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High Stakes Multi Table Reality Check High Stakes Multi Table Reality Check

03-12-2010 , 06:26 PM
And yet Ivey still wins all the money.
High Stakes Multi Table Reality Check Quote
03-12-2010 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by iikimousa
I mean, I don't know about y'all... but when it comes to computers, I know what I like. And when it comes to millions of dollars, I'm gonna wanna have it all at my fingertips, best of everything. I'm definitely NOT gonna be sitting there counting outs on my windows calculator or something.
I count outs with my brain.

That's just me, though. I'm weird.

High Stakes Multi Table Reality Check Quote
03-12-2010 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by iikimousa
and these players are amazing. I'm just wondering, what is the max +EV strategy to deal with the online HU multitable high stakes scenario.
probably to lock yourself in a room and focus
High Stakes Multi Table Reality Check Quote
03-12-2010 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by iikimousa
Sweet set up...
High Stakes Multi Table Reality Check Quote
03-12-2010 , 07:32 PM
wtf is going on in this thread? cliffs one time!
High Stakes Multi Table Reality Check Quote
03-12-2010 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by shparoga
wtf is going on in this thread? cliffs one time!


more nonsense

the end
High Stakes Multi Table Reality Check Quote
03-13-2010 , 10:17 PM
yet more gibberish

float isildur_AF_adjust(int currentBankroll, int sessionProfitLoss,
int numCurrentTables, float & isildur_AF)

if(sessionProfitLoss > 4000)
//winning session
if(currentBankroll < sessionProfitLoss)
AF = (AF - 0.15);

if(AF > 0.0)
return AF;
return isildur_AF;

//has won MORE than current bankroll this session

AF = isildur_AF - 0.3;

if(AF > 0.0)
return AF;
return isildur_AF; //no adjustment


else if(sessionProfitLoss > -4000 && sessionProfitLoss < 4000)
//breakeven session
return isildur_AF; //no adjustment

if(sessionProfitLoss < 0)

//losing session

if(currentBankroll < sessionProfitLoss)
AF = (AF + 0.15);

if(AF < 1.0)
return AF;
return isildur_AF; //no adjustment

//has lost MORE than current bankroll this session

AF = isildur_AF + 0.35;

if(AF < 1.0)
return AF;
return isildur_AF;

High Stakes Multi Table Reality Check Quote
03-13-2010 , 10:36 PM
"Reality check" isn't quite an appropriate title.
High Stakes Multi Table Reality Check Quote
03-14-2010 , 03:43 AM
Anyways, I want to kind of back away from this thread a bit... and clarify that what I speculated/asked about in the original post is NOT necessarily something that I think is happening. In any case, it is not what is especially interesting to me -- I'm much more interested in the study of poker strategy, and I definitely feel like there are more levels of learning above me, and THAT is what interests me about poker.

I certainly don't want to be some kind of naysayer or skeptic, and to be honest, until this isildur phenomenon occurred, I never gave much thought at all to watching some dudes play HU plo or holdem online. I think I mentioned, that I play more live than online, and that I haven't really used poker tracker sofwares very much. I bought a couple, but they all seemed to have bugs or configuration issues, and I never felt like hassling with them that much. I'm sure as of 2010 there are some really good versions now so I probably purchase another one and give it a try.

So, I don't know why I made the original posting... I guess when I was watching one of the isildur matches on 6 HU tables simultaneously, and I was struggling to even keep track of what is happening, I started just to think "why it gotta be on 6 tables?" Y'know? I mean, is it like some Bobby Fischer thing, like we gotta prove not just we can play, but also we can play on six tables at once? Or what? I've heard some players won't play one two or three tables, but demand 4+ for heads up showdown -- is that because 3 tables for $200k each is boring? Is it not a game unless it is 4-6 tables?

Anyway, so when I was contemplating that, and plus saw the AQ drunk crew video and some other vids, and was thinking about the hand history/number crunching softwares... it just made me think, wouldn't it be easier to use a team? And what does you guys think... is that ******ed idea, or not really? Is it something well known? Known but not discussed? Completely absurd? Never dreamed of? I mean... what?

Because ESPN was trying to make a national news story over the allegations that some hand histories were looked at, combined, shared or talked about or whatever... which even to a tourist like me seemed absolutely laughable.

But anyway, the more I think of it, the more I think the idea is a non-starter, and in any case I don't like the vibe of it... it seems to piss everybody off or something... I thought I might get some takers who would seriously speculate on it. Anyway I will drop this thread, it is kind of boring and annoying... something about it and the responses that I get seem to make me a bit annoying even to myself. And as I said, I really like the game of poker, and really admire the top players. Currently reading Rizen/Pearljammer volume 2, and wow blown away those guys have really thought things through.

Ok. Well, the one objection I thought was best, out of the ones posted, was that it would be irritating/distracting to the main player, if other players were shouting over his shoulder, and would detract from his game... whereas the lone master player could play much better by focusing and zoning in on the 4-6 screens, with the help of standard (or custom) poker stat software. And I guess I agree with this pretty solidly, although I would say, that IF there were a team (and I think I mentioned this) then there would be ONE player in charge, who made all final decisions, and who would only be spoken to if he asked a question. A captain so to speak.

The other scenario, would be that instead of the "captain" manning the main workstation, there is just an efficient mouse clicker... a drone, maybe some girl or something who doesn't even know how to play, but will just follow orders to the letter. Then you've got each FT table/screen mirrored over to the actual players... they make decisions, and when they click, the action is relayed to the drone. So, just imagine, like when you're watching some high profile match, and so and so raises or whatever. And you're saying "shove shove shove!!" only if you were on the team, you'd know your hole cards, and you click the "shove" button on the comm software, and then the person at the table does what you say. You could have a special network software to do this, or you could just use messenger, with a different messenger window set next to each table/screen. The "clicker" would just be watching all the IMs, and as they ring/beep with a new message, performing the action. Messages would always be simple: fold. Call. Raise $x. Raise all in. Etc. As long as each player covered their table(s), the clicker person should be able to keep up with the 6 tables, and you could effectively play 4 against 1. Again, if I was going to continue to wonder about this, I might look at hand histories for different tables and evaluate if they're key statistical values differed at all across tables.

and again... originally I posted just kind of wondering about it... just goofing off. But since some people posted and said "impossible" or "absurd" well there ya go. If in a six table HU match, it would be an advantage to have 20 seconds to make a decision, as opposed to 2 seconds; and if it was an advantage to be able to focus in on one or two tables and not simultaneously make decsions on six tables... the theoretically some such strategy would be +EV. And realistically, I don't see how it can be really enforceable or even fair to say it is against the rules to communicate about poker hands during a game if only one account is being played.

again I would like to see isildur1 in highest stakes NHE showdowns with top superstars including Ivey and other big name TV and online pros. I'd like to see it, just to get some idea of what makes him so darn good.

ok end of ramble
High Stakes Multi Table Reality Check Quote
03-14-2010 , 05:04 AM
Isildur always wants at least 6 tables because he's a young kid with ADD and he also treats his bankroll like play money.
High Stakes Multi Table Reality Check Quote
03-14-2010 , 05:19 AM
High Stakes Multi Table Reality Check Quote
03-14-2010 , 05:30 AM
this isn't some "isildur phenomenon". people have 4-6 tabled hu way before him. i have personally 6-tabled someone hu at 2/4 nl. i know many msnl/hsnl guys that can 6-table hu versus the same person without sacrificing much edge if any.

the only thing unique about isildur is his matches were at nosebleed stakes.
High Stakes Multi Table Reality Check Quote
03-14-2010 , 05:31 AM
I think that multiple players "telling echother" what to do on multiple screen will probably reduce theyr edge...
High Stakes Multi Table Reality Check Quote
03-14-2010 , 05:51 AM
Players teaming up using string and cans seems the most plausible explanation here.
High Stakes Multi Table Reality Check Quote
