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HighStakes Bathroom propbet HighStakes Bathroom propbet

02-01-2008 , 02:57 PM
so, i can't this kid still in the can or not?
02-01-2008 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by shakedown
Money has been shipped - thanks good2cu. Time to spin it up!
Awesome! I can finally stop checking on this thread every couple of days.

Congrats, Shakedown.

G2CU, GL collecting from Jay. You had already been much more foregiving of his other transgressions than you had to.
02-01-2008 , 09:10 PM
For the record. Andrew lost the bet last night for a very large amount of money and he still paid Shakedown. We appreciate all the people who watched and monitored while Jay was in the bathroom.

I am sure that Andrew will post a full trip report of the events that went down last night at the Bellagio, it was one hell of a night.

Jay should be back in the poker room doing what he does best.....playing poker
02-01-2008 , 09:16 PM
wait what?

Guy stepped out of the bathroom and won the bet?
02-01-2008 , 09:18 PM
Congrats Shakedown...glad to see you got paid.

wait?....G2CU LOST the bet?
02-01-2008 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by surfinillini
wait what?

Guy stepped out of the bathroom and won the bet?
Maybe they decided part of his butt was still in the bathroom.
02-01-2008 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by surfinillini
wait what?

Guy stepped out of the bathroom and won the bet?
He won the last 30 days in the bathroom bet in fewer than 30 days?
02-01-2008 , 09:30 PM
Lmao @ Jay telling broad to take her shoes off when she enters...

I bet that guy is too fun to party with. How did he win though? Was it his cousin?
02-01-2008 , 09:44 PM
Maybe G2cu bought out
02-01-2008 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by OmahaDoc80
For the record. Andrew lost the bet last night for a very large amount of money and he still paid Shakedown. We appreciate all the people who watched and monitored while Jay was in the bathroom.
Gee, what a standup guy, eventually breaking down and fulfilling his contractual obligation to pay the person who got a picture of him stepping out of the bathroom or giving up on the bet. I am oh so impressed.
02-02-2008 , 04:49 AM
Haters hate.
02-02-2008 , 08:34 AM
went to bellagio today and got all the Bathroom Gossip for you NVG fiends.

The two sides decided to have the bet mediated by Marlon, a bellagio regular and friend of Jays for 10+ yrs. Marlon ruled in Jays favor obv. G2CU paid Jay in full(40k).

So Jay only spent 20 days in the bathroom and won the bet.

cliff notes: G2CU got hustled

also there were some other controversies involving box drilling and other things, but i stopped paying attention.

Last edited by jck8; 02-02-2008 at 08:58 AM. Reason: didnt see Brandi, Sklansky or Black Teddy srry
02-02-2008 , 10:24 AM
I want to do prop bets with G2CU, he seems to hate money.
02-02-2008 , 10:37 AM
So this lobotomy can be locked now?
02-02-2008 , 12:30 PM
LOL, the mediator is a longtime friend of Jay's? Well played.
02-02-2008 , 12:34 PM
I'm G2CU and i'm affriad of the big bad internet forum

waaaahhh waaaahh!!! please guys don't say mean things, i just lost 1 tournament.

Hey G2CU you might remember this website from high school
It might help again
02-02-2008 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by jck8
went to bellagio today and got all the Bathroom Gossip for you NVG fiends.

The two sides decided to have the bet mediated by Marlon, a bellagio regular and friend of Jays for 10+ yrs. Marlon ruled in Jays favor obv. G2CU paid Jay in full(40k).

So Jay only spent 20 days in the bathroom and won the bet.

cliff notes: G2CU got hustled

also there were some other controversies involving box drilling and other things, but i stopped paying attention.

dear god I hope this isnt true, no one can be this dumb can they?
02-02-2008 , 05:06 PM
I can't possibly believe that g2cu would actually pay up and do so early like that.
That's pretty ridiculous.

Actually, this whole thing is ridiculous.
He ended up actually stepping out of the bathroom HOW many times through all this? He talked to HOW many people through all this?

None of this, "But he thought it was okay because of...." crap.
The bet was to not step out OR have any outside-world contact except for the cell-phone minutes and I guess room-service.
Yet he had a few hello's in there, hi-5 with the pizza guy, talk with the cops about his brother or whatever.

How on earth does he have a bet to not have contact with the outside world and not step out of the bathroom and even have any chance of winning when he continually has contact with the outside world and really does step outside the bathroom?

This whole thing is beyond ******ed.
02-02-2008 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by jck8
went to bellagio today and got all the Bathroom Gossip for you NVG fiends.

The two sides decided to have the bet mediated by Marlon, a bellagio regular and friend of Jays for 10+ yrs. Marlon ruled in Jays favor obv. G2CU paid Jay in full(40k).

So Jay only spent 20 days in the bathroom and won the bet.

cliff notes: G2CU got hustled

also there were some other controversies involving box drilling and other things, but i stopped paying attention.
I rly hoep this isnt true. You def aren't this stupid.
02-02-2008 , 07:17 PM
02-02-2008 , 08:43 PM
LOL even if the mediator ruled that the guy hadn't lost the bet yet, he still hasn't won until the 30 days are up. Am I missing something here?
02-02-2008 , 09:08 PM
Wait so jay repeatedly broke the terms of the bet, didn't even stay in the bathroom for 30 days and collected 40K???????
02-02-2008 , 09:12 PM
I saw Jay in the Bellagio poker room this morning, and found out that they indeed had a mediator come in (wasn't told who it was) and that the mediator ruled in Jay's favor.

The mediator came into play over the day Jay had to take care of the notary due to the car crash.

Supposedly "everything was cool" over the stepping out and had been settled between the two parties (Jay and G2CU + whomever), but "10 days later" the G2CU party came back to Jay trying to rescind their agreement over what happened that day and thus the mediator came in.

If the mediator was indeed Marlon then a big LOL.

Jay got his money. Whether it was a buyout or the G2CU party tapping out knowing with 10 days left and in the clear there was no way Jay was gonna lose (and maybe wanting to not want to foot another 3K+ worth of hotel bill). I don't know.
02-03-2008 , 12:15 AM
I've learned one thing between this situation and the Curtains/Raptor chess match:

Some high-stakes poker-players are absolutely god-awful at prop-bets.
02-03-2008 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by bigbabyjesus
LOL, the mediator is a longtime friend of Jay's? Well played.
LOL, I've played with that ****er Marlon at Bellagio before. Filipino guy, lots of cheesy gold jewelry (maybe even a WSOP bracelet iirc). Bastard slowrolled me for a 3k pot son of a bitch.

Guy is a booze hounding, fontana bar whore chasing lagtard. He prob got a cut of Jay's loot.

ALSO the bet was for 30 days, guy won after 20 days, wtf bull**** is this? Jesus I'm on tilt now.
