Originally Posted by +rep_lol
nah, because approximating a GTO solution in HU play took a supercomputer, and 6max is way more complex
poker is very far from being solved and a true GTO solution is one that probably cant even be replicated by humans due to mixing of bet sizings and frequencies.
Stopped reading, due to all the silly back and forth about deserved livelihoods, so this may already have been covered, but I don't want these point to get lost.
1) Liberatus' strategy is proven to work. It is not proven to be GTO. It may be, and probably approximates, but there's no mathematical proof that it even does that. It just maths HU poker better than humans.
2) GTO does not automatically win the most. Anyone saying that does not know what GTO actually means. It doesn't even automatically win, given Vs who don't use dominated strategies (good luck finding any of those at our current understanding of the game) since raked poker is a negative sum game. There are good threads written by mathematicians in both Poker Theory and LLSNL that explain this.
3) (and this is the most important), no one has shown that a multi-way GTO strategy even exists, much less figured out what it might be. Many, many multi-player games do not have a GTO solution. Yes, HU (limit or NL) has a GTO (I haven't seen a mathematical proof of this, but it shares all the features of games that do), but it does not follow that 6-max even has such a solution. This doesn't mean that an AI couldn't learn to beat the best 6-max regs in the relatively near future, but it would not be doing it because the game was solved.