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Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free!

02-17-2020 , 04:42 AM
So who is taking care of security? or in other words who is responsible? Or are player to trust everything is on the up and up?
who is taking care of all back-office related stuff?

Crypto is not a solution to any of this.
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-17-2020 , 05:37 AM
Originally Posted by PeteBlow
Probably not a good idea to have the code for a poker site as open source.
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-17-2020 , 06:32 AM
Like some sites succeed, it is possible for a rake-free pokerroom also to succeed but it is very difficult and it needs to have a good reason to think that it will succeed or it won't.

I have supported many low to no rake sites in the past but others didn't so they went down or didn't grow, or became a part of a network. Sites haven't hired house players for years. There are other ways to get such players to play on the site.

What makes it tough is that just a small percentage of players are willing to play when there are virtually no recreational or weaker players, so weaker regs drop out and then the next weakest and so on. Very few reg players will give the site any support anyway; not sure why that is so but that's how it is; it is at least a lack of weaker players issue and not understanding the benefits of supporting a lower rake site. No one will build a site that will cost them money to build.

A pool is a good format, as when it gets up and running, it doesn't break as easily and there are less heads up and supershort issues. Zoom is still way better.

The rake-free doesn't mean there is no rake, just that anyone winning at the table will not be a loser but pays a cut of his winnings to the house. Similar to a juice but as a cash game and maybe some hybrid is also possible. Whatever gets the players.

The incomes will be much less so for the house but that is the future and under the current games woud be the most welcome. There has been sites like that but no success. How to get the costs down to make such a site up and running profitably enough needs a plan.

Many esport and other gaming sites run next to free and funnily, the most costly for the players (and the smallest esports prizes) are the card games there also but even then, they cost only hundreds per year and can be played for hardcore money on sit & go sites or as bigger tournaments for free and invite/earned.
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-17-2020 , 06:52 AM
Originally Posted by ligastar
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-17-2020 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by PeteBlow
I'm surprised to see someone who has industry experience make such a seemingly uninformed statement is all.
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-17-2020 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by ligastar
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-17-2020 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by ligastar
I'm surprised to see someone who has industry experience make such a seemingly uninformed statement is all.
There is nothing uninformed about that statement. Having open source code for a poker site is definitely a bad idea. It's a lot easier to find an exploit if you can see the code. For e.g. (not the strongest example but an easy one), computers can't generate random numbers. They usually take outside data for that. If you expose where that data is gathered from and which RNG algorithm is used, someone might be able to replicate the RNG and predict it with 100% accuracy .
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-17-2020 , 01:05 PM
I still don’t know how that gif gets to that. I must be getting old.
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-17-2020 , 01:41 PM
This is probably the 20th time I've seen this type of thread on 2p2

When people suggest this terrible idea ignoring the fact of how will you get bad players to play,they should ask themselves why would anyone ever do this?
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-17-2020 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by ishipkq
...Having open source code for a poker site is definitely a bad idea. It's a lot easier to find an exploit if you can see the code. For e.g. (not the strongest example but an easy one), computers can't generate random numbers. They usually take outside data for that. If you expose where that data is gathered from and which RNG algorithm is used, someone might be able to replicate the RNG and predict it with 100% accuracy .
This is deeply flawed and deeply wrong.

a) There's no reason that having open source code for a poker site is inherently bad. There are far more important pieces of software in the world than poker sites which are open source, and their openness helps to prevent there from being any exploits.

b) Computers can generate random numbers, with the right hardware and input devices. They've been used to generate random numbers in online poker for almost 20 years now. This comment of yours is just misinformed - the fact that you don't know how to do something doesn't mean it is impossible.

c) I'm broadly skeptical of efforts to promote security-through-obscurity, and suspect that such efforts won't succeed in the long run. People who think that poker sites are more secure because their less transparent about what their software does come from a very different security-point-of-view to mine.
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-17-2020 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
...they should ask themselves why would anyone ever do this?
The world's most common computer operating system is created by open source volunteers, the world's biggest and most comprehensive encyclepedia is created by open source volunteers. There are a huge volume of open source volunteers who do things because they enjoy the challenge, and enjoy being part of the community, because they find the resulting software useful (and many other reasons!)
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-17-2020 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Josem
the world's biggest and most comprehensive encyclepedia is created by open source volunteers.
...whose info is regularly injected with misinformation by pranksters and who regularly runs funding drives and states it would not be able to continue without meeting its funding goals.

Open source is fine for some things. It doesn't mean essential tasks, maintenance, inspections, and protection will be performed in a timely fashion by a decentralized group of unpaid volunteers for things like a poker site where security is critical.
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-17-2020 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Josem
This is deeply flawed and deeply wrong.

a) There's no reason that having open source code for a poker site is inherently bad. There are far more important pieces of software in the world than poker sites which are open source, and their openness helps to prevent there from being any exploits.

b) Computers can generate random numbers, with the right hardware and input devices. They've been used to generate random numbers in online poker for almost 20 years now. This comment of yours is just misinformed - the fact that you don't know how to do something doesn't mean it is impossible.

c) I'm broadly skeptical of efforts to promote security-through-obscurity, and suspect that such efforts won't succeed in the long run. People who think that poker sites are more secure because their less transparent about what their software does come from a very different security-point-of-view to mine.
oh god i hope you are trolling
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-17-2020 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Josem
This is deeply flawed and deeply wrong.

a) There's no reason that having open source code for a poker site is inherently bad. There are far more important pieces of software in the world than poker sites which are open source, and their openness helps to prevent there from being any exploits.

b) Computers can generate random numbers, with the right hardware and input devices. They've been used to generate random numbers in online poker for almost 20 years now. This comment of yours is just misinformed - the fact that you don't know how to do something doesn't mean it is impossible.

c) I'm broadly skeptical of efforts to promote security-through-obscurity, and suspect that such efforts won't succeed in the long run. People who think that poker sites are more secure because their less transparent about what their software does come from a very different planet to mine.
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-17-2020 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Eponymous
...whose info is regularly injected with misinformation by pranksters and who regularly runs funding drives and states it would not be able to continue without meeting its funding goals.
And yet, it's still more accurate than the so-called professional alternatives.

Open source is fine for some things. It doesn't mean essential tasks, maintenance, inspections, and protection will be performed in a timely fashion by a decentralized group of unpaid volunteers for things like a poker site where security is critical.
Of course open source software isn't perfect. It can be good, it can be bad.

Similarly, proprietary software isn't perfect. It can be good, it can be bad.

It seems that open source software requires a critical mass to maintain a decent and on-going community. It's unlikely to obtain that in the online poker context.
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-17-2020 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by TheGodson
I remember pitching this idea a year or so back in a thread I created. I got a lot of hate for it. Lol.

I think it will eventually happen. Technology will advance to make this a reality.

Crypto currency may be the answer in some way.
crypto saving poker:2+2 = godwins law:rest of the internet
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-18-2020 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by TheGodson
I remember pitching this idea a year or so back in a thread I created. I got a lot of hate for it. Lol.

I think it will eventually happen. Technology will advance to make this a reality.

Crypto currency may be the answer in some way.
wow, you had this great idea before

Originally Posted by borg23
This is probably the 20th time I've seen this type of thread on 2p2
anyways ...

Originally Posted by ishipkq
computers can't generate random numbers. They usually take outside data for that. If you expose where that data is gathered from and which RNG algorithm is used, someone might be able to replicate the RNG and predict it with 100% accuracy .
software generates pseudo random number, but you can buy hardware that generates true random numbers. so even if the source code (how you use a random binary string to 'shuffle' your deck) is public, the deck is shuffled randomly.

it's basically like an one-time pad encryption. so please explain how anyone could predict this.
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-18-2020 , 04:40 AM
You don’t need to predict it if you’ve replaced it or tampered with it, or even used its outputs to send information to individual players. There wasn’t a question over UB’s RNG, was there?
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-18-2020 , 05:43 AM
as mentioned earlier, this is not a technical issue. Technology will be able and available to have this in place.

The real discussion is on the legal side of things as well as security and back-office/admin stuff which is not free of charge.
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-20-2020 , 08:43 PM
If you could run a poker site open source, and have people see the code inside of it, then you could ensure that the game was a fair deal and that no one had superuser access. It's a huge incentive if someone can make a breaththrough with this idea, but I imagine it would be extremely difficult as any hole card data has to be cached on private servers which is accessible to admins.

If anyone has the capital or interest to start your project, I write software now. I could write most or all of a poker site at this point, but it would take a long time and months of effort.
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-20-2020 , 08:58 PM
I continue to be dumbfounded by the ideas that garner serious discussion in NVG from people I assumed were of sound mind and body (home game pot weight scale thread comes to mind)

Could someone write a community based, open source code set that plays online poker... of course.

Could someone write a community based, open source code set that would enable a commercially viable, online poker site... not in this universe, not in any universe.

And now for something completely different....

Postel cheating thread now has more replies that any thread in the history of NVG.

Please explain

Last edited by PTLou; 02-20-2020 at 09:03 PM.
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-20-2020 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by MikeDeMichele
If anyone has the capital or interest to start your project, I write software now. I could write most or all of a poker site at this point, but it would take a long time and months of effort.
It seems there is interest, but it also seems they expect you and others to donate your effort. The idea being that you would be interested in spending months of your effort without compensation so you can eventually play rake-free poker (if many others also donate months or years of their time). Oh, I forgot that it's possible that some rich people will donate millions toward this effort so that they can eventually play rake-free poker.
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-20-2020 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by Josem
The world's most common computer operating system is created by open source volunteers, the world's biggest and most comprehensive encyclepedia is created by open source volunteers. There are a huge volume of open source volunteers who do things because they enjoy the challenge, and enjoy being part of the community, because they find the resulting software useful (and many other reasons!)
Encyclopedias and computer system aren't remotely the same as lighting tons of money on fire to help mostly dirtbag poker players
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-21-2020 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by PTLou
And now for something completely different....

Postle cheating thread now has almost 1/3 of the replies of the biggest thread in the history of NVG.
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
02-21-2020 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by PeteBlow
Yep. I worked for Bullfrog/EA for 10 years

Guildford is indeed the centre of UK game dev.

Bullfrog, Lionhead, Criterion, Media Molecule, Super Massive, Kuju plus many others all were/are Guildford companies. EA UK are still based here too.
Bullfrog! I had an obsessive problem with Theme Park for awhile as a young child.
Has anyone ever thought about setting up an Open Source Pokersite... Maybe rake free! Quote
