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If Ben Lamb wins, will he go down as luckier in this tournament than Jamie Gold was in his? If Ben Lamb wins, will he go down as luckier in this tournament than Jamie Gold was in his?

11-08-2011 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by A MTT PRO
I couldn't agree more, but what if Lamb gets the sick cards and wins in an incredible fashion? How would you rank it.

1. Gold
2. Cada
3. Yang
4. Darvin
5. Lamb?

Maybe Lamb before Moon since Moon didn't take it down?
Regardless of whether or not Lamb wins I am still considering it a win based on skill.

Heinz had equally the same luck with his whole stack at risk and rivering a straight with KJ against AK.
11-08-2011 , 10:28 AM
nothing against lamb but he played awful so far at this ft and does not deserve to win, he made too many errors, heinz should win this, he deserves it, played much better
11-08-2011 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by TBreakfree
If you're going to consider Ben Lamb a luckbox you my aswell consider every single main event winner a luckbox. Ben Lamb ran good and plays like what he is: a pro.
no way! poker is skill game, best player wins.
11-08-2011 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by A MTT PRO
Ok guys, the title says it all. ...

... where do you put Lamb if he scores the win? I'm talking what if he gets dealt AA over KK, or flops set over set, or some crazy heater to take it down..... in addition to the lucky cards and crazy suckouts he has already got.

11-08-2011 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by A MTT PRO
It is hard to ask this question because we all know Ben Lamb is a solid player with good results over a span of time, and Jamie Gold hasn't had much luck since his score.
I really don't know what you are getting at.

Jamie Gold has probably had no worse luck than anyone else since his score, but his poker skills are so limited (to put it nicely) that the ONLY way he has ANY kind of shot to go deep in a big-field MTT is if he gets on an incredible heater.

For Ben Lamb to go deep, he only needs a few critical hands to go his way, just like ANY talented pro in a big-field event. Which is a hundred times more likely to happen (at the least) than for Gold to have another six-sigma run.
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