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Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto?

09-02-2010 , 06:59 AM
Gus = recreational losing player!
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 07:20 AM
Maybe he just loves the challenge and wants to become one of the best. If you can afford to, why not keep challenging the best?
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by ArcadianSky
And I'm guessing the past 3.5 years were "just variance"?
He's a massively losing player...there's no debate about it, the results speak for themselves. It's not a matter of IF he is or not, it's a matter of WHY he stubbornly refuses to acknowledge it.
He's more of a marginally losing player than a massively losing player. In PLO he is down $9m in almost 900k hands. Obviously that's a lot of money but it's only about 100 to 150 buyins at his average stake, which means his long term winrate is likely somewhere between -0.5BB/100 and -1BB/100. Pretty marginal and it means that he can have (and in fact has had) huge upswings and downswings that can last for hundreds of thousands of hands and hundreds of buyins. eg.

I know that the standard deviation is about right for Gus.
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 07:27 AM
Originally Posted by Tom Dwans Son
$3 million really isn't that much. Sure, it is a lot for one month, but that's just variance.

As was already pointed out in this thread he's only down 9.2 million in the past 3.5 yrs A player like Gus can win or lose a million in one night. Until he starts losing $3 million every month there really isn't any reason for concern.
As usual the Dwanmeister's son make sense, 3 mill a year is meh for Gus, def must hurt his pride though

Someone please post the interview with Gus a few years back where he claimed he was a winner online??

Hey maybe if people keep ribbing Gus about his loses quoting PTR/HSDB his pride will be hurt enough to go to Howard and ban these fish embarassing sites??
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 07:48 AM
If i was a november nine i would lock gus down for some solid coaching.. worth every penny..
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 08:03 AM
I don't buy that there is THAT much money in Backgammon as people claim, yes some big games, but the "oh gus can lose 3 mil online, he makes so much more in bg" ... really? back up these claims.
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 08:09 AM
Originally Posted by Novelty
I don't buy that there is THAT much money in Backgammon as people claim, yes some big games, but the "oh gus can lose 3 mil online, he makes so much more in bg" ... really? back up these claims.
He's still playing?
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 08:29 AM
where do he get all the money from :O lol
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 08:34 AM
what if he put the 15mil in stocks and tripled it before the market crashed? no one knows what these people do with their money

gus could be worth 100mil
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 08:52 AM
Well he's a member of FT for one so he prob gets aroudn 5mil+ from that a year.
Live games he prob makes money.
He makes a lot at backgammon probably too.

I'm pretty sure 3mil isnt that much to him.
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by KlaSuu
I'm pretty sure 3mil isnt that much to him.
It'd be a sizeable sum to him to lose in 1 month. I don't think many people drop $3M in a month and don't feel a bit bad about it.
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 09:03 AM
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 09:04 AM
He prolly cares about losing 3 million but not enough to stop playing
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by ben wb
Pretty marginal and it means that he can have (and in fact has had) huge upswings and downswings that can last for hundreds of thousands of hands and hundreds of buyins. eg.
have u seen him play ?
its not a "huge downswing", he doesnt run bad. He just gives money for free.
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 09:21 AM
gus is just leveling everyone into thinking he is a losing player. he is going to start trying now and take everyones monies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by Psycho Boy Jack
have u seen him play ?
its not a "huge downswing", he doesnt run bad. He just gives money for free.
I'm not suggesting that he's a winning player against the opposition he plays (it's still possible though but unlikely) but he is definitely not a huge loser in terms of winrate(eg. -5BB/100 or worse). If he was he would be down $50m+ after 900k hands. Guy lost more than twice as much as Gus has in 1/10th of the hands, playing similar stakes.
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 09:24 AM
Serious question, because I have no idea. How much money can there possibly be in "high stakes backgammon"?,569,00.html about all I could find on it. It certainly doesn't seem like something one could make millions of dollars a year at.
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by moki about all I could find on it. It certainly doesn't seem like something one could make millions of dollars a year at.
I guess it depends on what circles you mix in & if you find the people to play against. He won €2M at EPT Monte Carlo in a hotel lobby playing some russian guy. Who's to say there aren't people willing to play that high on a somewhat frequent basis.
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 10:11 AM
He should stop playing nosebleeds, it's embarrassing.

Originally Posted by spino1i
didnt think of this, but this is the most likely explanation. If he has a good % share of FT he is going to have an unlimited supply of money to burn on these high stakes games.
Didn't he used to own a poker related business/website in Denmark, he sold for much $$$?

Originally Posted by VinceS
doesn't he play bg with rich donks for millions?
What type of rich donks play BG for millions? Never heard of this.
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 10:29 AM
The people saying he should stop playing are the same people who'll cry when the nosebleeds are dead because one of the main contributers is gone.
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 10:32 AM
I remember reading that Gus didnt even show up at day 2 of the Ept High Roller in Monte Carlo this year (thats 25K euro buy-in) because he met a russian millionaire the night before who was willing to give him action at backgammon. He won 2 mil euros that night while blinding out of the High Roller...

Pretty sure he's doing fine...
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by spino1i
didnt think of this, but this is the most likely explanation. If he has a good % share of FT he is going to have an unlimited supply of money to burn on these high stakes games.
I dunno if his % in FTP would be enough to offset his losses (maybe it would be, just saying I don't know) but he sold some (poker?) company a few years ago and I've read a few places that his share was $15m. Add live scores, money from playing live fish occasionally and I'm sure after $9m losses he still has a lot of money, plus continuous revenue from FTP.
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 12:14 PM
I'm sure Gus is not busto, but dropping $9 million surely has to hurt somewhat; at the very least, I'm sure his ego has taken a battering.

He also lives a jet-setting, partying lifestyle that I'm sure isn't cheap.
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
I dunno if his % in FTP would be enough to offset his losses (maybe it would be, just saying I don't know) but he sold some (poker?) company a few years ago and I've read a few places that his share was $15m. Add live scores, money from playing live fish occasionally and I'm sure after $9m losses he still has a lot of money, plus continuous revenue from FTP.
I mean, if I had $15 mil or $50, I wouldn't put my money in a place where I consistently lose it, and look like a fool while losing it.

I just don't understand why he hasn't dropped down, or at least, gave us some insight into why he is so stubborn with dropping down. Not that he owes us that, but I think he'd try to protect his image a bit.
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
09-02-2010 , 12:28 PM
Tennis bets,Backgammon,FullTilt money /thread
Gus Hansen up massively in 2010/How is Gus not Busto? Quote
