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Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament

07-13-2009 , 06:15 PM
BC-World Series of Poker-Day 10,0234
Stacks rise as players drop at poker world series
Eds: APNewsNow.
Associated Press Writer
LAS VEGAS (AP) - The 2005 World Series of Poker champion says
he's lost all respect for a new brand of extremely aggressive poker
players who seem to want to gamble all their chips on every hand in
the main event.

Joe Hachem said after two hours of poker on Monday that the pace
hasn't slowed down at the no-limit Texas Hold 'em tournament
because many players are willing to risk their tournament with
mediocre hands.

Play started with 185 players and 38 were eliminated in two
hours, despite starting with many chips relative to minimum bets.

Hachem says the overaggressive style is disrespectful to the
tournament, its history and the $8.55 million prize.

Hachem is one of two former main event champions left in the
tournament, along with last year's winner Peter Eastgate.
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:19 PM
Well, he's got disrespectful down to an art so i trust his opinion here
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:19 PM
In other words, he's having trouble dealing with them. He should coauthor Hellmuth's next book.
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:22 PM
LOL Somebody can't handle the 3bet 4bet 5bet game obv.
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:22 PM
Well, he's got disrespectful down to an art so i trust his opinion here

Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:23 PM
lol someone's tilted about getting bluffed
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:24 PM
lol did he really say that? wowww if so...what an idiot
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by Sandbagger666
Well, he's got disrespectful down to an art so i trust his opinion here

+2 god this guy is insufferable!
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:26 PM
Joe Hachem: "I hate when players put pressure on me and force me into making tough decisions cause they see that I'm playing weak/wussy tight and nitty. Why can't they just wait till I have the nuts and THEN go all in??..."
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:27 PM
"Story of my life."
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by AdamSchwartz
Well, he's got disrespectful down to an art so i trust his opinion here
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:29 PM
Kind of off topic but im glad eastgate is making another deep run. And as far as hachem saying that, that was a huge mistake because if he makes it any farther people are just gonna be betting all over him.
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:30 PM
If only he'd had success at a younger age like Hellmuth. They really could go head to head with these types of ridiculous comments. As it stands Hachem is trailing by a wide margin.
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:30 PM
i think hachem just gave the green light to just about everyone to apply as much pressure on him as possible, just knowing hes tilting hard inside
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:30 PM
he is wsop champion i think he knows more about poker than you guys.
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:31 PM
could be a genius level by hachem or he is just an idiot for saying that
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:32 PM
he is wsop champion i think he knows more about poker than you guys.
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by pokernoob12
he is wsop champion i think he knows more about poker than you guys.
Jerry Yang FTW
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:33 PM
jfc is this guy ever not complaining about something?
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:34 PM
This guy keeps getting worse and I didnt think it was possible.
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by pokernoob12
he is wsop champion i think he knows more about poker than you guys.
Lol. So that must mean whatever absolutely ******ed thing he says must be right. Its disrespectful to play No limt Hold-em very aggressively LMAO.

I think maybe I get leveled too easily hmmm . . .
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by KSOT
In other words, he's having trouble dealing with them. He should coauthor Hellmuth's next book.

Brilliant analysis. Clearly correct, given how terrible Hachem has done in the ME.

As far as the OP, I don't know if it's disrespectful, but the entire thing is pretty comical. Reading the updates, it's pretty clear nobody has much interest in playing poker, the entire thing is one big shove-fest once half the field goes busto. You have people moving all in for for 650,000 over an open of 45000. People are open shoving 50xBB stacks with 99, it's insane.
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:37 PM
Sick 9th level thinking by Joe...

All he needs to do now is sit there and wait...
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:37 PM
get a job hachem
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
07-13-2009 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
Does the OP realize that nowhere in the article does Hachem say anything close to "aggro WSOP players are disrespectful to the tournament"?

Mods, please edit the is completely misleading and inaccurate.
And this means what exactly?

"Hachem says the overaggressive style is disrespectful to the
tournament, its history and the $8.55 million prize."
Hachem says aggro WSOP players "disrespectful" to the tournament Quote
