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I am not a cheater. Zenith Poker HU Scandal from Paint's POV I am not a cheater. Zenith Poker HU Scandal from Paint's POV

05-10-2024 , 05:52 AM
This is certainly not right, where to they slander him? They should be grateful they got full compensation back as that’s totally unheard of in this spot and they would have been powerless had Paint said “**** you”

Even in the situation where they are right that he cheated (which I contest), it’s not right to shame someone for their mistakes after they’ve repented
I am not a cheater. Zenith Poker HU Scandal from Paint's POV Quote
05-10-2024 , 06:28 AM
Originally Posted by jungleman
This is certainly not right, where to they slander him? They should be grateful they got full compensation back as that’s totally unheard of in this spot and they would have been powerless had Paint said “**** you”

Even in the situation where they are right that he cheated (which I contest), it’s not right to shame someone for their mistakes after they’ve repented
A lot of the slandering was made in the public discord groups where the challenge was issues. This thread below however is a good example of some on it on 2p2. The person who made the thread (ppl say Brandon but it was never confirmed, at the least it's someone close to him) and few others repeatedly refer to Paint as a cheater. Where as any reasonable person would use their brain and understand that cheating is a very binary term in poker. If he in fact was cheating as they imply he obviously would have been banned from the site. It's incredibly malicious to use that word over and over to try to hurt paints reputation after him returning the money. He clearly shouldn't be treated the same if he returns the money as if he didnt?

Same poster also posted in another thread and went on a crusade accusing some innocent person of using RTA and had Berkey bring it up on his podcast/made poker Twitter go nuts. Only because the guy was a friend of Zenith (?).

I do believe Zenith is a scum 100%, but that doesn't make it right to call someone a RTA:er and spread it as aggressively as they did (over podcasts/twitter/2p2). The guy who was accused had his stars account frozen and was claimed innocent. Once again the signs here was obvious, I did review the accused persons leaks from one of my students database and the guy was like a incredibly passive 45 wwsf and steady diving redline. No one who looked at his hands would think he was a cheater. His results were also way below the avg reg and very mediocre in terms of winrate.

My point with this is that they are all super totalitarian and act kinda cult like against anyone who doesn't agree with them. It's outrageous to claim that anyone in poker should be guilty until proven innocent.
I am not a cheater. Zenith Poker HU Scandal from Paint's POV Quote
05-10-2024 , 06:38 AM
Good to see I was not crazy with this one
I am not a cheater. Zenith Poker HU Scandal from Paint's POV Quote
05-10-2024 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by jungleman
I haven’t read all the thread but happened to talk with Cole and get his side so likely I am biased. This sounds like wild injustice

So firstly, apparently the arbitrators had a previously an undisclosed relationship with Brandon. I thought it’s within the spirit of arbitration to disclose such facts?

I find it very funny that Brandon has a history of data mining, which is EXPLICITLY banned from websites, now cries that Paint did just the same but expedited version (all showdowns instead of showdowns given x% of the time).

Oh, so it was ok when Brandon broke the rules (ie, cheated?) from any viewpoint against everyone else same transgression to everyone else, but when someone does a novel transgression that was *not* explicitly stated against he cries that it’s unfair and wants a full refund ? Wild hypocrisy, and the irony is that the population that is illegally datamined from (cheating?) supports him and calls Paint a cheater. And Paint never broke an overt rule

If Paint is a cheater, Brandon is a rampant cheater likely to even the audience of this post. Shall we also arbitrate his poker winnings and demand he give all of it back?

On arbitration ruling that Paint is a liar and now all of his word can now longer be trusted, oh so who among us has not lied ever? Is that how this works? Can no one now be trusted since we are all liars? Did arbitration conveniently forget that Brandon deleted the message about him being “ok” and think that wasn’t lying?

I can’t even really say that for sure inequity was on Brandon’s side here when he condones datamining. Is it also wrong if you get a read or handhistories secretly from a friend on how a player plays? Where is the line here? Shouldn’t this all be defined if we are going to scream “cheating?” Paint can say that he didn’t break any rules, actually

Lastly the punishment does not fit the crime. As a seasoned HU player I can tell you that studying Brandon’s handhistories no where remotely guarantees a win from Paint, and I don’t think this benefit changes the outcome of the match by more than 15% of the difference of wins/losses. A punishment should fit the crime, not be wildly disproportionate to it on the basis that it was wrong only especially when acted in good faith which Paint seems to have.

Ofc I’m biased but it sounded to me that most of the EV really came from the immense preparation of strategy Paint made and I do not think it’s right that all that effort should count for nothing for what looks to not possess malintent
Fuzzy on the details, but a lot of what Cole says now doesn't align with the statement he put out here:

I believe that Cole and Brandon both had to agree to the arbitrators. He never mentions that as being an issue in his statement.

From Cole:

This aside, I have no reason to believe arbitration fully understood what we had access to or how it could be used. We certainly were not forthcoming with this information, and Brandon likely had incentive to misrepresent its usefulness. In light of this informational gap, and aware that I had misrepresented what I knew and when I knew it, arbitration ordered me to pay back everything I had won. From my perspective, this was not the correct ruling, but I couldn’t fault arbitration for this conclusion in light of what they had access to. There was very little we had gained from using the database, and when it was accessed I was unaware of the ethical implications of what we were doing. I was fully aware of the ethical implications of misrepresenting what we had access to and when it was known to the arbitration panel. I have paid back nearly $70,000 to all parties affected, despite my conviction that the ruling is incorrect, and my inside knowledge that the database was fairly useless. I do, however, appreciate the arbitration panel who worked very hard on this, and, despite ruling against me, I hold no ill-will toward them for their decision.

Moving forward, I promise to conduct myself ethically. I’m not a scammer. I’m not a cheater. I will try to make amends moving forward in any way I know how. If you have any questions, please contact me on discord.

I think the key is that they had lied about having access to the DB to begin with, so everything was tainted at that point.
I am not a cheater. Zenith Poker HU Scandal from Paint's POV Quote
05-10-2024 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by ggbruuce
A lot of the slandering was made in the public discord groups where the challenge was issues. This thread below however is a good example of some on it on 2p2. The person who made the thread (ppl say Brandon but it was never confirmed, at the least it's someone close to him) and few others repeatedly refer to Paint as a cheater. Where as any reasonable person would use their brain and understand that cheating is a very binary term in poker. If he in fact was cheating as they imply he obviously would have been banned from the site. It's incredibly malicious to use that word over and over to try to hurt paints reputation after him returning the money. He clearly shouldn't be treated the same if he returns the money as if he didnt?

Same poster also posted in another thread and went on a crusade accusing some innocent person of using RTA and had Berkey bring it up on his podcast/made poker Twitter go nuts. Only because the guy was a friend of Zenith (?).

I do believe Zenith is a scum 100%, but that doesn't make it right to call someone a RTA:er and spread it as aggressively as they did (over podcasts/twitter/2p2). The guy who was accused had his stars account frozen and was claimed innocent. Once again the signs here was obvious, I did review the accused persons leaks from one of my students database and the guy was like a incredibly passive 45 wwsf and steady diving redline. No one who looked at his hands would think he was a cheater. His results were also way below the avg reg and very mediocre in terms of winrate.

My point with this is that they are all super totalitarian and act kinda cult like against anyone who doesn't agree with them. It's outrageous to claim that anyone in poker should be guilty until proven innocent.
Still waiting for them to go after all datamining, lol

They are overreactive for sure
I am not a cheater. Zenith Poker HU Scandal from Paint's POV Quote
05-10-2024 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by MicroDonkYT
Fuzzy on the details, but a lot of what Cole says now doesn't align with the statement he put out here:

I believe that Cole and Brandon both had to agree to the arbitrators. He never mentions that as being an issue in his statement.

From Cole:

This aside, I have no reason to believe arbitration fully understood what we had access to or how it could be used. We certainly were not forthcoming with this information, and Brandon likely had incentive to misrepresent its usefulness. In light of this informational gap, and aware that I had misrepresented what I knew and when I knew it, arbitration ordered me to pay back everything I had won. From my perspective, this was not the correct ruling, but I couldn’t fault arbitration for this conclusion in light of what they had access to. There was very little we had gained from using the database, and when it was accessed I was unaware of the ethical implications of what we were doing. I was fully aware of the ethical implications of misrepresenting what we had access to and when it was known to the arbitration panel. I have paid back nearly $70,000 to all parties affected, despite my conviction that the ruling is incorrect, and my inside knowledge that the database was fairly useless. I do, however, appreciate the arbitration panel who worked very hard on this, and, despite ruling against me, I hold no ill-will toward them for their decision.

Moving forward, I promise to conduct myself ethically. I’m not a scammer. I’m not a cheater. I will try to make amends moving forward in any way I know how. If you have any questions, please contact me on discord.

I think the key is that they had lied about having access to the DB to begin with, so everything was tainted at that point.
Not good for sure, but didn’t he also admit that he did have it and wasn’t it clear that Brandon deleted a text also? Him complying with arbitration doesn’t mean it’s a fair ruling…

Also to say an arbitration is “tainted” because of a detail implies it may act not exactly fairly
I am not a cheater. Zenith Poker HU Scandal from Paint's POV Quote
05-10-2024 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by jungleman
Not good for sure, but didn’t he also admit that he did have it and wasn’t it clear that Brandon deleted a text also? Him complying with arbitration doesn’t mean it’s a fair ruling…

Also to say an arbitration is “tainted” because of a detail implies it may act not exactly fairly
I am not sure what your point is. Cole has changed his story during and after the events, so anything he says can't be trusted, and he admitted as much in the statement I linked above.

It may or may not be a fair ruling, but this is what I understand to be the facts:
  • Cole may or may not have had access to the DB the whole time. It is unclear, because he lied multiple times and attempted to cover it up
  • Cole was involved in the selection of the arb panel and may have hand selected a few of the people
  • Cole agreed to be bound to the ruling

Anything outside of this really doesn't matter, IMO. He deserves credit for paying out, because he could have been a scumbag and just everyone to piss off, but he paid. My biggest issue with the whole thing is that if Cole didn't think it was a big deal, why get involved in a conspiracy to cover it up?

There is a lot of source material in the original thread, which is where I got the statement from:
I am not a cheater. Zenith Poker HU Scandal from Paint's POV Quote
05-10-2024 , 01:35 PM
Why does it matter if Cole thinks it is a big deal? If I jaywalk, but am mistakenly convinced that jaywalking is as terrible as murder, and go out of my way to lie about the fact that I jaywalked, and even change some digital records of me jaywalking, it doesn't mean I'm a murderer.
I am not a cheater. Zenith Poker HU Scandal from Paint's POV Quote
05-10-2024 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by franklymydearirais
Why does it matter if Cole thinks it is a big deal? If I jaywalk, but am mistakenly convinced that jaywalking is as terrible as murder, and go out of my way to lie about the fact that I jaywalked, and even change some digital records of me jaywalking, it doesn't mean I'm a murderer.
No but it means you cant be trusted and taints the value of your word
I am not a cheater. Zenith Poker HU Scandal from Paint's POV Quote
05-10-2024 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by dude45
No but it means you cant be trusted and taints the value of your word

Also doesn't matter. This isn't a "better person" contest. There aren't any disputed facts at this stage afaik, except maybe the # of HHS Paint had access to. Which IMO isn't really what the decision should hang on.

Last edited by whosnext; 05-11-2024 at 11:53 AM. Reason: mod fixed quoting
I am not a cheater. Zenith Poker HU Scandal from Paint's POV Quote
05-14-2024 , 02:31 AM
so it seems like there are a lot of people who think this was unfair it sounds like there are 2 different justifications though.

One side seems to say since data mining was allowed this is also fine. i am not sure if i agree with it but i get where this sentiment is coming from and its certainly something worth discussing.

The other camp seems to say well nobody proved that access to the database actually gave him an edge. Which only makes sense to mention and or discuss if you accept that it was cheating to utilise the database. so this doesn't make sense to me at all. How the hell can you ask for proof that the party who cheated actually benefited from the cheating?

Oh yeah i did use rta but you have no proof that i won because of it so its okay. Yes i was on steroids but you cant proof thats why i won so its okay.

Thats an absolute moronic way of arguing and thinking and actually says a a lot about you. in my opinion every person that argues like this is not to be trusted and if they aren't actively involved in cheating right now they are likely to in the future.
I am not a cheater. Zenith Poker HU Scandal from Paint's POV Quote
05-14-2024 , 11:03 AM
You can’t just accuse people and be like I’m right because logic says so. You gotta evidence showing why you’re right and how
I am not a cheater. Zenith Poker HU Scandal from Paint's POV Quote
05-14-2024 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
You can’t just accuse people and be like I’m right because logic says so. You gotta evidence showing why you’re right and how
Exactly what is it that you think hasn't been proven?
I am not a cheater. Zenith Poker HU Scandal from Paint's POV Quote
09-19-2024 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by Duncelanas
I edited my comment minutes after posting to provide more detail, and also gave you credit for the things you did right.

You are chain refreshing this thread and taking screenshots trying to play gotcha games. Not to mention, the more concrete claims in my edit are 100% true.

As I said before, this is not the way, man.
As someone who edits comments after posting; relatable as f---. People always try to use edited posts as 'gotchas'. Obnoxious TBH.
I am not a cheater. Zenith Poker HU Scandal from Paint's POV Quote
