman competitors on the planet, which is not necessarily exactly the same thing, it depends on how you define 'strong'. Powerlifting, strongman and Olympic lifting are all strength sports and it's fairly academic as to which top competitor is the strongest.

But yeah, he's a total, world class beast.
Olympic lifters are, without fear of contradiction, the most powerful athletes in the world. There is no power just strength in powerlifting. BTW did you notice the abs on Halftor? He's four hundred pounds. You never see that on anyone over 250 unless you have a terrific pharmacist.
'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-09-2015 , 09:09 PM
Thanks guys for all of the comments! Always love reading them. Hope you guys enjoyed it and of course it's not suppose to be taking seriously! hahha. It really was an epic trip being on set as well as the means to get to the icecave through the glacier. Literally 0 paved roads and a surreal experience. If anyone has any comments, I'll try to answer!
'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-09-2015 , 09:29 PM
So Nano can't do 1 pull up.
'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-10-2015 , 04:42 AM
Originally Posted by Mulezen
Olympic lifters are, without fear of contradiction, the most powerful athletes in the world. There is no power just strength in powerlifting.
I think there's a case for powerlifting to be called strength lifting and Olympic lifting to be called power lifting. There's power in powerlifting though, training involves making the lifts explosive, obviously not to the same extent as Olympic lifting.

Originally Posted by Mulezen
BTW did you notice the abs on Halftor? He's four hundred pounds. You never see that on anyone over 250 unless you have a terrific pharmacist.
Safe to say that no-one gets to the highest echelon of any strength sport without excellent pharmaceutical connections.
'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-10-2015 , 04:58 AM
I gave it a dislike to be honest. The poker hands were corny in the first couple of minutes in the video. The part that killed it for me was when lucky chewy had a set with 66 and they called it a pair of 66. That scene right there was the reason I gave the dislike it was inaccurate and a poor effort.
'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-10-2015 , 05:20 AM
Originally Posted by Dwimmerlaike

That made me laugh really hard.
'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-10-2015 , 06:02 AM
Waste of time and money
'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-10-2015 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by nanonoko
Literally 0 paved roads and a surreal experience.
Quite a few cold decks though.

I enjoyed the video, fwiw.
'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-10-2015 , 03:05 PM
Yeah the poker hands may be a little bit corny but we did want to try to appeal to a wider audience outside of the most hardcore poker fans out there as we feel we shouldn't make people feel singled out when watching it if they are new to poker. We were also on a very strict timeline so shot all of this in 1 day w/out a real script. Commenting was done quickly due to scheduling so had to go w/ it. Good news like I said is that it shouldn't be taking too seriously. Maybe this article the producer (Peter) and I can help give you some better insight with pokernews?
'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-10-2015 , 03:44 PM
I thought it was pretty good, but im a fan of the mountain.
'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
06-10-2015 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by nanonoko
Thanks guys for all of the comments! Always love reading them. Hope you guys enjoyed it and of course it's not suppose to be taking seriously! hahha. It really was an epic trip being on set as well as the means to get to the icecave through the glacier. Literally 0 paved roads and a surreal experience. If anyone has any comments, I'll try to answer!
Randy... just fyi... you will final table WSOP event next week.
'Into the Poker Glacier' featuring Nanonoko and The Mountain from Game of Thrones Quote
