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High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days

06-23-2016 , 09:43 PM
Jared is a spoiled brat. He grew up in a multimillion dollar home in Roslyn Long Island. His father works for Carl Icahn (who is rumored to have bankrolled him to get him started). Even if he goes broke, he'll never be broke because daddy will always help him out.
He bought a multimillion dollar apartment in Manhattan that he ran games out of last year raking $50k a week! The game was mostly a credit game (25-50 PLO) and the list of guys that owed money got a little too big for Jared to cover. In the end he screwed a bunch of people who won 6 figures in the game (I believe 500k total) out of their winning and never paid them. This is why he hasn't been in New York much in the last year.
What we have here is a trust fund kid who knows he'll never go life broke.
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-23-2016 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by 12bigworm81
Attention remaining players. We are now hand for hand and deck for deck.
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-24-2016 , 01:54 AM
These rulings are so unfair. I punched a dealer and was kicked out. Helmuth killed an entire satellite tournament and recieved no punishment.
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-24-2016 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by Flop artist
Jared is a spoiled brat. He grew up in a multimillion dollar home in Roslyn Long Island. His father works for Carl Icahn (who is rumored to have bankrolled him to get him started). Even if he goes broke, he'll never be broke because daddy will always help him out.
He bought a multimillion dollar apartment in Manhattan that he ran games out of last year raking $50k a week! The game was mostly a credit game (25-50 PLO) and the list of guys that owed money got a little too big for Jared to cover. In the end he screwed a bunch of people who won 6 figures in the game (I believe 500k total) out of their winning and never paid them. This is why he hasn't been in New York much in the last year.
What we have here is a trust fund kid who knows he'll never go life broke.
pretty sure this is the plot to Boiler Room
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-24-2016 , 07:01 AM
Originally Posted by chzbrglr
pretty sure this is the plot to Boiler Room
Approx 12 minutes into the movie and can confirm its the exact same plot.

High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-24-2016 , 08:53 AM
Does he still travel around with security? His backers won't be happy

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-24-2016 , 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by SootedPowa
Remember seeing this right after it aired and thinking that Ivey was being a massive douche. It may have been Jared's first time on TV and first time in a live setting with guys he respects (or did) and is in awe of. Being awkward is not the same as being deliberately rude.

Banning from the series seems fair.
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-24-2016 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by OMGMileyCyrus
Met Jared and hung out with him once also chatted online with him a lot. I won't say anything about the multi accounting it is what it is but as a person Jared is a great guy and I always felt he got a bad wrap around here. He's the type of guy that would go above and beyond to help any of his friends and he's a great guy to talk to. Anyways I just wanted to chime in and share my positive experiences with him.
Great so he's nice to his friends and a total pos to strangers while they're working for no reason. Great guy!
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-24-2016 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by ChanY
Pencil neck tough guys writing cool sentences about how cool they are and how un cool Jared is. WSOP ban for the year is fine, but perma banning him just for this is way off.

Not like you perma ban someone from the NBA for punting the ball out of the pitch or somehow try to destroy the ball, albeit you might get warned or w/e.
Oh so now pretend playing in the wsop as a customer is the same as playing in the NBA as a world class athlete making millions of not tens of millions with a strong union. Perfect analogy.
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-24-2016 , 11:31 AM
You certainly know your audience travail20011.
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-24-2016 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by smashed you bro
"Hey Jared, let's say you're playing live and someone says 'give me a ****ing payout ticket' and then crumples up his cards before leaving. Do you think it's justified to ban them?"
"......................*blank stare*....................*stare intensifies*..............*looks away*"

(i love durrs face during the question, at 32 second mark)

i remember actively cringing when i watched the PLO PAD for the first time. by far the most socially awkward, painfully non-self aware moron there is on the planet. it physically hurt me to watch him ask these ridiculous questions to ivey and others, or make statements out of left field to others. did nobody teach him how to interact with others while he was growing up? or was he too pampered and spoiled over there in long island?

i think the lifetime ban is insane, fwiw, even though i hate this guy with a passion. reserve a severe punishment like that for a physical assault, cheating, theft, etc. if they warned him multiple times and he kept doing it, id say banning him for the rest of the series, or perhaps all of next years series considering this one is almost over, would be sufficient. if he comes back next time and keeps it up, lengthen the ban each time. but lifetime for ripping cards? nah. hellmuth would get a 1 round penalty. "honey, i was so steamed i just ripped my cards in half! and these moron floor guys gave me a freakin penalty! can you believe it, honey? i played so good!"
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-24-2016 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by R*R
A life time ban for this is way to harsh. They need to save that for things like physical abuse.
Based on his online behaviour and other sources. This is likely just one out of many things he did to get this punishment.
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-24-2016 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by you_wot_m8
did nobody teach him how to interact with others while he was growing up? or was he too pampered and spoiled over there in long island?
Appearing on a televised poker show with far more famous players isn't a normal social situation where you get a lot of advance experience. I imagine a lot of people would look similarly awkward no matter their background.
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-24-2016 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Flop artist
Jared is a spoiled brat. He grew up in a multimillion dollar home in Roslyn Long Island. His father works for Carl Icahn (who is rumored to have bankrolled him to get him started). Even if he goes broke, he'll never be broke because daddy will always help him out.
He bought a multimillion dollar apartment in Manhattan that he ran games out of last year raking $50k a week! The game was mostly a credit game (25-50 PLO) and the list of guys that owed money got a little too big for Jared to cover. In the end he screwed a bunch of people who won 6 figures in the game (I believe 500k total) out of their winning and never paid them. This is why he hasn't been in New York much in the last year.
What we have here is a trust fund kid who knows he'll never go life broke.
Wow crazy, any more details?
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-24-2016 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by SootedPowa
this **** was hilarious
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-24-2016 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by King_of_NYC
Remember seeing this right after it aired and thinking that Ivey was being a massive douche. It may have been Jared's first time on TV and first time in a live setting with guys he respects (or did) and is in awe of. Being awkward is not the same as being deliberately rude.

Banning from the series seems fair.
thast fair too. i didnt see the whole episode.
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-24-2016 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by ItsAboutTimeIAte
Wow crazy, any more details?
His mom was involved in underground New York games for 20 years at least. He used to go and lose tons at limit Holdem and stud hi. He was socially awkward back then too
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-24-2016 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by smashed you bro
"Hey Jared, let's say you're playing live and someone says 'give me a ****ing payout ticket' and then crumples up his cards before leaving. Do you think it's justified to ban them?"
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-24-2016 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by you_wot_m8
i think the lifetime ban is insane, fwiw, even though i hate this guy with a passion. reserve a severe punishment like that for a physical assault, cheating, theft, etc.

No its totally justified. Ive been playing poker for 7 years and ive NEVER seen a person crumple or rip cards. Thousands of hours and its yet to happen. Banning him is GREAT.

Im already pretty verbal at the table but id RIP into a person if they wasted the tables time making us replace an abused deck. Id make them feel like human garbage.

actually excited to one day see it happen. i want to know what human garbage looks like in person. So far I just know Jared.
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-24-2016 , 06:05 PM
Especially after multiple warnings not to do it. He prob figured he was busted and they couldn't penalize him. He's also been a giant tool/baby many other times. I doubt it's really a lifetime ban, probably can get reinstated in a year or two.
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-25-2016 , 05:10 PM
You have to respect the game, the venue and the equipment
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-25-2016 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by King_of_NYC
Remember seeing this right after it aired and thinking that Ivey was being a massive douche. It may have been Jared's first time on TV and first time in a live setting with guys he respects (or did) and is in awe of. Being awkward is not the same as being deliberately rude.
Possible he knows that Jared is multiaccounting high stakes PLO, as he plays it himself?

If so, I think everyone's attitude is pretty reasonable.
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-26-2016 , 01:28 PM
Yes, Jared grew up a rich kid. So what. Flop artist right about that. But, wrong about buying a apartment in NYC. He rented it for a year in met tower for a game. Think you have the Carl Ichan thing mixed up with A Mosseri. Mosseri is the guy that started playing Carl 20 years ago while on Wall Street. Backgammon and chess. Mosseri and his wife has a ongoing game with Carl at Iltinelo restaraunt on 56 th street a block from Jareds old apartment. So, believe you have this mixed up somewhat.
Heard in Bobbys room everyone in NYC has been paid ( I assume you are talking about Steve) and they have no problem with Jared.
Aaron Katz was a regular in that game and lost a mint and took time for his daddy to cover it. Aaron's daddy is richer then Jareds by a long slide. They call Jared...Jared Katz and Aaron..Aaron blesnick.
Aaron and Jared are now secret friends. Neither wants to take on each other's bad reputations so, they have formerly announced they hate each other and are no longer friends. They made the big announcement 6 weeks ago.
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-26-2016 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by the pleasure
this **** was hilarious
That was difficult to watch, I had to cut it off about 30 seconds in.

Hearing him formulate and ask those questions; I kept thinking of the kid from A Bronx Tale, (especially during the voice overs) .... and look what happened to that kid later on the Sopranos and then in real life.
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
06-26-2016 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Geezer Soze
That was difficult to watch, I had to cut it off about 30 seconds in.

Hearing him formulate and ask those questions; I kept thinking of the kid from A Bronx Tale, (especially during the voice overs) .... and look what happened to that kid later on the Sopranos and then in real life.
I remember him in Sopranos, but what happened in real life?
High stakes pro Jared Blesnick barred from WSOP for l̶i̶f̶e̶ a few days Quote
