I bet High Stakes poker would appeal to those guys. Wouldn't High Stakes Poker season 6 be great if instead of Cassavetes and Meltzer they got JayZ and Puff Daddy?
....it would be incredibly good for the rest of us. Some of them may have been hugely successful in rap/business/clothing etc but I'm going to push the boat out and say they don't have even close to the required intelligence to be successful poker players. But they do have lots of moneyz. Wooot.
....it would be incredibly good for the rest of us. Some of them may have been hugely successful in rap/business/clothing etc but I'm going to push the boat out and say they don't have even close to the required intelligence to be successful poker players. But they do have lots of moneyz. Wooot.
it would be funny if p diddy had to take a taxi home....lol